Wednesday 5 August 2015

Grant of funds for Modernisation of Departmental Canteens

Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices: DoPT Order

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 31st July, 2015

Subject : Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices.

The undersigned is directed to state that Department of Personnel and Training has initiated a scheme whereby financial assistance would be provided to individual Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices for the modernisation of Departmental Canteens under their administrative charge.

2. Approved scheme for provision of funds to Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices is enclosed for ready reference. The funds will be provided on first-cum-first serve basis.

3. All Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices are requested to assess the need for modernisation of Departmental Canteens under their administrative charge and forward their preposal for grant of funds to this Department after obtaining the approval of respective IFDs.

(Pratima Tyagi)

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