Friday 11 September 2015

20th All India Postal Carrom Tournament at Postal Training Centre Saharanpur ( 10/09/2015)

डाक प्रशिक्षण केंद्र,सहारनपुर-247002
20वीं अखिल भारतीय डाक कैरम प्रतियोगिता 2015
07 सितंबर 2015 से 11 सितंबर 2015
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति        दिनांक10.09.15
डाक प्रशिक्षण केंद्र सहारनपुर में दिनांक07.09.15 से प्रारम्भ हुई 20वीं अखिल भारतीय डाक कैरम प्रतियोगिता में डबल्स नॉक आउट के मुक़ाबले सम्पन्न हो चुके हैं जिसमे पुरुष वर्ग में तमिलनाडु एवं महिला वर्ग में आंध्र प्रदेश विजेता रहें |

          पुरुष वर्ग के डबल्स मुक़ाबले में तमिलनाडु के श्री सी भारतीदासन और जी डी किशोर कुमार ने अपनी ही टीम के आर धारानी कुमार एवं के तमिल सेलवन को 25-1, 21-20 से हराकर खिताब अपने नाम किया, जबकि उत्तर प्रदेश के मोहम्मद ओवेश एवं इमरान खान ने आंध्र प्रदेश के वी सिवानन्द रेड्डी एवं एम ए हलीम को 25-2, 24-10 से हराकर प्रतियोगिता में तृतीय स्थान प्राप्त किया |
          महिला वर्ग में आंध्र प्रदेश की यू सविता देवी एवं ए रमाश्री ने तमिलनाडु की ए पोन्नारसी एवं आशा पद्मनाभन को    17-15, 10-03 से हराकर महिला डबल्स का खिताब अपने नाम कियाजबकि महाराष्ट्र की सोनल व सुरेखा ने कर्नाटक की एस चंडिका एवं डी वी इन्दिरा को 19-0, 6-8, 6-4 से हराकर टूर्नामेंट में तृतीय स्थान प्राप्त किया | अपनी- अपनी टीमों के बेहतर प्रदर्शन से तमिलनाडु  की कोच श्रीमती सुगन्ती जयसीलनमैनेजर एम ई सेकर, आंध्र प्रदेश के कोच श्री एस राजेन्द्र ,  मैनेजर श्रीपती कामले, उत्तर प्रदेश के कोच श्री पी के निगम,मैनेजर श्री शंकर चंद एवं महाराष्ट्र के कोच श्री गजनन्द पाटिलमैनेजर श्री अजीत सावंत प्रफुल्लित मुद्रा में देखे गए |
          इस मौके पर केंद्र के निदेशक एवं आयोजन समिति के अध्यक्ष  श्री अभिषेक सिंह जी  ने विजेता खिलाड़ियों एवं उनके कोच व मैनेजर आदि को जीत की हार्दिक बधाई दी एवं भविष्य में राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन करते हुए डाक विभाग का नाम रोशन करने हेतु प्रोत्साहित किया |
          खिलाड़ियों के उत्साहवर्धन के लिए केंद्र के उपनिदेशक श्री शंभूचिकित्सा अधिकारी डा. आकाश जैनउत्तर प्रदेश डाक परिमंडल खेल सचिव श्री आर पी सिंहसहायक निदेशक (प्रशासन) श्री पी के सिंहश्री ओमपाल सिंह (पीटीआई), श्री ए के मिश्र सहायक निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण), श्री एच के राव सहायक निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण),  श्री एस के अग्रवाल सहायक निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण), श्री दुष्यंत कुमार सहायक निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण), श्री एस के बुनकर (वरिष्ठ प्रशिक्षक), श्री ए के जैन (वरिष्ठ प्रशिक्षक), श्री ए एम  मिश्रा, नरेंद्र कुमार, ए एस भंडारी, ज्ञान सिंह, ए के मुलासी सभी (प्रशिक्षक) व श्री दिनेश तोमर (का. पर्य.), एच.एन सिंह, अनिल त्यागी, रोशन लाल, ए.के आर्य, संजय चौहान, आशीष वर्मावसु, हीना अरोड़ा, जग प्रवेश, सुधाकर लखेड़ा, उसमान खान (सभी का. स.) उपस्थित रहे |
दिनांक 11.09.15 को  महिला एवं पुरुष वर्ग के सिंगल्स नॉक आउट मुकाबलों में सेमी फ़ाइनल और फ़ाइनल के रोचक मैच देखने को मिलेंगे तदुपरान्त केंद्र के निदेशक एवं आयोजन समिति के अध्यक्ष  श्री अभिषेक सिंह जी  के कर कमलों द्वारा अपराहन 03:00 बजे समापनसमारोह में पुरस्कार वितरण किया जाएगा 
Men’s Doubles: UP V/s AP for Third Position

Women’s Doubles Final AP v/s TN 
Source: SAPost blog

Seventh Pay Commission’s report to be implemented ahead of states elections in May: TST

Seventh Pay Commission’s report to be implemented ahead of states elections in May

New Delhi: Ahead of the states’ assembly elections in May’ 2016, the Central government may implement the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission after receiving the report of the pay panel within this year, which will benefit 50 lakh central government employees and 56 lakh pensioners including dependents.

“The central government will decide execution time of the pay commission’s proposals after the pay panel submits its report, which will be possible pre-election “special packages” for West Bengal, Assam, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, which are all due for polls by May 2016,” an official of the Finance Ministry said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Just like one rank one pension (OROP) was announced by Modi government on 5th of this month ahead of Bihar Assembly election despite huge financial burden to get majority seats of his party in Bihar Assembly.

OROP announcement not only is pre-election BJP’s special package but also Union cabinet approved six percent increase in DA for central government employees on Wednesday, making the total to 119 percent, on a day the Election Commission announced poll dates for Bihar is a move that would benefit the BJP in Bihar Assembly Election.

Accordingly, JD (U) leader K C Tyagi said, “The Modi government gave a ‘political bribe’ to voters. I welcome the DA hike for central government employees, but, I feel the, timing of the announcement is not correct.”

BJP needs to win most state elections in the next four years to gain control of the Rajya Sabha, where seats are distributed based on the strength of parties in state assemblies.

A defeat for Prime Minister Narendra Modi would harm his chances of consolidating power in parliament, where his reform agenda is being blocked because his party is in the minority in the Rajya Sabha.

So, Modi led BJP government is ready to give any sop to win states assemblies electons.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on August 30, that report of Seventh Pay Commission for central government employees was coming shortly.

However, Chairman of the Seventh Pay Commission, Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur told PTI on August 25, “The Commission will submit its report by the end of September.”

Now, it is expected that recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission, will be implemented before the announcement of West Bengal, Assam, Kerala and Tamil Nadu states assemblies’ election in May 2016.

The Seventh Pay Commission, which was set up by the UPA government, was required to submit its report by August-end.The government constitutes the Pay Commission almost every 10 years to revise the pay scale of its employees and often these are adopted by states after some modifications.

The Commission has already completed discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, groups representing civil employees as well as Defence services and is in the process of finalising its recommendations.

The recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission are scheduled to come into effect from January 1, 2016.

The Sixth Pay Commission was implemented with effect from January 1, 2006, the fifth from January 1, 1996 and the fourth from January 1, 1986.

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Deficiencies in writing-reporting of APARs

Deficiencies in writing/reporting of APARs:  CBDT's instructions

F.No. HRD/PM/444/2014-15(Part-II)/4479
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Central board of Direct Taxes
Directorate of Income Tax (HRD)
New Delhi, Dated the 10th Sep, 2015


Sub: Deficiencies in writing/reporting of APARs

On perusal of the APARs received in this Directorate from the Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs), a number of deficiencies have been observed. The commonly found deficiencies are as follows: 

i. The Officers are not filling the first column of the APAR i.e. 'Time Period which the report does not cover if any, and reasons thereof ' properly. This column should give exact period which is not covered by APAR along with specific reasons. Merely mentioning 'period less than 90 days' is not sufficient,

ii. Many a times the APARs are not certified by the Head of the Department.

iii. While recommending "No Report Certificates" for a given period, Civil Code (Civil List No.) of the officer is usually not mentioned.

iv. Ring of the Annual Property Return column is left blank or mentioned as NA.

v. Column for mentioning, date of last prescribed medical examination for officers 40 years of age and above is often left blank.

vi. The column relating to completion of APARs of the subordinate officers/ officials within stipulated time, is left blank or mentioned as NA.

vii. The integrity column needs to be filled with proper wording/ remarks by the Reporting Officer.

viii. There are calculation errors in overall grading given by the Reporting Officers. The average of the averages taken out, is not correct.

ix. While Appraising & Reviewing, grades are not being assigned in whole numbers as recommended, thereby leading to inaccurate calculation of grade,

x. The Reporting and the Reviewing Officers are only putting their signatures on APAR while their name and designation columns are left blank.

xi, In many cases, Section III (6) of APARs which refers to 'Pen Picture and performance improvements comments of the reporting authority is left blank. Also the attitude of the officer reported upon towards subordinates & Colleagues from SC, ST & other weaker sections and women is not commented upon by the Reporting Officer.

xii. The Reviewing Officers are not filling the column regarding their agreement of the assessment made by the Reporting Officers. Also, after downgrading / upgrading the grading given by the Reporting Officer, the Reviewing Officers are not specifying any reasons at the column provided for such downgradation / upgradation.

xiii. As per DOP&T, order F. No 21011/16/2014- ESH (A) dated 15.12.2014 while writing APAR's if paper strips are typed, cut to size and pasted in appropriate columns of APAR is done, either by the officers reported upon or by the reporting & reviewing authorities without self attestation then such an act would be liable to tampering & misuse and as such it should not be resorted to under any circumstances.

xiv. The APARS of Group 'A' officers below the rank of CIT are being sent to the 0/o Pr. DGIT (HRD) in duplicate, which is not proper. One APAR needs to be sent and other needs to be retained at the CCA level.

2.  It may please be noted that the last date for submitting duly reported/reviewed APAR for the reporting year 2014-15 to the Directorate of HRD is 15th Sep 2015 and a very large number of APARS are still pending to be received. This in turn adversely affects compilation of APARs for promotions etc. It is therefore, being reiterated, that the pending APARs may please be sent by the prescribed date.

3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Anisha Ghel
New Delhi


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Thursday 10 September 2015

Appointment of Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners in the Central Information Commission.

To view, please CLICK HERE


Sale of Non-Judicial Stamp Papers through all the computerized Post Offices across Telangana State

Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle has entered into an agreement with Registration and Stamps Department of Telengana State for sale of Non-Judicial Stamp Papers through all the computerized Post Offices across Telangana State.

 Date of Launch of sale of Non-Judicial Stamp Papers through Post offices in Telengana State is08/09/2015. Non Judicial Stamp Papers are available in four denominations of Rs.10/-, Rs. 20/-, Rs. 50/- and Rs.100/- and are serially numbered. A commission of 5% on sale of stamp papers will be deducted at the time of payment of amount collected to Registration & Stamps Department of Telangana state on daily basis through e-Payment.  Request for supply of stock of multiple denominations will be sent by the Computerised Post Offices to the CSD whenever required. The commission on sale of Non-Judicial Stamp papers is to be shown under Retail Post.

Cabinet approves launch of sovereign gold bond

NEW DELHI, SEPT 9:  The Cabinet today approved Gold Bond and Gold Monetisation schemes to reduce the metal’s demand in physical form and fish out idle gold lying with households and other entities.

“It is safer and economically more stable to go under both these schemes,” Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said after the Cabinet meeting.

The Gold Bond scheme will have an annual cap of 500 grams per person and such bonds would be issued for a period of 5-7 years.

“The Cabinet today cleared the Gold Bond scheme. Under this scheme instead of buying physical gold, Indian residents can buy the gold bonds,” Jaitley said.

The Budget 2015-16 had proposed to launch a Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) scheme to develop a financial asset as an alternative to gold.

The bonds will be issued in 2, 5 and 10 grams of gold or other denominations and the tenor of the bond could be for a minimum of 5-7 years so that it protects investors from medium-term volatility in gold prices, Jaitley said.

As regards the Gold Monetisation Scheme, the minister said people holding idle gold can deposit it in banks for either short, medium or long term.

“This is not a black money immunity scheme and normal taxation laws would be applicable,” Jaitley said when asked if this was an immunity scheme.

He said around 1,000 tonnes of gold is imported annually and people hold such quantum of idle gold just for investment purpose every year.

By taking advantage of gold monetisation scheme, people can deposit idle gold with authorised agencies and take advantage of the price escalation of gold as well as earn interest on the deposit, he said.

(This article was published on September 9, 2015)

Source :

Pledge Provident Fund and get Home Loan scheme for employees

Pledge Provident Fund and get Home Loan scheme for employees, Please read this news paper report published in The Rashtriye Sahara:-


The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker families so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education and thus enhance their employability.

2.      SCOPE
The scholarship is to be awarded for studies in India in a government or private college/university. It will also cover technical and vocational courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training Centres affiliated with the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) of classes at Graduation level.
Students who have passed Class XII exam or its equivalent in the Academic Year 2013-14 and are interested to pursue higher education in the field of

i) Medicine, Engineering, Graduation in any discipline, Diploma Course in any field or other equivalent courses.

ii) Vocational Courses through Government recognized Colleges/Institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI).

For i) above Candidates who have passed Class XII exam or equivalent in the Academic year 2013-14 with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade and annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed ` 1,00,000/- per annum.

For ii) above The basic educational qualification is relaxed to Class X or equivalent with at least 60% marks in the Academic year 2013-14 subject to income ceiling of parents/guardians.
Scholarship shall be provided for the entire duration of the course subject to the candidate fulfilling the requisite eligibility conditions for renewal.

An amount of `10,000/- per annum will be awarded to the selected candidate which is payable in ten monthly installments of ` 1,000/- each. The Scholarship amount will be transferred to Bank Account of the selected scholar through NEFT. Therefore in case the candidate is selected for scholarship, the Bank Account details and IFSC code are compulsory.
(i)   Scholarship shall be awarded to the students who have secured not less than  60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardians from all sources does not exceed `1,00,000/- per annum.

(ii)  Selection of LIC Scholar will be on the basis of merit and family background such as percentage of marks in class 12th /10th and annual income of the family. Eligible Students having the lowest income shall be given preference in the ascending order.
(iii) The candidate should secure more than 55%marks in professional streams and 50% marks in graduation courses in Arts/Science/Commerce or equivalent grade in the previous final examination of the course for which scholarship is awarded, failing which the scholarship will be discontinued.

(iv)  Scholarship shall not be given to more than one student in a family.

(v) The students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the school/college/university.

(vi)  Income certificate should be on self-certification basis by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper for self-employed parents and from employer for employed parents supported by documents (from revenue department) such as land held in the name of parents.

(vii) If a student violates any terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.

(viii)  If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement/certificates, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned Divisional Administration of LIC.|
(ix) LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation will lay down the detailed procedure for processing and sanctioning of scholarships to eligible students.

(x)  The scheme shall be evaluated at regular intervals by the LICGJF.

(xi) The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of LICGJF.

ONLY ONLINE APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE LINK ON THE HOME PAGE. Once online application is submitted, the candidate will get acknowledgement at the email ID provided by him in his online application. Further correspondence will be made by the Divisional Office which is mentioned in the acknowledgement mail. The candidate should ensure to submit his correct email id and contact number for communication at a later date, if required. Bank Account details and IFSC code are not compulsory at this stage.

'At present our Divisional Offices are processing the online applications received from the candidates .The students will be contacted if they are shortlisted.'

Source :

Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2015 Application Form for 571 Clerk, Junior Judicial Assistant Posts

Rajasthan High Court Clerk, Junior Judicial Assistant Application Form - Age Limit, Qualification, Pay Scale, Last Date Details Given Below Check before Applying

Total No of Vacancy: 571 posts

Name of the Post:
Junior Judicial Assistant - 535
Clerk Grade – II - 36

Qualification: Candidates should have completed Graduation Degree / Bachelor Degree in Law or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/University.

Age Limit: Candidates Age should be between 18 to 35 Years As On 01-01-2015. (For MBC, SC, OBC, EBC, BCM, BT, Ex-Servicemen, PWD Candidates Age Relaxation Applicable as per orders issued by Central Government)

Pay Scale: Rs. 5200 - 20200/- With 2400/- Grade Pay

Selection Procedure: Written Exam, Interview

Application Fee:
For General/OBC Candidates Application Fee is - Rs.100/-
For All Other Candidates (ST/SC/PH/Ex-S/ Women) Application Fee is - Rs.25/-

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates may fill the online application through official

Note: Eligible Candidates Kindly please read the Notification carefully before remitting the fee and filling up the online application Form/Off Line Application Form

Important Dates:
Last Date for Registration of Online Application Form: 06.10.2015

Important Link: 
Official Notification: Click Here to Download

Application Form: Click Here to Apply
Source: SA Post

Direct Recruitment of Postman / Mail guard 2015 : Notification issued. - Tamilnadu Postal Circle

Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment 2015 Application Form for 143 Postman, Mail Guard Posts

Total No of Vacancy: 143 posts

Name of the Post & No of Vacancies: 
Postman - 142
Mail Guard - 01

Postman - Matriculation (10th Pass) from a recognized board or University
Mail Guard - Matriculation (10th Pass) or Equivalent From a recognized board or University

Age Limit: Candidates Age should be between 18 to 27 Years As On 04-10-2015. (For MBC, SC, OBC, EBC, BCM, BT, Ex-Servicemen, PWD Candidates Age Relaxation Applicable as per orders issued by Central Government)

Pay Scale: Rs. 5200 - 20200/- With 2000/- Grade Pay.

Selection Procedure: Written Exam, Interview

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates may fill the online application through official Website on or before 04.10.2015

Note: Eligible Candidates Kindly please read the Notification carefully before remitting the fee and filling up the online application Form/Off Line Application Form

Important Dates:

Starting Date for Registration of Online Application Form 11.09.2015
Last Date for Registration of Online Application Form: 04.10.2015

Online Application Form: Click Here to Apply
(Note: Starting Date for Registration of Online Application Form 11.09.2015)

Notification & Source :

The CAT Bangalore ordered that the Postman/Mailguard appointed prior to 1-1-2006 their Pay Scales also should be fixed as the Minimum entry Pay Scales not by multiple of 1.86

The CAT Bangalore ordered that the Postman/Mailguard appointed prior to 1-1-2006 their Pay Scales also should be fixed as the Minimum entry Pay Scales not by multiple of 1.86. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

The High Court Jodhpur upheld the order of Jodhpur CAT.On MACP

The High Court Jodhpur upheld the order of Jodhpur CAT.On MACP CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

J. Manjula becomes DRDO's first woman Director General

J. Manjula has been named DRDO's
 first woman Director General and has
taken charge of the Electronics & Communication
 Systems cluster. Photo: By Special Arrangement
J. Manjula has been named DRDO's first woman Director General and has taken charge of the Electronics & Communication Systems cluster, an official announcement said on Wednesday.
Before her elevation, Ms. Manjula, who is a DRDO Outstanding Scientist, was Director of the Defence Avionics Research Establishment, Bengaluru, since July 2014.
She took charge from K.D. Nayak, Distinguished Scientist & Director General, who held the additional charge of the six ECS laboratories.
The DGs of seven clusters form the defence R&D establishment's second rung and report to its Secretary-Director General.
An alumna of Osmania University and a practising electronics and communications engineer, Ms. Manjula joined DRDO in 1987 after a brief stint in the Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. At the Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, she worked in the area of integrated electronic warfare and is credited with developing fast signal acquisition receivers, high power RF systems, responsive jammers and controller software for various systems used by the military and the paramilitary.
Her specialisation includes configuration of communication and radar ESM and ECM systems.
Ms. Manjula has been conferred the DRDO award for performance excellence, the Scientist of the Year award for 2011 and the India Today Woman Summit award for 2014.
Source :

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Bonus Ceiling – NFIR writes to Railway Minister to removal of calculation ceiling for Productivity Linked Bonus

Bonus Ceiling – NFIR writes to Railway Minister to remove of calculation ceiling for the purpose of payment of productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) – Removal of Calculation Ceiling
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3,Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055
No.1/10/Part IV
Dated 08/09/2015
Shri Suresh Prabhu,
Hon’ble Minister for Railways
Railway Bhavan,
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) – Removal of calculation ceiling – reg.
Ref: Item No.4 of 55 Point Charter of Demands of NFIR
Kind attention is invited to the announcement made by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour and Employment on 1st September 2015, conveyed through press Information Bureau, extract of item no.2 the subject reproduced below:-
For the purpose of bonus, the wage eligibility limit and calculation ceiling would be appropriately revised. It is proposed to revise the wage eligibility limit from Rs.10,000 to Rs.21,000 and calculation ceiling from Rs.3500 to Rs.7,000 or the minimum wage notified by the appropriate Government for that category of employment, whichever is higher, with the proposed revision of the minimum wages, the average calculation ceiling would be about Rs.10,000.
In the light of the Government’s announcement as mentioned above. NFIR requests the Hon’ble MR to kindly arrange to take action for removal of calculation ceiling for the purpose of payment of productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to Railway employees. Incidentally it is mentioned that in the past, as and when the Government had revised the calculation ceiling, the Ministry of Railways have accordingly paid P.L. Bonus to employees.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

DA DR from July, 2015 @ 119%: 6% hike approved by Cabinet

As expected in previous post the Cabinet on Wednesday raised dearness allowance (DA) to 119 per cent from 113 per cent, which will benefit over one crore government employees and pensioners.


Union Cabinet likely to approve 6% DA hike today आज महंगाई भत्ता 6% बढ़ा सकती है केंद्र सरकार

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
09-September-2015 14:28 IST
Release of additional instalment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to Pensioners due from 1.7.2015 

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved release of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to Pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2015. This represents an increase of 6 percent over the existing rate of 113 percent of the Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise.

This will benefit about 50 lakh Government employees and 56 lakh pensioners. 

The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC). The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief would be in the order of Rs. 6655.14 crore per annum and Rs.4436.76 crore in the financial year 2015-16 (for a period of 8 months from July, 2015 to February, 2016). 


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