Saturday 24 October 2015

Mobile app for Public Grievances portal

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
21-October-2015 15:02 IST
Dr. Jitendra Singh launches Mobile app for Public Grievances portal

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh launched the Mobile Application for the Centralized Public Grievances Redress & Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) portal of the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) here today.

In this direction a further step has been taken by providing M-access to citizens through mobile phones. A Quick Response (QR) code has been provided on the pg-portal which can be scanned on to the smart phone after which grievances can be sent from the smart phone directly on to CPGRAMS.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Jitendra Singh said this is another step towards translating the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of “ART of Governance” as spelt out by him, with A for Accountability, R- Responsibility and T- Transparency, forming the bedrock of the Government. He said the goal is that the Administration should be citizen centric, transparent and responsive. Dr. Jitendra Singh said more than six lakh public grievances have been settled since the NDA Government assumed office. This data will form the resource material to improve the Governance, he added.

Dr. Jitendra Singh hoped the common public will make maximum use of the mobile app since the mobile phone has emerged as the easiest way of communication from anywhere across the country.

In his address, Secretary, DARPG and Secretary, Department of Pensions & Pensioners’ Welfare, Shri Devendra Chaudhary said the mobile app will not only allow lodging of grievances, but the people can also track the status of the redress of their grievance. The DARPG is also carrying out analysis of the grievances and a systematic response is being worked out on how best to address the grievances, he added.

Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training, Shri Sanjay Kothari was also present during the launch function.

The Mobile App for the CPGRAMS is another innovative initiative of the DARPG, the nodal agency to formulate policy guidelines for citizen-centric governance in the country, redress of citizens’ grievances, being one of the most important initiatives of the department. The DARPG has been making endeavours to bring excellence in public service delivery and to redress grievances of citizens in a meaningful manner by effectively coordinating with different Ministries and Departments of the Government and trying to eliminate the causes of grievances.

CPGRAMS is a Government of India portal aimed at providing the citizens with a platform for redress of their grievances. Grievances received on this platform are redressed by the concerned Ministry/Department/State. CPGRAMS was launched by DARPG in technical consultation with NIC in 2007. More than 16 lakh grievances have been lodged since January 1, 2012. In last 12 months nine lakh grievances have been lodged and 6.47 lakh disposed off. 

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7th Pay Commission – Advantages to Government or Employees? -GConnect

The Central Government employees are scheduled to get salary hikes on the basis of the recommendations by January 1, 2016. According to sources, the house rent allowance too would see an increase by 20 per cent. But the most significant recommendation is that 5 to 6 per cent of the annual increment would be performance-based. There is also likely to be a provision of retiring under-performing employees by the age of 55 or 30 years of service, whichever is more.

The Finance ministry has already opened its stand saying, the Seventh Pay Commission will be mindful of the fiscal concerns of the government while giving its report on new pay scales and remunerations for central government employees and pensioners.

So the question which arises in everybody’s mind is, for whom the 7th Pay Commission is for? Is it for the Central Government employees or for the Government? For Whose benefit is it working?

For example there is a rumour floating around that the CGHS facility is going to take its last breath after 7th CPC. The Seventh Pay commission is planning to propose health insurance scheme to replace Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) at highly subsidized rates.

The pay panel will ask the central government to urge the insurance industry to come up with feasible health insurance solution for the central government employees and pensioners. The IRDA, the insurance regulatory body of India, will be compelled to ask the health insurance companies to offer a basic insurance to every central government employee and pensioner, regardless of age or medical condition and will not be allowed to make a profit of this basic insurance.

Health insurance would be available for central government employees and pensioners till death, the insured employees and pensioners will have to pay 50% of the premium from their salaries and pensions and the remaining 50% premium may be paid by the central government.

The CGHS is financed mainly through the Centre’s tax revenues. Though beneficiaries do contribute a share of their wages towards premium, ranging from Rs 600 to Rs 6,000 a year depending on their pay scale, this accounts for just about 5 per cent of the total expenditure. The government shells out the remaining 95 per cent.

However, now the Government is looking for ways to end the CGHS in its current form and to move to an insurance based health scheme to cut costs.

Recently, the CG Employee’s Welfare Ministry released an announcement which has created confusion and fury among the CG employees.

In the announcement it has been said that the senior officials have to analyse the service record and decide whether employees who have completed thirty years of service or reached their 50th year should continue their service or be advised to leave service after three months notice.

Does it take a management to learn that an official or an employee is unfit to continue in service when he has reached his 50th year? Does it take thirty years of continuous service to assess the efficiency of an employee?

Then what is the need for a probation period? After serving the Government for 30 years or till his 50th year, if somebody is asked to quit just like that, giving some damn reason when he is old, appears rather inhumane.

Unlike in the private sector, the pay hike in government is a once-in-10-years-affair. The Government need not and should not compare the Government employees with the private sector. The private sector works on profit mode, but the government organisations work in the service mode.

The NJCA at the Meeting of the Confederation held at Hyderabad on 09th October 2015 while endorsing the decision of the National Joint Council of Action (Railway, Defence & Confederation) to organize massive protest dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 19th November 2015 and also Nationwide Protest Demonstration in front of all works spot & offices, has decided to further intensify the protest action against the negative attitude of the Government for the Unwarranted intervention of the Finance Ministry in the independent functioning of the Pay Commission by issuing a statement asking the 7th CPC to factor into its report the fiscal concern of the government and thereby to pressurize the commission not to recommend wage rise on the basis of a sound and scientific formulation and Causing engineered delay by the Government in the submission of 7th CPC report by granting four months extension upto 31st December 2015, even when the Pay Commission was ready to submit its report within the stipulated time i.e. 28th August 2015.

Source :

Record Notes/Minutes of Anomaly Committee Meetings held on 29th May, 2015 and 9th June 2015 issued by DoPT

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment (JCA-I) Section
North Block. New Delhi
Dated the 19th October, 2015

Subject:- Record Note of the 5th Meeting of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) held on 29th May 2015 and 9th June, 2013.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of the Record Note/Minutes of Anomaly Committee Meetings held on 29th May, 2015 and 9th June 2015 under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary for information and necessary action.

Encl: As above.
(G. Srinivasan)

Deputy Secretary (JCA)


As per the request of Staff Side to discuss the pending anomalies arising out of 6th CPC, a meeting was held on 29.5.2015, in the Conference Room.72, North Block, New Delhi with the representatives of the Staff Side under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Mamta Kundra, Joint Secretary (Establishment), DoPT. A list of participants who attended the meeting‘is annexed.

2. At the outset, Shri Ashok Kumar, Director, Central Pay Commission (CPC), welcomed the representatives of the Staff Side and Official Side and expressed his firm belief and conviction that all the issues/demands can be resolved through the consultative processes. He invited Leader and Secretary Staff Side for their opening remarks on the items.

3. Staff Side have requested that all anomalies /issues of 6th CPC may be resolved /settled before the 7th CPC gives its report and there should not be any communication gap between Official Side and Staff Side. The Staff Side expressed its dissatisfaction over infrequent convening of meetings. Secretary, Staff Side also suggested that the next/early date for the meeting also be fixed. They drew attention to the Minutes of the meeting dated 17th & 27th July, 2012 on the MACP issues and wanted to know about the outcome / finality of the issues discussed and whether these are accepted partially or otherwise. Further, as per 6th CPC recommendations, various issues to be decided by the different Ministries / Departments are pending with DoPT/DoE for last several years. Staff Side expressed its anguish on non-resolution of issues and their reference to 7th CPC. They asked for a Status Report in this regard.

The items were then taken up for discussions.

Item No.1: Review of MACP to Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no such grade pay in Railways
Item No.3: Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme/GDCE Scheme.

Item No.2 i.e. Granting of additional pay to Loco and Running Staff.
7. Staff Side raised this issue that since Loco and Traffic Running Staff are uncommon categories, the demand may be considered. The Official Side agreed that Ministry of Finance would revisit the issue; Ministry of Railways was advised to send a fresh proposal in detail after examination, indicating the financial implication involved in the proposal.

Item No.4 regarding Grant of Minimum Entry Pay meant for Direct Recruits to Promotees.

The meeting ended with the agreement that some more issues/anomalies would be discussed in the next meeting in continuation of this meeting.

In continuation of meeting held on 29.05.2015, a meeting of the National Anomaly Committee (NAC) was held on 09.06.2015 at 3:00 PM under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Mamta Kundra, Joint Secretary (Establishment), Deptt. of Personnel & Training in Room No.72, North Block, New Delhi.
2. Shri Asholi Chalai, Director (JCA) welcomed the representatives of the Staff Side & Official Side and invited Leader and Secretary Staff Side for their Opening remarks on the items.

3. Leader Staff Side requested for Action Taken Report as agreed upon in the earlier meeting and also enquired on the status of a full time Director, JCM.

4. Leader of Staff Side suggested that a decision regarding Pay fixation under Rule S-13 to the staff who are shouldering higher responsibilities may be taken early. They also questioned the need for the concerned Ministry to send their proposals to Finance Ministry for approvals, when the employees are promoted to same grade pay and when the competent authority could take a decision. The matter may be settled within the Ministry / Department as there has been abnormal delays for more than 2/3 years.

5(a). Leader Staff Side further mentioned that the Departmental Anomaly Committee decision at the Railway Ministries level for merger of Technician GP 2400/- with GP 2800/- allotment of Grade Pay 4600/- to Loco Pilots (Mail/Exp) and grant of additional allowance to all Running Staff. These proposals are pending with the Finance Ministry long.

5(b). He also mentioned that Railway Ministry’s proposal for allotment of GP 1800/- to those retired/died between 05.09.2008 and 15.12.2008 is pending with the Ministry of Finance. He said that these former staff are entitled for GP 1800/- as there was no scope for giving them training. He further stated that in this connection, Railway Ministry’s proposal may be connected.

The Official Side noted that suggestions of the Staff Side on the issues mentioned in para 5(a) and 5(b) of the Minutes and stated that the proposal of Ministry of Railways pending with the Ministry of Finance will be examined for appropriate course of action.

5(c). Secretary, Staff Side requested that the meeting of National Council (JCM) may be convened at the earliest so that the 10 point of demands, which have already been submitted to the Government may be discussed and resolved.

The Official Side agreed to consider this suggestion.

6. It was also submitted by the Staff Side that pay fixation of Defence personnel who are re-employed in various Ministries / Departments also needs to be finalised along with cadre restructuring proposals of Ministry of Defence and Postal employees.

7(a). Secretary, Staff Side showed concern that inspite of repeated assurances, the anomalies raised by the Staff Side could not be resolved. If these anomalies are not resolved before 7th CPC, the employees will be at a'great loss.

7(b). He also mentioned that many proposals from Ministry of Railways for merger of Technician GP 2400/- with GP 2800/- to many railway employees is pending with Ministry of Finance and this issue needs to be resolved at the earliest.

The Official Side noted that the issue of merger of grade pay of technician in Railways was already included in para 5(a) and 5(b) of the Minutes. The specific reference from Ministry of Railways will be examined and readdressed.

7(c). It was also submitted by the Staff Side that pay fixation of Defence Personnel who are re-employed in various Ministries/Departments also needs to be finalised along with cadre restructuring proposals of Ministry of Defence and Postal employees.

7(d). The Staff Side Members of Ministry of Defence raised the following issues:-

(i) a proposal for granting ACP benefits to the Labourers of Defence Establishment by granting a one time relaxation of Trade Test, since as confirmed by the Department of Expenditure, the post of unskilled and semi skilled has been merged w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the MOD proposal may be approved.

(ii) MoD proposal for granting 3% increment benefit on promotion of Master craftsman to Charge main in the same GP of Rs. 4200 may be approved.

(iii) MoD proposal for grant of bunching of increment benefits in the pre-revised pay scale of Master craftsman, pending with DoPT may be approved.

(iv) MoD’s proposal for grant of MACP in GP Rs. 4600/- to those Master Craftsman whose pay scale was upgraded w.e.f. 01.01.2006 be approved.

The Official Side informed that these were not part of the agenda for the meetings held on 29th May and 9tlh June, 2015 and therefore would be examined separately.

8. Staff side insisted that matter should be referred to PM again with their earlier agreement.

Official Side informed that as per discussions held in the meeting, the matter will be put up once again to the Finance Minister for decision in the matter.

9. The discussion held Item-wise were as under:-

Items 1 & 8: Anomaly in the Pay Band/Grade Pay of gazetted officer in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500. Maintaining horizontal relativity between the Sections Officers of Central Sectt. and the Income-tax Officers, Superintendents of Post Offices, Superintendents of Central Excise and Customs Deptts.

Item No.2: Anomaly in the pay scale of Data Processing Assistants Grade -A.

Item No.3: PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- for Lab Technicians.

Item Nos. 4 & 7:- Upgradation of Pay Band and Grade Pay of LDC, UDCs and Stenographers Gr.III in Subordinate Offices & Maintaining the horizontal parity as recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission.

Item No.5 Grant of GP of Rs.4200/- to Senior Clerks of Delhi Milk Scheme.

Item No-6 Removal of anomaly in the case of Artisan staff of different Departments.

Item No.9:- Pay Band and Grade Pay for Medical Assistant of Ordinance Factories.

Item No.10: Store Keeping Staff

Item No.11: Children Education Allowance - Denial thereof.

Item No.12: Note on Master Craftsman in MMS under Department of Posts for discussion in the Fast Track Committee.

Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.
List of Participants who attended the Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 9.06.2015

Ms Mamta Kundra
Joint Secretary (Establishment)

OFFICIAL SIDE                                            STAFF SIDE
MS A.G. MatheW,JS(PerS)
Department of Expenditure                      Shri M.Raghavaiah, Leader
Shri Mohan Lal,Director (DD)              Shri S.G.Mishra, Secretary
Shri A.K.Qasim,DS,CBEC                      Shri Guman Singh, Member
Smt Neera Khuntia,
Railway Board                                     Shri R.P. Bhatnagar, Member
Shri Vikram Gulati,DPCII,
Railway Board                                     Shri C.Srikumar, Member
Smt Mukta Goe1,Director,DoPT             Shri M.S.Raja, Member
Shri Arun Malik,Director(SR) D/o Posts Shri R. Srinivasan, Member
Shri Surender Kumar,
ADG(PC Cell) D/o Posts                    Shri Rakhal DaS Gupta,Member
Shri Sharda Prasad, Dy. Secy.
 Department of Defence Production Shri J .R. Bhosle, Member
Shri Manmohan Pipi1,DS(CP)
 D/o Defence                                          Shri K.K.N.Kutty, Member
Shri A.K. Jain, DS(Pay), DoPT
Shri Pushpender Kumar,US(Pay), DoPT

Courtesy CGe Portal



2015 NOVEMBER 6th

2015 NOVEMBER 19th


Dear Comrades,

The National Secretariat Meeting of the Confederation held at Hyderabad on 09th October 2015 while endorsing the decision of the National Joint Council of Action (Railway, Defence & Confederation) to organize massive protest dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 19th November 2015 and also Nationwide Protest Demonstration in front of all works spot & offices, has decided to further intensify the protest action against the negative attitude of the NDA Government by organizing the following programmes: -
(1)   2015 November 2nd to 6th - Campaign Week.
(2)   2015 November 6th – Nationwide Mass Dharna at all Important centres.

The Campaign and Protest Dharna will be organized mainly on the following three issues: -
(1)   Non Settlement of any of the legitimate demands raised by the JCM Staff Side, National Council by the NDA Government.

(2)   Causing engineered delay by the Government in the submission of 7th CPC report by granting four months extension upto 31st December 2015, even when the Pay Commission was ready to submit its report within the stipulated time i.e. 28th August 2015.

(3)   Unwarranted intervention of the Finance Ministry in the independent functioning of the Pay Commission by issuing a statement asking the 7th CPC to factor into its report the fiscal concern of the government and thereby to pressurize the commission not to recommend wage rise on the basis of a sound and scientific formulation.

All affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs are requested to implement the above campaign and protest programme throughout the country in a most befitting manner.

Yours fraternally,

(M. Krishnan)

Secretary General

Govt to bring more workers under bonus ambit

Workforce of the country has another reason to cheer in this festive season as the Narendra Modi-led government is set to promulgate an ordinance to amend Payments of Bonus Act 1965 to make more employees eligible for annual bonus.

According to the proposal, those earning up to Rs 21,000 (basic + DA) a month will now be eligible bonus. This would be a steep jump from the current ceiling of Rs 10,000 (basic + DA) per month.

The Election Commission has approved the Labour Ministry’s proposal and the Union Cabinet is likely to take up the issue on promulgating ordinance next week. From this year onwards, bonus will be linked to minimum wages. The government is in the process of revising the minimum wages, a senior official in the Ministry of Labour told Deccan Herald.

In a recent meeting with trade unions and the ministry, the government agreed to amend the Bonus Act by enhancing the eligibility ceiling under section 2(13) of the Act from Rs 10,000 per month to Rs 21,000 month.

It also agreed to calculate ceiling under section 12 from Rs 3,500 per month to Rs 7,000 per month, or the minimum wage notified by the government for the category of employment, whichever is higher, an official in the Ministry told Deccan Herald.

Sources said despite reservations by the industry representatives on the revised ceilings, the government has decided to go ahead with the proposal.

Trade unions

Though the trade unions demanded the abolition on ceiling on payment of bonus due to rising inflation, the government rejected it.

The wage ceiling and the entitlement ceiling were last revised in 2007 and made effective retrospectively from 2006, said Saji Narayan, former president of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh.



Newspapers keep informing us that that the 7th pay commission, which is eagerly expected by all the Central Government Employees will submit its report soon.

A considerable portion of the income that the Central Government Employees receive is from HRA (House Rent Allowance). Next to Dearness Allowance, HRA attracts the attention of most Central Government Employees.

HRA is classified as X, Y, Z according to population. HRA is given for city X as 30%, for Y as 20% and for Z 10%. Recently, more cities have been upgraded according to population and thereby a possibility of getting more HRA has been created.

At the same time, employees working in places which are not cities get lesser amount as HRA. For employees working in areas with lesser facilities like - no basic facilities, lying remote and inaccessible, no good schools for children, no recreation facility for family members, it would be a right decision to provide the same HRA as that which is given to employees who work in the cities.

Only then, such employees will come forward to continue their work in such areas. Otherwise, they will concentrate only on applying and getting a transfer from the area and will remain detached from the locality in which they work.

Just like DA which is given without any discrimination, an equal sum as HRA should also be given to all Central Government Employees without any difference. There can be no doubt about the feasibility of this solution.
Source CGE Portal

Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2014-15.

No.7/24/2007/E III (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E III (A) Branch
New Delhi, the October 16, 2015


Subject: -Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2014-15.

The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of the President to the grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoo Bonus) equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2014-15 to the Central Government employees in Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ and all non-gazetted employees in Group ‘B’, who are not covered by any Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme. The calculation ceiling for payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders shall continue to be monthly emoluments of Rs. 3500/-, as hitherto. The payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders will also be admissible to the eligible employees of Central Para Military Forces and Armed Forces. The orders will be deemed to be extended to the employees of Union Territory Administration which follow the Central Government pattern of emoluments and are not covered by any other bonus or ex-gratia scheme.

2. The benefit will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions:-

(i) Only those employees who were in service as on 31.3.2015 and have rendered at least six months of continuous service during the year 2014-15 will be eligible for payment under these orders. Pro-rata payment will be admissible to the eligible employees for period of continuous service during the year from six months to a full year, the eligibility period being taken in terms of number of months of service (rounded off to the nearest number of months);

(ii) The quantum of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) will be worked out on the basis of average emoluments/calculation ceiling whichever is lower. To calculate Non-PLB (Ad-hoc bonus) for one day, the average emoluments in a year will be divided by 30.4 (average number of days in a month). This will thereafter be multiplied by the number of days of bonus granted. To illustrate, taking the calculation ceiling of monthly emoluments of Rs. 3500 (where actual average emoluments exceed Rs. 3500/-, Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) for thirty days would work out to Rs. 3500x30/30.4=Rs.3453.95 (rounded off to Rs.345%)

(iii) The casual labour who have worked in offices following a 6 days week for at least 240 days for each year for 3 years or more (206 days in each year for 3 years or more in the case of offices observing 5 days week), will be eligible for this Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) Payment. The amount of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) payable will be (Rs.12oox30/30.4 i.e.Rs.1184.21 (rounded off to Rs.1184/). In cases where the actual emoluments fall below Rs.1200/- pm, the amount will be calculated on actual monthly emoluments.

(iv) All payments under these orders will be rounded off to the nearest rupee.

(v) The clarificatory orders issued vide this Ministry’s OM No.F.14 (10)-E. Coord/88 dated 4.10.1988, as amended from time to time, would hold good.

3. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to the respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited.
4. The expenditure to be incurred on account of Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) is to be met from within the sanctioned budget provision of concerned Ministries/Departments for the current year.

5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
