Tuesday 25 August 2015

PM Modi should ignore the naysayers on OROP - including the FinMin

PM Modi should ignore the naysayers on OROP - including the FinMin:  First Post

R Jagannathan  Aug 24, 2015|  If there is a worse way to handle a sensitive issue like OROP - one-rank-one-pension for the defence forces - I am yet to hear about it. The BJP has messed up big time on an issue that is not only very close to its own heart, but one that is long overdue.

Morally, politically and economically, Narendra Modi is making a serious mistake by unconscionably delaying OROP. Most arguments used against OROP are misleading, if not plain wrong.

First, when the previous government had already made a commitment on OROP and the then prime ministerial candidate had promised a full commitment to it in his election campaign, there was no way the decision could have been avoided. The only question that needed to be decided was when the scheme would be implemented and how OROP entitlements will be calculated. Two months was the maximum required after May 2014 for OROP to come into force.

Second, OROP affects the BJP's strongest constituency - the armed forces. As a nationalistic party, the BJP has drawn a disproportionate share of activists and politicians from the ex-servicemen's constituency - and this constituency is huge. The defence forces have 1.3 million serving personnel, another 1.2 million reservists, and many millions of ex-servicemen. And we are not even talking of other paramilitary forces like the NSG, the Assam Rifles, the Special Frontier Force and armed central policing forces like the CRPF, which has over 230 battalions of its own. Add them all and the numbers will surely double at least to around six million.

If we assume an average household size of five people per serving or retired defence jawan or officer, we are talking of close to 25-30 million people who will gain from OROP now or in the future. Can the BJP mess around with the futures of such a large constituency?

Third, there is the economic argument. The finance ministry under Arun Jaitley would surely have argued that the fiscal deficit will go for a toss if OROP is implemented this year. But the cost of OROP is reckoned at anything between Rs 8,000-12,000 crore, depending on who you include and how you calculate the rate of pension. This amount would be less than one-tenth the food subsidy, where in fact 40 percent goes to the wrong people. It needs the government to only reduce food subsidy wastage by 10 percent to pay for OROP.

Even assuming the real payout will be twice as large, assuming we include all military and paramilitary personnel, including CRPF, we are talking Rs 25,000 crore. A big amount, no doubt, but not unaffordable to a government committed to cleaning up the wasteful subsidy system. Half the savings have already accrued from cleaning up the LPG subsidy system with the direct cash payments scheme.

An honest approach to the problem of fiscal deficit would have been a simple statement from the government that OROP will be implemented in two stages, with 50 percent of the target -ex-servicemen (the lowest-paid) being eligible from this year, and the other from next year. Alternatively, we could have covered all people upto 75 percent of OROP entitlements this year and 100 percent next year.

To have ex-servicemen on hunger-strike and a minister and former army chief's daughter backing their cause is a public relations disaster for the Prime Minister.

In any case, if the real issue is only the impact on central finances, there is also the counter-argument: when consumption demand in the economy is weak and business is not investing, a higher payment to ex-servicemen may be just the pep consumption demand needs.

It is an established fact that whenever public sector pay rises after the implementation of pay commission recommendations (the next pay commission's recommendations will have to be implemented from next year), consumer demand picks up and growth revives. In an economy that wants to raise its growth momentum and jobs, what can be better than an additional Rs 10,000-20,000 crore in the hands of consumers, thanks to OROP? And remember, higher demand leads to higher tax revenues from increased economic activity and hence lowers the fiscal deficit after a lag.

The economic argument against accepting OROP is thus weak. On the contrary, by sanctioning OROP our defence personnel will not only be defending our border better but also our economy.

The Prime Minister is probably getting bad advice from his finance ministry on OROP. He should over-rule them and announce OROP before Rahul Gandhi turns up at an ex-serviceman's home and offers fake sympathies.

Maken to sit on dharna on Retirement Age and DA Merger issue

Maken to sit on dharna

Tribune News Service New Delhi, August 24
Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Ajay Maken along with a large number of party workers will sit on a daylong dharna tomorrow at Jantar Mantar seeking merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) with basic pay and also to oppose the move by the BJP-led Central Government to lower the retirement age of government employees.

DPCC chief spokesperson Sharmistha Mukherjee said party workers, government employees, teachers, pensioners and others will join Maken in the dharna to press their demand for merger of DA with basic pay and also to oppose the move to lower the retirement age of government employees. 

Addressing a press conference, Mukherjee said the Congress would be seeking the merger of 100 per cent DA with basic pay, which is 113 per cent as on January 1, 2015. The Congress-led UPA II government was to take a decision on merger of DA with basic pay, but due to the announcement of the general elections, it had to be deferred. 

She said the BJP-led Narendra Modi government was now trying to drastically curb non-plan expenditure, for which the Central government employees, academicians and scientists, etc have been made soft targets as the salaries and allowances of the government employees had touched Rs 2.54 lakh crore during the financial year 2013-2014, and another Rs 74,076 crore was spent in the same period on pensioners and family pensioners. 

About 80 per cent expenses on salary and allowances are spent on Railways, Defence, paramilitary forces, posts and revenue, and thus it is apparent that 80 per cent non-plan expenses are incurred on vital organizations. 

She also said the Modi government was trying to lower the retirement age from 60 to 58 years. 

"The BJP government at the Centre is keen to reduce the non-plan expenditure drastically and the easiest way is to prune the strength of employees and by reducing the retirement age, not merging DA with basic pay, and also to prevail upon the 7th Central Pay Commission to submit anti-government employees' report," Mukherjee added. 
Read at: The Tribune

छलावे से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं 7वां वेतन आयोग

छलावे से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं 7वां वेतन आयोग Bhaskar News NetworkAug 13, 2015

भिवानी | हरियाणाराजकीय अध्यापक संघ संबंधित महासंघ के प्रांतीय महासचिव संजीव मंदौला ने कहा कि सातवें वेतन आयोग में किसी कर्मचारी के वेतन में कोई बढ़ोतरी नहीं होगी बल्कि कहीं रिटायरमेंट की उम्र ही पचपन या पचास वर्ष हो जाए। सरकार द्वारा प्रचारित किया जा रहा है कि वेतन को 2.15 से गुणा करके नया वेतन बनाया जाएगा इस फार्मूले से तो उल्टा शिक्षकों का वेतन और भी घट जाएगा। 

जुलाई वाली महंगाई भत्ते की छह प्रतिशत किश्त के बाद डीए एक सौ सोलह प्रतिशत हो जाएगा और कर्मचारी के मूल वेतन में डीए जोड़ने के बाद वैसे ही वेतन 2.19 हो जाता है। जबकि केंद्र सरकार 2.15 का गुणनफल फेक्टर देकर कर्मचारियों का वेतन बढ़ने का दावा करके उन्हेंे गुमराह कर रही है। संघ के जिला प्रधान सत्यवान शास्त्री सचिव सज्जन सांगा ने बताया कि कर्मचारी की रिटायरमेंट आयु 31 वर्ष की सेवा या 60 साल की उम्र जो पहले आए आधार पर कर रही है जो कि कर्मचारियों के साथ धोखा है। यदि कोई कर्मचारी 21 वर्ष की आयु में सेवा में जाता है 31 वर्ष की सेवा करके वो तो 52 साल की आयु में ही रिटायर हो जाएगा। 60 वर्ष की सेवानिवृत्ति दिखाना भी छलावा है हरियाणा सरकार की तरह यदि केंद्र सरकार भी सेवानिवृत्ति की आयु 58 वर्ष कर देती है तो कर्मचारी और घाटे में रहेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि गुणज फार्मूला 3.7 लगा कर वेतन का निर्धारण किया जाए, सेवानिवृत्ति की आयु 60 वर्ष की जाए वर्ना अध्यापक संघ आंदोलन करने पर मजबूर होगा। 

Read at: Dainik Bhaskar

Read more: http://www.staffnews.in/2015/08/7th-cpc-is-a-miracle-only.html#ixzz3jnrawatY
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Monday 24 August 2015

Special Counters for Salaried Tax Payers Between 24th August to 31st August, 2015

Special Counters for Salaried Tax Payers Between 24th August to 31st August, 2015

Special it Return Counters to be Organised for Salaried Tax Payers (Including Pensioners) to File Paper Returns Between 24th August to 31st August, 2015 at Pratyaksha Kar Bhawan in National Capital;

Special Facilitation Counters for Senior Citizens and Differently Abled Persons;

These Counters to Facilitate Smaller Tax Payers Having Salary/Pension Income But Their Total Income do not Exceed Rs. 5 Lakhs or Their Returns do not Contain any Claim for Refund

The Principal, Chief Commissioners of Income Tax, New Delhi will be organizing Special Return Counters for Salaried Tax Payers (including pensioners) between 24th August to 31st August, 2015 at Pratyaksha Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi. The camp will be inaugurated by Chairperson of the Central Board of Direct Taxes(CBDT), Smt. Anita Kapur at 10.00 am. on Monday,24th August 2015

The special counters are being organized to facilitate smaller tax payers having salary/pension income, to file paper returns. Taxpayers may note that for the assessment year 2015-16, corresponding to the financial year 2014-15, e-filing of return of income is mandatory for persons whose total income exceeds Rs. 5 lakhs or if the return contains a claim for refund. Paper Returns in such cases will not be accepted.

However, the income limit of Rs. 5 lakhs and claim of refund will not apply to taxpayer over the age of 80 years deriving salary/pension income. In such cases paper returns will be accepted.

The special counters would be set-up jurisdiction wise as follows:

· For PCIT-22 Charge (Government salary)-‘B’ Block, Ground floor of Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi.
· For PCIT-23 Charge(PSUs/Bank employees/School and College employees)-‘C’ Block, Ground floor, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi.
· For PCIT-24 Charge (Private salaries)- ‘C’ block, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi.
There will be special facilitation counters for senior citizens and differently abled persons.

Facilities like a Helpdesk, assistance of Tax Return Preparers (TRPs), UTI/NSDL counters, banking, tax payment facility, PAN verification counters, drinking water, and emergency medical aid will be available at the venue.

Similar facilitation counters are being set-up in other metropolitan cities based on the local requirement.

Source: PIB News

Seventh Pay Commission may recommend permanent pay panel

 Seventh Pay Commission may recommend permanent pay panel

New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission is likely to recommend the government to form a permanent pay panel to give recommendations to the government from time to time on issues pertaining to pay structure of central government employees. 

The permanent pay panel would recommend regular salary hikes in keeping with the rate of inflation.

The formation of the permanent pay panel would help raise the salaries and allowances of central government officials and employees, an official of the pay panel said.

He added the permanent pay panel would recommend salary and allowance hikes in keeping with the rising inflation rate, which will be implemented by the government. “Then it will not be necessary to form a new commission during the next several years for central government employees.”

However, the Seventh Pay Commission got one month extension to submit its recommendations.

Accordingly it is expected to submit its report by the end of September. The time allotted for the commission ends this month.

The government appointed the Seventh Pay Commission on 28 February 2014 under chairman, Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, with a time frame of 18 months to make its recommendations

“There are some data points that are missing, which we hope to get by this month end. We are trying to submit the report by 20 September,” the official of the pay panel also said.

The government’s salary bill will rise by 9.56% to Rs 1,00,619 crore with the implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission, according to a statement tabled in Parliament by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on August 12.

The recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission, is likely to be implemented in April, next year.

Read more: http://www.staffnews.in/2015/08/seventh-pay-commission-may-recommend.html#ixzz3jjvPQI8Z
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सेवानिवृत्त कर्मियों की समस्याओं का हो निराकरण: समान पद-समान पेंशन, 65 साल में पेंशन में 20 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोत्तरी

सेवानिवृत्त कर्मियों की समस्याओं का हो निराकरण: समान पद-समान पेंशन, 65 साल में पेंशन में 20 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोत्तरी

अल्मोड़ा : केंद्रीय सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारी कल्याण समिति ने केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों की लंबित समस्याओं के शीघ्र निराकरण की मांग की है। समिति के पदाधिकारियों ने स्पष्ट कहा है कि सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के हितों की अनदेखी कतई बर्दाश्त नहीं की जाएगी।

समिति के सचिव आरपी जोशी ने कहा है कि समिति सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों की समस्याओं को काफी समय से उठा रही है, इसके बाद भी उनकी कोई सुध नहीं ली जा रही है, इससे कर्मचारियों में रोष बढ़ता जा रहा है। जोशी ने वेतन आयोग में सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों को भी स्थान दिए जाने, पेंशन में 20 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोत्तरी 80 साल के स्थान पर 65 साल किए जाने, समान पद-समान पेंशन का लाभ दिए जाने, सेवानिवृत्त कार्मिकों को दो वर्ष में एक बार एलटीसी की सुविधा दिए जाने की मांग उठाई है। उन्होंने समिति की मांगों पर गंभीरतापूर्वक विचार किए जाने की मांग केंद्र सरकार से की है।

Read at: Dainik Jagran

Read more: http://www.staffnews.in/2015/08/65-20.html#ixzz3jjuahJpd
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PF Body to Launch Online Facility to Open NPS Accounts

PF Body to Launch Online Facility to Open NPS Accounts

Press Trust of India | Mumbai: Pension fund regulator PFRDA is set to launch an online facility for opening of accounts under the National Pension System (NPS) to net in prospective customers.

"We are set to launch the online on-boarding facility for the prospective customers of pension schemes under the NPS," PFRDA chairman Hemant Contractor told reporters on the sidelines of an insurance summit organised by the industry lobby CII.

"We have also urged the government to offer tax-breaks to pension schemes falling on the lines of other financial products like mutual funds and insurance, to popularise pension products in the unorganised sector," he said.

The Pension Funds Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA has sought clarification from the government if the pension products being run by various fund houses and life insurers can be regulated by it.

"We have asked the government to clarify whether we can regulate the pension business being run by mutual fund houses and life insurers because the PFRDA Act empowers us to regulate all kinds of pension business," Contractor said.

On the pension business being managed by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), he said it is up to the government to decide that who will be regulating it.

Commenting on the progress of NPS, he said the NPS corpus has already crossed Rs 94,000 crore so far, which includes Rs 7,000 crore from the Atal Pension Yojana.

He further said, "We've already opened 6,80,000 accounts under the Atal Pension scheme during the past couple of months and we are looking at taking it to 2 crore by December. Out of these 6,80,000 accounts, 65 per cent subscribers come from urban areas and the rest from the rural areas."

The three state-owned fund managers, who are managing the Atal Pension scheme funds are UTI, SBI and LIC Pension Fund.

The regulator is getting ready to appoint new fund managers for the NPS, which has seven active fund managers now and also reviewing fund management charges. Contractor also said the regulator is planning to increase the tenure of NPS fund managers to five years from the present three.

"We don't mind paying a higher commission to incentivise fund managers and distributors so as to expand the NPS reach. We are reviewing a proposal in this regard and we will be issuing a request for proposal to appoint new fund managers within a month," he said.

Read at: Profit NDTV

Read more: http://www.staffnews.in/2015/08/pf-body-to-launch-online-facility-to.html#ixzz3jjtSNRuU
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Payment Banks have the potential to change banking habits in the country, says Arun Jaitley

Applications are invited from willing and eligible officials to work in PTC, Darbhanga as Instructor.

To view the letter issued by Director, PTC, Darbhanga, please CLICK H ERE. 

Employment News : 22 to 28 August 2015

    Name of Post – Divisional Medical Officer, Dental Surgeons, etc.. 
    No. of Vacancies – 216
    Last Date – 11.09.2015.
  2. MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES Name of Posts –Astt. Draughtsman (Astt. ‘D’Man), Civil Motor Driver, etc.
    No. of Vacancies - 456
    Last Date – 28.09.2015.
  3. AIR INDIA CHARTERS LIMITED Name of Posts – Pilots, Airline Attendants. 
    No. of Vacancies – 243
    Date- 15 days from the date publication
    No. of Vacancies –156
    Last Date – - - 03.10.2015.
  5. EASTERN RAILWAY Name of Post –Fitters, Machinists, Painters, etc.
    No. of Vacancies -525
    Last Date: – 28.09.2015
  6. DIRECTORATE OF CONSTRUCTION, SERVICE & ESTATE MANAGEMENT Name of Post –Scientific Assistants (Horticulture), Technicians (Electrical), etc.
    No. of Vacancies –46
    Last Date – 21.09.2015
Source : http://employmentnews.gov.in/

Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) Recruitment for Non Technical Popular Categories 2015

Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) has published a Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2015. Check below for more details.

Posts :

  1. Junior Clerk cum Typist: 301 Posts
  2. Accounts Clerk cum Typist: 55 Posts
  3. Trains Clerk: 29 Posts
  4. Commercial Clerk: 86 Posts
  5. Ticket Examiner: 160 Posts

Total No. of Posts : 631 Posts

Educational Qualification : 12th (Matric with +2 Stage) or its equivalent examination.

Age Limit : 18 to 29 years as on 01-01-2016

How to Apply : Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website http://rrbappreg.net..

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Last date : 21-09-2015 
Written / Online Exam Date: Between 24-10-2015 to 04-11-2015

UPSC Exam Calendar for the year 2016 :

UPSC Exam Calendar for the year 2016 :

Calendar : Click Here

UPSC Advt No 11/2015 for Various Vacancies

UPSC Advt No 11/2015 for Various Vacancies: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued notification for Various Vacancies.

Name of the Posts:

  • Economic Officer
  • Medical Officer/ Research Officer (Homeopathy)
  • Company Prosecutor
  • Additional Director General
  • Joint Director General
  • Director
  • Anthropologist (Physical Anthropology Division)
  • Assistant Anthropologist(Cultural Anthropology Division)
  • Assistant Anthropologist (Physical Anthropology Division)
  • Assistant Keeper
  • Assistant Professor (English)
  • Assistant Professor Chinese
  • Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
  • Assistant Professor (Survey and Engineering)
  • Assistant Professor of Dentistry (Oral Surgery)
  • Dental Surgeons
  • Factory Manager
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  • Training Officer (Architectural Assistant ship)
  • Training Officer (Electronics)
  • Assistant Government Advocate
  • Assistant Legislative Counsel (Oriya)
  • Superintending Mining Geologist
  • Deputy Ore Dressing Officer
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Anesthesia)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (ENT)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Dermatology)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Ophthalmology)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Orthopaedics)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Pathology)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Radio-diagnosis)
  • Divisional Medical Officer (Surgery)
  • Assistant Divisional Dental Surgeons
  • Scientist B (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Education Officer/Assistant Director of Education
  • Assistant Professor (Non-Technical) (English & Communication Skills)
  • Assistant Professor (Non-Technical) (Applied Chemistry)
  • Assistant Professor (Non-Technical) (Applied Physics)
  • Professor of Hospital Administration-cum-Medical Superintendent
  • Assistant Public Prosecutor
Important Dates:
Closing Date for Submission of Online Application: 10-09-2015 up to 23:59 hrs
Last Date for Printing of Completely Submitted Online Application: 11-09-2015 up to 23:59 hrs

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