Saturday 29 August 2015

वन रैंक-वन पेंशन - 30 साल की मुराद, बनाम 10 हजार परिवार

वन रैंक-वन पेंशन - 30 साल की मुराद, बनाम 10 हजार परिवार 

बस्ती : 30 वर्षों से उठ रही वन रैंक-वन पेंशन की मुराद पूरी होने का आसार दिखते ही 10 हजार पूर्व सैनिक परिवारों में उम्मीद के दिए जगमगाने लगे हैं। इन सबका कहना है कि असली जश्न तो तब होगा, जब इसकी घोषणा हो जाएगी। 30 साल पहले एक्स सर्विस मैन एसोसिएशन ने सबसे पहले यह आवाज उठाई थी।

पूर्व सैनिकों के लिए यह मांग बेहद अहमियत इसलिए रखती है, क्योंकि 33 साल की उम्र में रिटायर होने के बाद बाकी उम्र पेंशन पर ही गुजारनी होती है। वन रैंक वन पेंशन मतलब अलग-अलग समय पर रिटायर हुए एक ही रैंक के दो फौजियों को समान पेंशन देना। फिलहाल रिटायर होने वाले लोगों को उनके रिटायरमेंट के समय के नियमों के हिसाब से पेंशन मिलती है। यानी जो लोग 25 साल पहले रिटायर हुए हैं उन्हें उस समय के हिसाब से पेंशन मिल रही है जो बहुत कम होती है।

फौजियों की मांग है कि 1 अप्रैल 2014 से यह योजना छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों के साथ लागू किया जाए। सेवानिवृत्त कर्नल केसी मिश्र का कहना है कि हमें तो 33 साल पर ही रिटायर कर दिया जाता है, और उसके बाद सारा जीवन हम पेंशन से ही गुजारते हैं। जबकि अन्य कर्मचारी 60 साल तक पूरी तनख्वाह पाते हैं। ऐसे में दूसरे विभागों को न देखते हुए सैनिकों को यह सुविधा मिलनी चाहिए। रिटायर्ड सैन्यकर्मी लंबे समय से यह मांग कर रहे हैं। इसे लेकर कई पूर्व सैन्यकर्मियों ने अपने पदक लौटा दिए थे। इसकी पहली वजह यह है कि अभी सैन्यकर्मियों को एक ही रैंक पर रिटायरमेंट के बाद उनकी सेवा के कुल वर्ष के हिसाब से अलग-अलग पेंशन मिलती है।

छठां वेतन आयोग लागू होने के बाद 1996 से पहले रिटायर हुए सैनिक की पेंशन 1996 के बाद रिटायर हुए सैनिक से कम हो गई। इसी तरह 2006 से पहले रिटायर हुए मेजर की पेंशन उनके बाद रिटायर हुए अफसर से कम हो गई। मांग उठने की एक वजह यह भी है कि चूंकि सैन्यकर्मी अन्य सरकारी कर्मचारियों की तुलना में जल्दी रिटायर हो जाते हैं, इसलिए उनके लिए पेंशन स्कीम अलग रखी जाए। बकौल मिश्र 30 साल पहले एक्स सर्विस मैन एसोसिएशन बनाकर मांग उठाई गई। 2008 में इंडियन एक्स सर्विसमैन मूवमेंट (आईएसएम) नामक संगठन बनाकर रिटायर्ड फौजियों ने संघर्ष तेज किया। जो अब निर्णायक दौर में पहुंचा है।

इसलिए होती रही देरी
- सरकार को इस बात का भय है कि आर्मी, एयरफोर्स और नेवी के लिए यह योजना लागू करने के बाद कहीं दूसरे अ‌र्द्धसैनिक बलों (पैरामिलिट्री फोर्सेस) की तरफ से भी इस तरह की मांग न उठे।

हालांकि केंद्र ने अब इस पेंशन योजना के लिए अलग प्रशासनिक और आर्थिक ढांचा तैयार कर लिया है।

कब क्या-क्या हुआ
- 1973 तक सेना में वन रैंक वन पेंशन थी। उन्हें आम लोगों से ज्यादा वेतन मिलता था।
- 1973 में आए तीसरे वेतन आयोग ने सशस्त्र बलों का वेतन आम लोगों के बराबर कर दिया।
- सितंबर 2009 में सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सरकार को वन रैंक वन पेंशन पर आगे बढ़ने का आदेश दिया।
- मई 2010 में सेना पर बनी स्थाई समिति ने वन रैंक वन पेंशन लागू करने की सिफारिश की।
- सितंबर 2013 - बीजेपी के प्रधानमंत्री पद के उम्मीदवार नरेंद्र मोदी ने प्रचार के दौरान वन रैंक वन पेंशन लागू करने का वादा किया।
- फरवरी 2014 - यूपीए सरकार ने इसे लागू करने का फैसला किया और 500 करोड़ रुपए का बजट आवंटित किया।
- जुलाई 2014 - मोदी सरकार ने बजट में वन रैंक वन पेंशन का मुद्दा उठाया और इसके लिए अलग से 1000 करोड़ रुपए रखने की बात की।

- फरवरी 2015 - सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सरकार को तीन महीने के अंदर वन रैंक वन पेंशन लागू करने को कहा।

Read at: Jagran

Exemption of Railway employees from National Pension System(NPS): NFIR reference to RB

Exemption of Railway employees appointed on or after 01/01/2004 from the application of National Pension System(NPS): NFIR reference to Railway Board

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

Affiliated to :


The MemberStaff,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Exemption of Railway employees appointed on or after 01/01/2004 from the application of National Pension System(NPS)- reg.
Ref: (i) MS’s do. no. 2012/F(E)III/1/4Pt. dated 04/03/2015 addressed to the Secretary, DoP&T, North Block, New Delhi.
(ii) Adviser, MoF (Department of Financial Services) New Delhi do. no. 08-01/2014-PR dated 15/05/2015.
(iii) Railway Board’s letter No. 2015/E(LR)II/ 13/3 dated 28/07/2015.

Kind attention is invited to the meeting held by the Federations with the Board (MS) on 20th July 2015 on 6 important issues raised by the Federations in their joint representations dated 19th May & 07th July 2015. Also attention is invited to the record note of discussions held on 20th July 2015 vide item no. 2 - “Exemption of Railways from New Pension Scheme-Hon’ble Minister for Railways sent proposal to Finance Minister on 29th March 2014 and thereafter the Railway Board has sent reminder to the MoF.”

In the meeting held on 2oth July 2015, the Railway Board (MS) has made available to the NFIR a copy of reply dated 15th May 2015 received from the department of financial services and suggested that the Federations may study the same and get back. However, on perusal of the contents of reply sent by the Adviser, MoF, the Federation felt disappointed that the points brought out by Hon’ble MR through his D.O. letter dated 29th March, 2014 have not been given weightage by the Finance Ministry. In this connection, NFIR places below vital points which require reconsideration for reviewing the case by the Government of India:-

  • Indian Railways is the complex transportation system fully owned by the Government.
  • The Indian Railways plays crucial role in economic growth of the country, ensuring transportation of various commodities including food-grains, perishables besides eco-friendly transportation of passengers. The services provided by Indian Railways also include rapid movement of army and the para-military forces from one comer to another in the times of crises and when the security of the country is at stake.
The role of Indian Railways thuscannot be underestimated under any circumstances.

2. The New Pension System (NPS) introduced by the Government of India has not been made applicable to the following services/states:-

(a) Personnel in Armed Forces,
(b) Personnel working in para-military establishments,
(c) West Bengal, Kerala & Tripura States.

3. As stated by the Ministry of Finance in its reply, the Government has been able to extend the “benefit of gratuity, invalid pension, family pension, disability pension and extra-ordinary pension on par with the liberalized pension scheme only provisionally”, itself establishes that prima-facie the demand of the Federation seeking coverage of Liberalized Pension Scheme to the Railway employees appointed on or after 01/01/2004 is genuine and merits consideration. 

It is worth-mentioning that though the Indian Army fights war once in decades, the Railway employees face war situations in their day-to-day working viz derailment, accidents, breaches, bandhs, civil disobedience movements, inclement weather conditions etc., and always provide backup support in maintaining supply line. In support, Federation desires to cite following extracts from the report of “The. Railway Safety Review Committee 1998” - Part-I headed by Justice HR Khanna, Retired Supreme Court Judge:-
“During the colonial period, the Railways was conceived and operated as an auxiliary wing of the Army, primarily because it provided the transport muscle that enabled rapid movement of troops across the Indian sub-continent. There was, however, another less visible but important reason for the close linkage with the Army. The colonizers realized that the Railways, by virtue of its complex nature, required a high degree of discipline and efficiency to be able to perform its role as the prime transport mode. This, in turn, meant a system of working more closely allied to the ArmedForces than the sometimes lax civilian forms. Thus historically, Indian Railways (IR) has functioned differently from other Government Institutions.”

In the report, the Justice Khanna had further stated that it is not only unrealistic but also dangerous to treat the Railways and its problems on par with other Government departments which has unfortunately been the case with the Indian Railways post independence.

4. Apart from above, Federation desires to mention that the working of the Indian Railways is quite unique in its nature and distinctive in character. A lot of challenges are required to be faced to make the railway system safe, reliable, efficient and capable of fulfilling the needs of not only of public through transportation of passengers and other products like Iron ore, fertilizers, minerals, food-grains etc., but also ensuring security of the country by reaching the Nation’s borders. During the course of performance of duties a number of Railway employees lose their lives and also sustains injuries like Military and para-military forces. The report submitted by the High Level Safety Review Committee, comprising of Technocrats and Specialists in the field led by eminent scientist Dr Anil Kakodkar had highlighted following figures in respect of railway employees Vis-a-vis passengers/general public killed and injured during the year 2007/08 to 2011:-

(a) Railway employees16008700
(b) Passenger/Public10192110
(c) Unmanned Level crossing723690

The above position is sufficient to prove that the working of Railway staff cannot be treated as less arduous than the Military and Para-military personnel and there is need that Railway employees joined in service on or after 01/01/2004 are exempted from the application of New Pension Scheme, presently called National Pension System and they should continued to be governed by the Liberalized Pension Scheme (called as Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993) or Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993.

5. The uniqueness of Indian Railways and the crucial role played by the Railway employees in providing uninterrupted services for 24 hours a day throughout the year can be gauged from the following factors which cannot be ignored under any circumstances:-
  • hazards induced by job environments, working conditions and capital health which are totally uncommon. These conditions prevail only in Armed Forces,
  • Rigorous medical standards, periodic updating of skills, workforce to prepare itself to match with changed technological up-gradation-Unique to Railways.
  • Railway employees job profile have built in integration of performance-cum-safety, execution-cum-self certification besides extended duty hours demanded by critical operational regime,
  • Like Armed Forces, the Railway employees are expected to remain at their Headquarters/ Stations even while availing periodic rest and they should report to duty in exigency or emergency and in the event of any untoward eventuality. Without prior permission they cannot leave Headquarters even during Rest Day. This system is not prevailing in any other Central Government Organization,
  • Even when ‘they avail leave, they are expected to give the ‘address on leave’ facilitating the Railway management to summon them to take up duty at a short notice. This is akin to that of Armed Forces.
  • Railway employees are expected to rise to the occasion in the event of any crisis like accidents, floods, sabotage etc., voluntarily even while on leave and assist the system.
The above provisions are in-built in various Rules laid down by the Railways.

5.1 The uniqueness in duties performed by the Railway employees are unmatched & second to none, is that the employee has to continue on duty and to wait for his reliever to take charge and he is not expected to leave the post although duty hours are completed unless and until his reliever reports and takes charge, e.g. Train Controller, Station Master, Electric Signal Maintainer, Technical staff, Loco Pilots, Guards, Points Men, Technical Supervisors etc. Thus their nature of duties is similar to that of defence personnel.

5.2 The Railway employees are exposed to risks in the course of performance of their duties as listed below:-
  • While performing duties whether running the trains, maintaining Tracks/S&T assets and attending to under-gears of the rolling stock (the staff sneak in between two rails, for maintenance purpose for ensuring train formations fit to run).
  • Continuously working under open Sky, in remote/jungle areas facing inclement weather conditions, susceptible to air pollution and high decibel noise which are unique so far as hazardous working conditions faced by vast majority of railway employees similar to the conditions faced by army personnel during conflicts with enemy.
  • Vast majority of Railway employees work at remote places, jungle areas and road side stations where amenities and living conditions do not exist - this is similar to that of Defence forces,
  • Nature of Railwaymen’s working is against cultural harmony, biological clock i.e. round the clock working in shifts, continuous night duties resulting into irregular living like that of military/para-military personnel.
  • Railway employees are exposed to attacks by anti-social elements in the course of performing duties similar to the situations faced by para-military staff,
  • Railway employees are liable for criminal prosecution in case if accidents as their duties are connected with the movement of trains round the clock with high degree of,safety standards while ensuring punctuality - a peculiar situation which is not faced by the staff of any other Ministry/Department of Central Government,
  • The duties of Railway employees are strenuous as Indian Railways is an operational transportation network. Continuous stress and strain in the course of performing duties has been resulting in health hazards like Hyper-tension, diabetes, Ulcer, Cardiac problems leading to premature deaths, medical invalidation at a scale larger than Armed/para-military forces. It is reported that the number of deaths while on duty or in service or on leave/sick is nearly 10000 per annum. This alarming number of deaths is due to various difficult and unbearable working conditions.
  • Rail work force are expected to possess quick reflexes like that of armed forces for ensuring safe and efficient train operations.

The dedicated and devoted services of Railway employees is a real contributing factor for running this important transportation system efficiently without dislocation. The earnings generated by the Indian Railways due to continued efficient services of employees of all categories have not only resulted in substantial improvement of this massive transportation system but also made I.R., to meet the expenditure towards staff wages, allowances, pension liabilities etc., without depending upon Central Government, thus proved capable to absorb these commitments from its own resources.

The country as well as the Indian Railways should feel proud of its work force which has been working relentlessly for providing satisfactory services to the Customer. Healthy Industrial Relations have been built by pursuing mutual trust and co-operation among the staff of all categories as well as the management during the last 40 years. Not a single man-day has been lost on employees’ account during the last four decades period in the Railways due to disciplined
work culture inbuilt among the employees.

The New Pension Scheme has unfortunately resulted into disappointment and frustration among railway employees. This issue needs to be addressed for ensuring equal justice to all employees irrespective of their date of appointment whether they are pre 01/01/2004 or post 01/01/2004. Withdrawal of New Pension Scheme in Railways would contribute for preserving healthy industrial relations and contribute for improved efficiency and best operating ratio.

NF IR, therefore, requests the Railway Ministry (MS) to kindly impress upon the Finance, Ministry, DoPT and DPPW the need to take action for exempting Railway employees from National Pension System (NPS). Hon’ble MR may also be apprised of the communication sent by his predecessor to the then Finance Minister seeking exemption for Railway employees from NPS to facilitate his intervention early.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Strike on 2nd Sep, 2015: Govt assured on Bonus enhancement, Wages formula and Union agreed to reconsider the proposed strike

Strike on 2nd Sep, 2015: Govt assured on Bonus enhancement, Wages formula and Union agreed to reconsider the proposed strike:
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment

27-August-2015 21:05 IST

Inter Ministerial Committee Holds Wider Consultations with Trade Unions on Charter of Demands Appeals to Reconsider Proposed Call for Strike in View of Discussions

The Second meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) continued discussion on 12 Demands Charter of Trade Unions for the second day here today in continuation of discussions held yesterday. The Committee comprises Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, MoS(IC) Labour and Employment, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, MOS(IC) Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Jitendra Singh, MoS DOPT, and Shri Piyush Goel, MoS (IC),Power. During the discussions Trade Unions expressed concern and asked for clarifications on their demands. Addressing their concerns and expectations, the Finance Minister explained policies on which the Government is working and assured that the Government is committed to welfare of labour. Underlining the importance of role of Trade Unions, Shri Jaitely assured the Central Trade Unions that all labour laws reforms will be done with due discussions and tripartite consultations.

In view of the discussions held in conducive and cordial atmosphere, the IMC appealed to Trade Unions to reconsider the proposed call for strike on 2nd September, 2015.The Trade Unions have agreed to consider the appeal.

In view of the suggestions given by Central Trade Unions in the meetings held on 19th July, 26th August and 27th August, 2015, the Government assured the following :

1. Appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable to all employees across the country.

2. For the purposes of bonus the wage eligibility limit and calculation ceiling would be appropriately revised. Earlier in 2006-07 the calculation ceiling was decided at Rs.3500/- and eligibility limit was wage of Rs.10,000/- per month which is proposed to be revised to Rs.7,000 and Rs.21,000 respectively.

3. The Government is expanding the coverage of social security and working out ways to include construction workers, Aanganwari workers ,ASHA workers and Mid Day Meal workers.

4. Regarding contract workers the Government assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. Moreover, the Government is working out ways so that workers of industries will get sector specific minimum wages.

5. Government has already enhanced minimum pension for EPFO members and every pensioner gets minimum pension of Rs.1000/- per month perpetually.

6. Labour laws reforms will be based on tripartite consultations as already stated by the Prime Minister. The States are also being advised to follow the tripartite process.

7. For strict adherence to labour law enforcement, advisory has been issued to the State/UT Governments and strict monitoring has been initiated by Central Government.

8. For employment generation Mudra Yojana, Make in India, Skill India and National Career Service Portal initiatives have been taken.

9. Abolition of interviews for all primary jobs which do not require any special knowledge/expertise, is being done for transparency and expediting the process of recruitment.

10. Inflation is lowest in the last many years excepting two items onion and pulses. Government is taking necessary steps to contain the higher prices of these two commodities also.

It was further clarified that there is no ban on filling up of vacancies in Government jobs and all concerned Departments are taking necessary action to fill-up these vacancies. It was further assured that the Government is committed to job security, wages security and social security to the workers. The issue of equal wages for equal work for contract workers is an issue requiring wider consultations and a committee will be constituted, if required.

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Salary Hike for Government Employees Likely to be Delayed by 2 Months

NEW DELHI:  A salary hike for lakhs of government employees will be delayed by two months by a panel that decides on their salaries, according to sources.

The 7th Pay Commission is not expected to lower or increase the retirement age for 54 lakh government employees, but its final report on salary hike that was to be submitted to the Centre by the end of this month, has been delayed till September 15.

According to sources, there will be no interim report of the Commission, and the new wage salary whenever accepted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's National Democratic Alliance, will be effective from January 1 next year.

The chairman of the 7th Pay Commission, Justice AK Mathur has asked for a two month extension from the government. The Commission was appointed by the previous UPA regime in February 2014, and was given 18 months to submit its report.

Nearly 90 per cent of government employees work in the armed and paramilitary forces, while others are in railways and postal department.

Sources said that the Commission was hoping that the government would take a call on One Rank One Pension, so they could modulate their own formulation in terms of pay revision.

The Commission is also expected to take a call on lateral entry and performance based pay, which has been discussed for years, but with no real solution.

During the monsoon session of Parliament earlier this month, the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework Statement tabled in Parliament said, that the salary outgo of central government employees will rise 9.56 per cent to Rs. 1,00,619 crore in the current fiscal year.

Next year, it could increase further at 15.79 per cent to nearly Rs. 1.16 lakh crore, with the likely implementation of the 7th Pay Commission award, said the statement tabled by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.


Inter Ministerial Committee Holds Wider Consultations with Trade Unions on Charter of Demands Appeals to Reconsider Proposed Call for Strike in View of Discussions

The Second meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) continued discussion on 12 Demands Charter of Trade Unions  for the second day here today in continuation of discussions held yesterday.

   The Committee comprises Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, MoS(IC) Labour and Employment, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, MOS(IC) Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Jitendra  Singh, MoS DOPT, and Shri Piyush Goel, MoS (IC),Power. During the discussions Trade Unions expressed concern and asked for clarifications on their demands. Addressing their concerns and expectations, the Finance Minister explained policies on which the Government is working and assured that the Government is committed to welfare of labour.  Underlining the importance of role of Trade Unions,  Shri Jaitely  assured the Central Trade Unions that  all labour laws reforms will be done with due discussions and tripartite consultations.

In view of the discussions held in conducive and cordial atmosphere, the IMC appealed to Trade Unions to reconsider the proposed call for strike on 2nd September, 2015.The Trade Unions  have agreed to consider the appeal.

In view of the suggestions given by Central Trade Unions in the meetings held on 19th July, 26th August and 27th August, 2015, the Government assured the following :

1.       Appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable to all employees across the country.

2.       For the purposes of bonus the wage eligibility limit and calculation ceiling would be appropriately revised. Earlier in 2006-07 the calculation ceiling was decided at Rs.3500/- and eligibility limit was wage of Rs.10,000/- per month which is proposed to be revised to Rs.7,000 and Rs.21,000 respectively.

3.       The Government is expanding the coverage of social security and working out ways to include construction workers, Aanganwari workers ,ASHA workers  and Mid Day Meal workers..

4.       Regarding contract workers the Government assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages.  Moreover, the Government is working out ways so that workers of industries will get sector specific minimum wages.

5.       Government has already enhanced minimum pension for EPFO members and every pensioner gets minimum pension of Rs.1000/- per month perpetually.

6.       Labour laws reforms will be based on tripartite consultations as already stated by the Prime Minister.  The States are also being advised to follow the tripartite process.

7.       For strict adherence to labour law enforcement, advisory has been issued to the State/UT Governments and strict monitoring has been initiated by Central Government.

8.       For employment generation Mudra Yojana, Make in India, Skill India and National Career Service Portal initiatives have been taken.

9.       Abolition of interviews for all primary jobs which do not require any special knowledge/expertise, is being done for transparency and expediting the process of recruitment.

10.   Inflation is lowest in the last many years excepting two items onion and pulses. Government is taking necessary steps to contain the higher prices of these two commodities also.


Tuesday 25 August 2015

27th meeting of SCOVA is scheduled to be held shortly

27th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) is scheduled to be held shortly under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS (PP): DoPPW's OM

SCOVA Meeting
F. No. 42/07/2015-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003
Date: ash/Aug, 2015


Subject : 27th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) is scheduled to be held shortly under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS (PP).

The 27th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) of the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare is scheduled to be held shortly. The details of the date, time and venue of the meeting will follow. The meeting will be chaired by the Hon’ble Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Pubic Grievances & Pensions.

2. All the Pensioners Associations under SCOVA as notified vide this Department’s Resolution No 42/08/2013-P&PW(G) dated 25.08.2015 are requested to kindly provide the following requisite
information through fax as well as E-mail:- 

(a) Suggest fresh items/issues, if any, for inclusion in the agenda to be discussed for the proposed meeting. Kindly do not send those agenda items which have already been discussed in the previous SCOVA meetings and on which final decision/action has already been taken. Your response in this regard may please be sent to this Department so as to reach the undersigned latest by 2nd September, 2015 to enable us to finalize the agenda items. Minutes of the meetings and Action Taken Reports of the previous SCOVA meetings are available on the website of this Department - www.pensionersportal. gov. in 

(b) Because of the consideration of space, only one representative of your organization may attend the above said meeting. Confirmation of participation and the name of the participant may kindly be intimated in advance to the undersigned by fax/e-mail.

3. Outstation members will be paid TA/DA and local members will be paid conveyance charges in accordance with the rules/instructions.

4. This Department looks forward to your participation in the meeting.

(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary
Telephone : 24635979
Telefax : 24644637
Email: c.taneja[at][at]

  1. Air Force Association, Air Force Station, Race Course Camp, New Delhi - 110 003.
  2. NF. Railway Pensioners Association, Rest Camp, Pandu, Guwahati- 781012, Assam
  3. Central Government Pensioner Association (CGPA), 4/159, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur- 302017, Rajasthan.
  4. Central Govt. Pensioners Welfare Association (CGPWA), Community Centre, Kendriya Vihar Library, Sector-51, Noida- 201303
  5. Tamilnadu Ex-Services League, No. 10, R.R.Layout, Farakka Nagar Pasumalai, Madurai-625004, Tamilnadu.
  6. Disabled War Veterans (India), B6/6, DLF City, Phase I, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.
  7. Association of Retired Officers of IA&ID, H. No. 2154, Sector 38-C, Chandigarh- 160038
  8. All India Central Government Pensioners Association, EP-233, Naya Bazar, Jalandhar City, Punjab.
  9. Karnataka Posts and Telecom Pensioners Association (R), 165, 4th Main, 3rd Block, 3rd Stage, Banaveshwara Nagar, Bangaluru- 560079
  10. Central Government Pensioners’ Association, “Pension Kendra”, Patturaickal Jn, Thrissur-680022, Kerala.
  11. All India Central Government Pensioners’ Association, 355, Ganga Mandir, Cuttack, Orissa.
  12. Kendriya Nivrutta Karmachari Mandal, “Shiva Suman”, Martanda Complex Complex (back-side), Near Vaduwala Hospital, Kapdi Pole, Vadodara-390001, Gujarat.
  13. Government Pensioners Association, 40/3, Bhandari Bagh, Dehradun- 2480001, Uttarakhand
  14. Central Govt. Pensioners Welfare Association, E-6, Shiv Basav Nagar, Shiv Mandir Road, Ambarnath-421501, Maharashtra
  15. Uttarpara Central Government Pensioners’ Association, Sushma Apartment (Ground Floor), 35, Dwarik Jungle Road, PO Bhadrakalai, Hooghly- 712232, West Bengal

One Rank One Pension, Announcement Likely This Week: NDTV News

PM Handling One Rank One Pension, Announcement Likely This Week: Sources

New Delhi:  Prime Minister Narendra Modi is handling One Rank One Pension or OROP himself now and "positive movement" is expected on the issue this week, sources have told NDTV.

There is speculation that an OROP announcement could come as early as Friday, August 28, the 50th anniversary of the 1965 war with Pakistan.

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar met PM Modi yesterday and sources said only final touches now remain to be given to the new pension plan that the government will announce for ex-serviceman.

OROP, a two-decade old demand for pension parity, was widely expected to be announced by PM Modi in his Independence Day speech on August 15 this year. But it had to be dropped because ex-serviceman and the government failed to agree on when the new package would be effective from.

A protest by veterans at Delhi's Jantar Mantar escalated into a hunger strike by three Army veterans after OROP did not feature in the Prime Minister's list of announcements on Independence Day.

Stepping in to pacify agitating ex-servicemen, the Prime Minister's Office held talks with representatives of the protesters, asking them to give the government 10 more days to iron out differences.

One veteran on hunger strike, Col (retd) Pushpender Singh, was taken to hospital yesterday after he took ill.

Ten former service chiefs wrote to Prime Minister Modi last week expressing "dismay" at the government's handling of OROP and urging it to "settle this issue expeditiously and in an urgent time frame."

The veterans have repeatedly reminded PM Modi that OROP was one of his key promises in the run-up to the national election last year.

OROP is expected to benefit more than three million retired servicemen. It will give equal pension to servicemen retiring at the same rank regardless of when they retire. At present, a soldier who retired many years ago is paid far less than someone several ranks junior to him retiring now.

Read at: NDTV

Issue Plastic I Cards to pensioners retiring from Delhi and other Metropolitan cities/ big cities

Issue Plastic I Cards to pensioners retiring from Delhi and other Metropolitan cities/ big cities: Pensioner Portal Order

No. 41/21/2000-P&PW(D)

NEW DELHI, DATED THE 20th August, 2015


Subject:- Issue of Pensioners’ Identity Card to pensioners.

The undersigned is directed to say that the revised instructions laying down guidelines/ specifications for issue of Identity Card for pensioners have been issued vide this Department’s OM of even no. dated 12.08.2015(copy enclosed). The matter has been reviewed further and in continuation of the aforesaid OM dated 12.08.2015, it has been decided that the Identity Card to pensioners retiring from the Central Government offices in Delhi and other Metropolitan cities/ big cities may be printed as Plastic Cards with the help of PVC Thermal Printer with 600 DPI resolutions. In case such facility for printing of Plastic Card is not available in the office from where the employee is retiring, the Pensioners Identity Card may be got printed locally from the market.

2. All Departments in the Government of India are requested to issue suitable instructions to the Offices under their control in metropolitan cities/ big cities to invariably issue Identity Card to the pensioners in accordance with the above instructions.

(Harjit Singh)
Dy. Secretary to the Govt. of India

Enclosure: Pensioners Identity Card - Revised Format under CCS Pension Rules 1972 & New Pension Scheme

Source: Pensioners Portal

सातवें वेतन आयोग के अंतिम रिपोर्ट में हो सकती है दो महीने की देरी : NDTV

केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों की वेतन बढ़ोतरी में हो सकती है दो महीने की देरी
Reported by NDTV , मंगलवार अगस्त 25, 2015

नई दिल्ली: लाखों केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों के वेतन में बढ़ोतरी में दो महीने की देरी हो सकती है। कर्मचारियों की वेतन बढ़ोतरी के बारे में बनाए गए सातवें वेतन आयोग को इस महीने के आखिर तक अपनी अंतिम रिपोर्ट केंद्र सरकार को सौंपनी थी, लेकिन सूत्रों के मुताबिक इसमें 15 सितंबर तक की देरी होगी।

सातवें वेतन आयोग द्वारा केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों की रिटायरमेंट उम्र घटाने या बढ़ाने की उम्मीद नहीं है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक वेतन आयोग कोई अंतरिम रिपोर्ट पेश नहीं करेगा। पीएम मोदी की एनडीए सरकार भले ही इसे जब भी स्वीकार करे, लेकिन नई सैलरी अगले वर्ष 1 जनवरी से लागू होगी।

सातवें वेतन आयोग के अध्यक्ष जस्टिस एके माथुर ने सरकार से दो महीने का एक्सटेंशन मांगा है। इस आयोग का गठन फरवरी, 2014 में तत्कालीन यूपीए सरकार द्वारा किया गया था और इसे 18 महीने में रिपोर्ट पेश करने को कहा गया था।

केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों में से 90 फीसदी सैन्य और अर्धसैनिक बलों में काम करते हैं, जबकि बाकी रेलवे और डाक विभाग में कार्यरत हैं। सूत्रों के मुताबिक आयोग को उम्मीद थी कि सरकार वन रैंक वन पेंशन पर कोई फैसला लेगी, जिसे उन्हें सैलरी रिविजन करते वक्त ध्यान में रखना होगा।

Read at NDTV

RSTV Vishesh - Aug 21, 2015

All members are requested to see this video

Commemorative Stamp on Samrat Ashoka – 24th August 2015.

Ashoka Maurya, commonly known as Ashoka or Ashoka the Great, was an emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost the entire Indian subcontinent from circa 269 BCE to 232 BCE. Ashoka was born to the Mauryan emperor Bindusara and Dharmā (or Dharmmā). He was the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, founder of Mauryan dynasty. The Avadana texts mention that his mother was queen Subhadrangī. According to Ashokavadana, she was the daughter of a Brahmin from the city of Champa. One of India's greatest emperors, Ashoka reigned over a realm that stretched from the Hindu Kush Mountains in the west to Bengal in the East and covered the entire Indian subcontinent except parts of present-day Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The empire's capital was Pataliputra (in Magadha, present-day Bihar), with provincial capitals at Taxila and Ujjain.
In about 260 BCE Ashoka waged a bitterly destructive war against the state of Kalinga (modern Odisha). He conquered Kalinga, which none of his ancestors had done. He embraced Buddhism after witnessing the mass deaths of the Kalinga War, which he himself had waged out of a desire for conquest. "Ashoka reflected on the war in Kalinga, which reportedly had resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and 150,000 deportations." Ashoka ruled for an estimated forty years. Ashoka converted gradually to Buddhism beginning about 263 BCE. He was later dedicated to the propagation of Buddhism across Asia, and established monuments marking several significant sites in the life of Gautama Buddha. Ashoka is now remembered as a philanthropic administrator.
The Ashoka Chakra (the wheel of Ashoka) was built by Ashoka during his reign. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which also means "cycle" or "self-repeating process". The process it signifies is the cycle of time- as in how the world changes with time. The Ashoka Chakra is a depiction of the Dharmachakra (the Wheel of Dharma). The wheel has 24 spokes which represent the 12 Laws of Dependent Origination and the 12 Laws of Dependent Termination. The Ashoka Chakra has been widely inscribed on many relics of the Mauryan Emperor, most prominent among which is the Lion Capital of Sarnath and The Ashoka Pillar.
The Lion capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four lions standing back to back. It was originally placed atop the Ashoka pillar at Sarnath, now in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The pillar, sometimes called the Ashoka Column is still in its original location, but the Lion Capital is now in the Sarnath Museum. This Lion Capital of Ashoka from Sarnath has been adopted as the National Emblem of India and the wheel "Ashoka Chakra" from its base was placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.
Union Minister for Communications and IT Ravi Shankar Prasad released commemorative stamp on Samrat Ashok at a function held at Vidyapati Bhavan in Patna on 24th August 2015. BJP leaders Shri Sushil Kumar Modi, Shri Nand Kishore Yadav and Shri Mangal Pandey were also present on the occasion.
Commemorative Stamp on Smrat Ashoka released

Revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) to Postmen and remuneration to other postal staff

Revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) to delivery staff and remuneration to other staff: Deptt. of Posts Order

No. 10-7/2001-PE-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sanasad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 14th August, 2015

All Chief Postmasters General,
All Postmasters General,
Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad

Subject: Revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) to delivery staff and remuneration to other staff


I am directed to refer to Directorate letters of even number dated 04.09.2002, 20.01.2003 and 24.11.2010 on the above mentioned subject.

2. The Department has revived a number of references from the staff Associations requesting for upward revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) admissible to Postman Staff. A Committee of Senior Officers was constituted for looking into the issue and the report of the Committee has been examined carefully in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing and the Competent Authority has ordered enhancement of the Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) admissible to Postmen staff. The details are as under:

S.L. No.ItemExisting RateRevised Rate
(a)When one Postman performs duty of an absentee Postman by combination of duties.Rs.50 per dayRs. 94 per day
(b)When two Postmen perform duty of an absentee Postman by sharing the beat.Rs.24 per dayRs.47 per  day

3.           The Competent  Authority  has also ordered fixation / revision of Holiday/Sunday Monetary  Compensation payable to Postmen  Staff and other  Departmental Staff brought on duty on 2nd consecutive Holiday if three consecutive  holidays occur or duty performed on Sunday as shown under:

CadreItemExisting RateRevisedRemarks
Postmen/Sorting PostmenWhen duty performed on Holiday/SundayRs.85Rs.282/- per day for full day duty.Nil
MTSWhen duty performed on Holiday/SundayRs.60Rs.29/-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hoursIf duty performed above 3 hours, the employee is eligible to claim for 3 hours pay only.
Postal AssistantWhen duty performed on Holiday/SundayRs.85Rs.41/-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours
SupervisorWhen duty performed on Holiday/SundayRs.85Rs.47/-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours

4. All other conditions for payment of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) issued vide OM No. 10-23/87-PE-I dated 21.12.1993 and delivery of Unregistered letters on Holidays issued under 9-25/92-C1 dated 10.09.92 will remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on account of revision has to be met from the allocated funds of the units under the prescribed Head of Account.

6. These orders will take effect from the date of issue.

7. This issues in consultation with the Integrated Finance Wing vide their diary number 118/FA/2015/CS dated 14.08.2015.

(Maj S.N.Dave)
Assistant Director General (Estt.)

Source: NFPE