Wednesday 5 August 2015

Over-sharing on FB or Twitter can lead to Job or Money loss

Ever regretted on your habit of over-sharing on Facebook and twitter.  Over-sharing on Facebook has become a common phenomenon these days, call it  obsessiveness or excessiveness at times it can certainly land you in awkward and serious repercussions. Apart from your password and  credit card details there are few recommended things which you shouldn’t share on social networking  websites which are  mentioned below :
  • Financial matters or crisis : These days HR, spy, insurance companies are keeping close track with your social networking account to get as much information about you so eventually if not done with emotional maturity over-sharing can  end up in messy and unwanted repercussions.
  • Confessionals : Keep your confessions limited to the church only as online confessionals can land you in some major problems and repetitive interrogations like disclosing your annual CTC, tax returns, family disputes and affairs.
  • Mother’s maiden name : You should not reveal your mother’s maiden name specially if you are a debit or credit card holder as it is one of  the answer’s to the security question when trying to leak or hack your banking and similar accounting details.
  • Phone Number : Revealing your phone number might lead to uncalled moments from your exes, stalkers and other disturbing elements as when you intentionally add your personal phone number to the profile information it become public and visible equivalent to inviting disastrous  possibilities.
  • Never talk about your vacation plans : You should not disclose your vacation plans unless  you want to see your house interior change due to theftry as thieves and burglars keep tracking about your holiday plans and short trips to execute the robbery in a high-tech way.
  • Company integrity : Never talk about the confidential matter related to your job and other staff members unless you don’t want your boss to terminate you on revealing official matters online and posting derogatory statements about your company, boss and other staff members can definitely cost on your job. Recently a juror in the UK was dismissed after she disclosed a sensitive case information on her Facebook profile and many alike. cases are mention on net where Facebook has got people fired because of their lacking psychological maturity
  • Home Address : Never post your Home Address and its layout,posting  pictures and videos of your home and  surroundings can lead to robbery and other criminal cases.
  • Your Full Date of Birth :  On your birthday you want your wall full with birthday greeting, wishes and messages simultaneously it also doubles the chances to get your account hacked easily as your DOB is one of the most common default security question. Therefore it is advisable not to share your full date of birth on social networking websites.
As there is a saying excess of anything is bad. So stay connected without over-sharing it.
Source: Cybercrime complaints

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