Wednesday 10 February 2016

Ms. Rupashree Pothal, Postal Assistant , Balasore HO won gold medal in high jump and silver medal in hundred meters hurdles securing 1st and 2nd position in All India Postal Athletics meet held in Chennai from 3rd to 5th February, 2016.

Ms. Rupashree Pothal, Postal Assistant , Balasore HO won gold medal in high jump and silver medal in hundred meters hurdles securing 1st and 2nd position in All India Postal Athletics meet held in Chennai from 3rd to 5th February, 2016.

Congratulations ! Congratulations ! Congratulations !

Ms. Rupashree Pothal, Postal Assistant , Balasore HO won gold medal in high jump and silver medal in hundred meters hurdles securing 1st and 2nd position in All India Postal Athletics meet held in Chennai from 3rd to 5th February, 2016. 
Source:  SA Post blog
Yuva RMS and SAPOST sincerely greets Ms. Pothal and wishes her bright future.

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