Wednesday 13 January 2016

Procedural requirements for Leave Travel Concession simplified

The Department of Personnel and Training has eased the difficulties faced by the Government employees in application and settlement of the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) claims. 

The Department has decided to make the procedure for processing of LTC claims time bound. A time limit of 5 days each is set for sanctioning of leave, sanctioning of LTC advance, time taken by DDO and PAO and also a time limit of 10 days is set for verification of LTC claim before settlement, with an additional 2 days in case the place of posting of the Government employees is away from their Headquarters.

The Leave Sanctioning Authority to obtain a self-certification from the employee regarding the proposed LTC journey. Earlier, the employees were required to inform their Controlling Officer before the journey on LTC to be undertaken.

A copy of guidelines that needs to be followed while availing LTC, is to be provided for the Government servant while applying for LTC. 


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