Monday, 8 February 2016

You'll be able to ride London's vintage Mail Rail in 2017

The Mail Rail, a little-known underground railway running beneath the streets of London, will open to the public in early 2017 as part of a new Postal Museum.

The railway, which began operation in 1927, was the world's first driverless, electric railway, linking sorting offices from Paddington to Whitechapel. It closed in 2003 as the sorting offices it served were sold off, but after years of fundraising it is set to open to the public for the first time.

Two new Mail Rail trains will be built to carry passengers 1km into the network on a loop from the new Postal Museum near the Royal Mail sorting office at Mount Pleasant.

Visitors to the underground railway, which lies about 70 feet below the streets of London, will spend around 15 minutes on trains following a small loop of the much larger network. The trains aren't able to venture any further into the tunnels due to a lack of fire exits.

During the ride, a fake power cut will be accompanied by stories and sounds of those who worked on the network. On the platforms video projection mapping will be used to tell more of the railway's history.

Historian and broadcaster Dan Snow said the history of the Royal Mail was that of "the most important social network in the history of the world".

"This is a stunning part of our industrial heritage," he added, before literally taking a sledgehammer to a wall as part of the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony. Work will now start to transform the abandoned Mail Rail into an attraction that hopes to draw 180,000 people a year.

To date, £26 million has been raised to complete the refit. Those wishing to donate to the project in a more unique way can pay £250 to have their name placed on one of the new sleepers that will support the tracks.

The Postal Museum, which will be situated across the road from the Mail Rail, will track the full 500 year history of Britain's postal network, from the first Postmaster General appointed by Henry VIII to the present day service.

Items on show will include the only remaining full sheets of Penny Black stamps in the world and the first ever pillar box, built in 1857 and coloured red rather than green.

A basic ticket, granting entry to the Postal Museum and Mail Rail exhibition will cost £9. Those wishing to ride the Mail Rail train will have to buy a full ticket, priced at £14.50 for adults.

Since it closed in 2003 the Mail Rail has been left almost untouched. In recent years just three engineers have maintained the network, a huge change from what was once a bustling part of London's postal service.

The new Postal Museum and Mail Rail will open in early 2017.

Source Sa Post Blog

Telangana State SI/Sub Inspector of Police Posts 2016 Recruitment Notification

Telangana State SI/Sub Inspector of Police Posts 2016 Recruitment Notification

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, The Director General of Police, Telangana State given SI Posts 2016 recruitment notification on 6th February to fill up 510 vacancies. Applications are invited through ONLINE mode only in the prescribed  proforma to be made available on WEBSITE (  at 8.00 am from 10-02-2016 to 03-03-2016 (Midnight) for recruitment to the following posts. The registered candidates may download their Hall Ticket one week before the date of Preliminary Written Test, which will be held on 17-04-2016 (Sunday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM. The number of vacancies indicated is only tentative and is liable for change without giving any notice. TSLPRB reserves the right to notify  the  modifications  with  regard  to  any  aspect  of  recruitment  during  the  process  of recruitment.Police Jobs,Telangana State SI/Sub Inspector of Police Posts 2016 Recruitment Notification, Apply Online for 510 Posts,TSLPRB,,Online Application Form, How to Apply,Last date, Registration Fee,Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Date of Exam, hall tickets, Results.

Telangana State SI/Sub Inspector of Police Posts 2016 Recruitment Notification Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, The Director General of Police, Telangana State given SI Posts 2016 recruitment notification on 6th February to fill up 510 vacancies. Applications are invited through ONLINE mode only in the prescribed  proforma to be made available on WEBSITE (  at 8.00 am from 10-02-2016 to 03-03-2016 (Midnight) for recruitment to the following posts. The registered candidates may download their Hall Ticket one week before the date of Preliminary Written Test, which will be held on 17-04-2016 (Sunday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM. The number of vacancies indicated is only tentative and is liable for change without giving any notice. TSLPRB reserves the right to notify  the  modifications  with  regard  to  any  aspect  of  recruitment  during  the  process  of recruitment.Police Jobs,Telangana State SI/Sub Inspector of Police Posts 2016 Recruitment Notification, Apply Online for 510 Posts,TSLPRB,,Online Application Form, How to Apply,Last date, Registration Fee,Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Date of Exam, hall tickets, Results.

Fee Structure
The applicants belonging to OCs/BCs shall pay a fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees  five  hundred  only)  and  those  belonging  to SCs/STs  shall  pay a fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) towards Application Processing and Examinations..

Minimum Educational Qualification:  
The candidate must hold, as on 1st July, 2015, a Degree  awarded  by any University  in India.

Age Limit:
Candidates should have age limit between 18 to 28 years as on 01-07 -2015(General).
For SC, ST Candidates 5 years age relaxation and for BC Candidates 3 years age relaxation(33 years age candidates can apply for this).

Selection process:
Sl. NO

Important dates:
1.         Notification Issued Date : 06-02-2016
2.         Online application Start date:10-02-2016
3.         Last date for online apply: 03-03-2016
4.         Download hall tickets: One week before the date of Preliminary Written Test
5.         Written Test exam date: 17-04-2016

Post Details:
  Sl. No.
  Post Code No.
  Name of the post
  No. of vacancies
Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Sub Inspector of Police (Civil) (Men & Women) in Police Department
Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Reserve Sub Inspector of Police  (AR) (Men & Women) in Police Department
Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Reserve Sub Inspector of Police  (SAR CPL) (Men) in Police Department
Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Reserve Sub Inspector of Police  (TSSP) (Men) in Police Department
Sub Inspector  (Men) in Special  Protection  Force (SPF) Department
Station Fire Officer in Telangana State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department

Advances to Central Govt Employees : Rate of Interest during 2015-16

Advances to Government servants — Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2015-2016.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
New Delhi, the 3rd February, 2016
Subject : Advances to Government servants – Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2015-2016.
The undersigned is directed to state that the rates of interest for advances sanctioned to the Government servants for purchase of conveyances during 2015-2016 i.e. from 1st April, 2015 to 31st March, 2016 are as under:
Rate of interest per annum
(i) Advance for purchase of conveyance other than motor car (viz. motor cycle, scooter etc.)  – 9%
(ii) Advance for purchase of motor car  –  11.5%
The rates remain unchanged from those applicable for the financial year 2014-15.
(A.K. Bhatnagar)
Under Secretary (Budget)

Employment News Weekly Report – SCR requires 2030 RPF/RPSF Women Constables – Last Date 1.3.2016

Employment News Weekly Report – SCR requires 2030 RPF/RPSF Women Constables – Last Date 1.3.2016

Employment News published an another list of vacancies including 2030 vacancies in South Central Railway. SCR invited applications from women candidates for the posts of Constable in RPF/RPSF. Application from candidates will be accepted through ONLINE MODE only.

Railway Protection force: 1827 posts 
Railway Protection Special Force: 203 posts

Date and Time of closing :17.30 hrs of 01.03.2016

Applicants are advised to check the official website of South Central Railway or RPF Online Registration website.

Name of Post –Women Constables in RPF/RPSF 
No. of Vacancies – 2030
Last Date – 01.03.2016

Name of Posts – Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno)
No. of Vacancies -229
Last Date – 01.03.2016

Name of Posts – Technical Officer –C, Scientific Assistant- B, Draughtsman B-1, etc
No. of Vacancies – 146
Last Date- 22.02.2016

Name of Post –Personal Assistant
No. of Vacancies -69
Last Date: – 20.02.2016

Name of Posts – Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
No. of Vacancies –60
Last Date – 10.02.2016


PCDA orders on implementation of OROP to Defence Pensioners - Circular No. 555

PCDA orders on implementation of OROP to Defence Pensioners - Circular No. 555

Implementation of ‘One Rank One Pension’ to Defence pensioners-PCDA

Circular No. 555
Dated: 04.02.2016

1. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kuria Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051

2. All CMDs, Public Sector Banks.
3. The Nodal Officers, ICICl/HDFC/AXIS/IDBI Banks
4. All Managers, CPPCs
5. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
6. The PCDA (WC), Chandigarh
7. The CDA (PD), Meerut
8. The CDA Chennai
9. The Director of Treasury, All States
10. The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi.
11. The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai
12. The Post Master Kathua (J&K), Camp Bell Bay.
13. The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer Andaman and Nicobar Administration Port Blair.

Subject: Implementation of ‘One Rank One Pension’ to Defence pensioners.

Reference: Gol, MoD letter No12 (1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 3rd Feb,2016.

A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 12(1)/2014/D (Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 3rd Feb,2016 and Gol, MoD letter No 12 (1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part¬II dated 7th Nov,2015 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self-explanatory.

2. The above Government letter has been issued to implement ‘One Rank One Pension’ (OROP) scheme for Defence Forces Personnel. Salient features of the scheme have been mentioned in Para 3 and 4 of Gol, MoD letter No 12 (1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 7th Nov, 2015

3. The revision of pension in terms of the above Government Orders shall be effective with effect from 01.07.2014,a n d payment of arrears accrued on account of revision of pension, if any, shall be made in a time bound manner as stipulated in para 17.1 of this circular.





Please read the following minutes of the Implementation cell of the Finance Ministry which is acting as the Secretariate of the Empowered Committee constituted by the Government under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary for processing of 7th CPC recommendations for submission to the cabinet for approval. Please ensure (1) that your department has nominated a nodal officer and try to interact with him (2) that your organization has submitted a memorandum or letter to your departmental head seeking modifications to the department-specific recommendations of the 7th CPC (3) that your departmental head held consultations with your organization on the department specific modifications submitted by you, before finalizing the proposals for submission to the Implementation cell (4) that proposal as per the demand of your organsiation for modifying the proposal of 7th CPC is submitted to the Implementation cell within two weeks (i.e before 16.02.2016) by your department.

Please note that this is the only stage when the Unions/Associations/Federations in each department shall get an opportunity to present their demand for modifications on department – specific recommendations of the 7th CPC. If we fail to Intervene effectively at this state, we may not get another chance to present our case before the Government.

Regarding common demands JCM (NC) Staff side had already submitted its memorandum to Cabinet Secretary and two stages agitational programmes are organised and is preparing for indefinite strike. Regarding Department-specific issues Confederation National Secretariat held last month had given a clear direction to all affiliated organizations to organize departmental level agitational programmes by each organsations (if possible jointly with other organizations in that department) on department- specific modifications submitted to each Departmental head. Unless we build up pressure by organizing struggle the departmental heads may not consider our demand for modification seriously and may not even submit any proposal for modifications to the Implementation cell.

Please note the following decisions of the Implementation cell.

(1)   Nodal officers to take net of any representation or demand of the staff side Association under the administrative purview of their Department. Nodal officers to ascertain the views/comments of the concerned office in the light of the representation/demands raised by the staff Association.

(2)   In case, there is any need for consultation with the staff Association at the level of the Department, the same may be done as per the assessment of the Department.

(3)   In case, the Department is of the view that any recommendation which are specifically related to their Department, need any modification, adequate justification in clear-cut terms should be brought out while sending the comments to the implementation cell

(4)   In case of any modification, the extra financial implication (per annum) over the recommendations of the commission should be clearly indicated.

(5)   If any modification is suggested approval of the Minster (of the concerned department should be obtained.

All the above formalities are to be completed within two weeks and proposal should be submitted to the implementation cell within two weeks i.e., before 16.02.2016.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


Click here to view the minutes of the meeting


Friday, 5 February 2016

4 postal dept officials 'spying' for ISI arrested in Jaisalmer

Click Here
JAISALMER: Four postal department officials based out of Pokhran and Balotra in Jaisalmer were on Monday arrested for allegedly spying for Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). They are said to be passing on Army-related letters and other documents to a Pakistani agent.

The arrests were made after joint raids at post offices in Pokhran and Balotra by the Intelligence Bureau (IB), CID Border Intelligence and the local police. Among those arrested is Kishanpal Singh, post master at Pokhran's chief post office.

The accused were allegedly passing on confidential information about Army, like those related to war exercises, addresses of the army men, etc, to ISI. War exercises are frequently held at the Pokhran field firing range.

Jodhpur zone SP (CID) Santosh Chalke confirmed that post master Singh and computer operator Narendra Sharma from Pokhran post office were arrested under Official Secrets Act for sending sensitive information to an ISI handler. "Two employees of the Balotra main post office were also arrested. Also, post inspector Vasu Dev Meghwal has been detained. A woman named Pramila was released as preliminary investigations," he said.

Jaisalmer SP Rajiv Pachar said Singh has accepted that he was forwarding information about the Army to an ISI handler for the past three to four months. "Further investigations would reveal how much money they received for this," he said.

Prior to this, two months ago Patwari Gordhan Singh Rathore was arrested in the area on charges of spying for ISI. More than 20 SIM cards, registered in different names, were recovered from him. He was using these to share information across the border.

Links To View OROP Chart For PBOR & Family Pensioners As Applicable

No. 12(1)/2014/D(PEN/POL) - (PART-II)
Dated 03 February, 2016

Sl. No.
Type of Pension
Table No
Click here to download
File Name
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Retiring/Service Pension/Element
Table 7
OROP-Table-07.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Enhanced Rate of Ordinary Family Pension
Table 16
OROP-Table-16.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Normal Rate of Ordinary Family Pension
Table 25
OROP-Table-25.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Special Family Pension
Table 34
OROP-Table-34.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Special Dependent Family Pension/2nd Life award of Special Family Pension
Table 43
OROP-Table-43.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Liberalized Family Pension
Table 52
OROP-Table-52.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Liberalized Dependent Pension/ 2nd Life Award of Liberalised Family Pension
Table 67
OROP-Table-67.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Disability Element
Table 76
OROP-Table-76.pdfView Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
War Injury Element (Discharge)
Table 85
OROP-Table-85.pdf View Download
JCOs/Ors Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
War Injury Element (Invalided Out)
Table 94
OROP-Table-94.pdf View Download
Source:  PoTools blog