Monday 31 August 2015

Rules for Branch Post Master in Post Office WHAT A BRANCH POSTMASTER SHOULD DO

1. Treat the public with courtesy, and meet their convenience in every way consistent with the rules of the Post Office. 
2. Paste neatly on the notice-board all departmental notices of interest to the public. Remove all obsolete notices. 
3. Keep a sufficient stock of postage stamps, postcards and embossed envelopes for sale to the public. 
4.Keep in his own possession the keys of the office letter-box and other boxes in the office. 
5. Lock up stamps and seals when not in use. 
6. Count all money received, and lock it up at once in a secure place. 
7. Examine every bag received, weigh the cash bags and compare their weight with the entry on the B.O. slip, keep the bags in his custody until they are disposed of Personally open the bags intended to be opened in the office. 
8. Keep the bags prepared for despatch in his custody till the time fixed for despatch. 
9. Fasten and seal every bag despatched. Weigh the cash bags, and record their weight in the B.O. daily account. Put a small piece of paper under the knot of the cord with which a bag is tied, so as to obtain a good impression of the seal and avoid damaging the bag. 
10. Personally exchange mails with the carriers. 
11. Turn bags inside out, and examine them to see that none of the contents remain in them. 
12. Report by first mail the short receipt or excess receipt of any bag, article or documents, or the occurrence of any other serious irregularity. 
13. Take particular care to obliterate postage stamps, to stamp articles clearly, 
and to properly tax articles with postage due. 
14. Examine the signatures of the persons franking “O.I.G.S.” covers posted in the office and satisfy himself that they are genuine. 
15. Return acknowledgements for registered and parcel mail articles punctually. 
16. Write up all his books, etc., neatly, clearlyand carefully. If a mistake is made, score it out and write the correct entry above it in red ink, and then attest the correction with his initials. 
17. Verify his cash balance by counting the cash and postage stamps in the office every evening, and also see that the balances due from the postman, village postman or the extra departmental Delivery Agent and on articles in deposit are correct. 
18. Look strictly after the work of the postman or village postman or extra departmental delivery agent and make every effort to deliver articles to the addressees. 
19. On receipt of Savings Certificates, promptly send an intimation in the prescribed form to the purchaser, and takeover the preliminary receipt held by him before the certificates are delivered to him

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