Monday 27 June 2016

Surya Namaskar in Postage Stamps as part of International Yoga Day

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is a huge Yoga fanatic. And two years ago at the UN General Assembly, he declared the 21st of June, i.e. the longest day in the year, as International Yoga Day.

And this year, in commemoration of the second iteration of International Yoga Day, the PM has released a set of postage stamps, based on the Surya Namaskar.

The twelve stamps feature all the twelve Asanas that make up the Surya Namaskar.

Among the twelve, six stamps have a value of five rupees, and the other six are valued at twenty-five rupees.

This marks the kicking off of a worldwide celebration of Yoga as a way of life beyond just exercise.

Posted: 20 Jun 2016 09:10 AM PDT
With over 1.54 lakh branches across the country, India Post enjoys the love and trust of millions of Indians. The objective of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) is to provide affordable and useful banking services to people who don’t just have limited access to banks, but might never have banked before. This is true financial inclusion. With a network spanning across every corner of the country, the postal service will now deliver prosperity to rural India as well as semi urban towns.

Now Government of India starts conducting logo design and tagline competition for India Post Payment Bank.  The design must be the visual identity of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB).  The winner will get prize money of Rs 50,000.  The last date for submissions is 9th July, 2016.

Following are the terms and conditions for this competition

By participating in the Competition, participants agree to be bound by, and are deemed to have read and understood these terms and conditions.

General Guidelines

1.  The Competition is open to only Indian citizens.

2.  All entries for the Competition must be submitted to the Creative Corner Section of Entries submitted through any other medium/ mode would not be considered for evaluation.

3.  The winning design of the logo, and tagline would be the intellectual property of the Department of Posts (DOP) and the winner cannot exercise any right over it, after acceptance of the prize.

4.  The prize-winning design of the logo and tagline is meant to be used by the DOP for promotional and display purposes and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for the initiative.

5.  The design of the logo and tagline must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.

6.  The participant must be the same person who has designed the logo and created the tagline and plagiarism would not be allowed.

7.  Please note that the design of the logo and tagline proposed for the program must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.

8.  Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the Competition. DOP does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.

9.  Participant is to make sure that his/her MyGov profile is accurate and updated since DOP would be using this for further communication. This includes details such as name, photo and phone number. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.

10. DOP reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Competition and/ or the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria. However, any changes to the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria, or cancellation of the Competition, will be updated/ posted on contest page on the MyGov platform. Participants are responsible to keep themselves informed as to any changes in the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria stated for this Competition.

11. The Participant(s) represent(s) and warrant(s) that he/ she will comply with all applicable Indian laws. The Participant(s) shall not disclose and/or use any information, if doing so is in violation of an obligation of antitrust law and/ or confidentiality.

12. By registering for participation in the Competition, the Participant(s)
warrant that:

a. They have complied with these terms and conditions;
b. Their design of the logo and tagline is original;
c. Their design of the logo and tagline does not infringe any Intellectual
Property Rights of any third party;
d. Any current employer and/or learning institution that the participant is employed by or enrolled with would have no claim on the design of the logo, and tagline developed and submitted.

13. DoP reserves the right to reject any entry based on its discretion.

14. DOP accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury of any kind suffered by any participants in entering the Competition, including as a result of any participant winning or not winning any prize.

15. DOP will not be held responsible if the participants are not able to upload their entries on MyGov portal before the last date & time of submission for any reason whatsoever.

16. Entries must be made by the closing date and in the manner set out in the Competition terms and conditions. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

17. Multiple submissions of either logo or tagline by the same participant would not be considered; however, a participant may submit any entry for either logo or tagline or both.

18. The results of the Competition would be declared on MyGov portal.

Technical Parameters

1. A Participant should submit the tagline with an original, catchy tagline and logo that captures the essence of the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) Inspiration Guide.

2. The tagline should not be more than 8 words and can be either in Hindi or

3. The logo should be such that it can be converted into a monogram without losing the effectiveness of the communication.

4. The participant should upload the logo/tagline in JPG, PDF or PNG format
only, along with the open file format, with a minimum size of 4” x 4” (inches).

5. A minimal look and feel in terms of colours and fonts is preferred, along with possible adherence to the current India Post identity.

6. Photographs in the logo are not acceptable.

7. The participant should upload the tagline/logo along with a detailed explanation of colour codes and measurements.

Evaluation Criteria

1. The entries would be evaluated on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, and simplicity.

2. Every entry would be evaluated on its own merit and while overt incorporation of elements from the Inspiration Guide has greater salience, a merely detailed entry would not adversely prejudice another innovative and original idea or entry, but not explained in that greater detail, from being adjudged better.

3. The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the participants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants for any or their decisions.

4. Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/ its entries/ winners shall be subject to local jurisdiction of Delhi State.

5. Out of the total entries received, MyGov would select the top twenty (20) entries through the detailed evaluation process as described above. Out of top twenty (20) entries, top 10 entries would be chosen through MyGov polls.

6. The final winning entry would be decided by the DOP, with equal weightage being given to the DOP’sranking and the rankings obtained through MyGov polls.

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