Saturday, 5 December 2015

Barclays Bank London Wishes to Tie Up with India Post

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 08:58 AM PST
Barclays Plc is seeking a partnership with India’s postal department, which won preliminary approval to set up a payments bank, as the U.K. bank strives to widen its reach in the South Asian country.

A partnership with India Post, as the service is known, would give Barclays “access to areas where we do not have a physical presence,” George Cherian, a Mumbai-based spokesman for the bank, said by phone on Friday.

The U.K. bank and Deutsche Bank AG are among 17 firms including three insurers that want to use the postal service’s network to deliver financial services, according to a person familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified as the information is private. A unit of the department will offer the services initially through 500 branches and will later expand the operation across the country, the person said.

A tie-up opens up the prospect for lenders and insurers to distribute products and offer financial services through a portion of a network that has about 155,000 post offices across India. By comparison, State Bank of India is the nation’s largest lender by branches with 16,400 outlets.

The Department of Posts was one of 11 entities that won “in-principle” approval from the central bank in August for a payments banking license, which allows companies to collect deposits, facilitate money transfers and sell insurance and mutual funds. Through these lenders, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hopes to eventually tap into savings from rural areas that currently have limited access to banking services, and bolster credit growth in the world’s second-most populous nation.

Banks such as Barclays could also use the postal network to provide cash-management services to clients. In cash management, a bank collects and disburses cash, and manages surplus funds to support a corporate customer’s day-to-day operations.

Linus Chettiar, a Mumbai-based spokesman for Deutsche Bank, couldn’t immediately comment. Postal department spokesman N. N. Kaul didn’t answer two calls to his mobile phone.

State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, IDBI Bank Ltd. and Yes Bank Ltd. are among other lenders that are seeking to partner with India Post, according to the person.
Source: Post bank of India

Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP)-7th Pay Commission Report

Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP):

i. This will continue to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before.
ii. In the new Pay matrix, the employees will move to the immediate next level in the hierarchy.
iii. In the interest of improving performance level, the benchmark for MACP has been recommended to be enhanced from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good.’
iv. The Commission has proposed withholding of annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for MACP or a regular promotion within the first 20 years of their service. (paras 5.1.44-5.1.46)

Withholding Annual Increments of Non-performers after 20 Years

There is a widespread perception that increments as well as upward movement in the hierarchy happen as a matter of course. The perception is that grant of MACP, although subject to the employee attaining the laid down threshold of performance, is taken for granted. This Commission believes that employees who do not meet the laid down performance criterion should not be allowed to earn future annual increments. The Commission is therefore proposing withholding of annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for MACP or a regular promotion within the first 20 years of their service.

This will act as a deterrent for complacent and inefficient employees. However, since this is not a penalty, the norms for penal action in disciplinary cases involving withholding increments will not be applicable in such cases. This will be treated as an “efficiency bar”. Additionally, for such employees there could be an option to leave service on similar terms and conditions as prescribed for voluntary retirement.

Source:  Potools blog

7th Pay Commission Matrix Calculator Revised

7th Pay Commission Pay & Allowance Calculator

Enter Band Pay
Select Grade Pay
Select HRA
Select TA

Calculation on 7th CPC Recommendations as on 1.1.2016

Your Basic Pay
Your Pay Matrix Level
Your Index Level
Your HRA
Your TA
Your Revised Pay
Thank you - Admin, PoTools

Print the above calculation report using below link

Print Your New Basic Pay as per 7th Pay Commission

Source POtools blog

Employment News : 05th December to 11 December 2015

    Name of Post –Constables 
    No. of Vacancies – 520
    Last Date –31.12.2015
  2. STATE BANK OF INDIA, MUMBAI Name of Posts –Deputy Manager (Law), Assistant Manager (System)
    No. of Vacancies -185
    Last Date – 12.12.2015
  3. NAVAL SHIP REPAIR YARD, PORT BLAIR Name of Posts – MT Fitter, Welder, Shipwright, Engine Fitter, Tradesman Mate, etc.
    No. of Vacancies – 151
    Date- Last Date Of Application is 30 Days From the Date of Publication
  4. CSIR-CENTRA DRUG RESEARCH INSTITUTE Name of Posts – Scientist, Senior Scientist 
    No. of Vacancies –21
    Last Date – –05.02.2016
  5. KOLKATA PORT TRUST Name of Post –Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer (Civil), Senior Assistant Traffic, Sr. Medical Officer, etc.
    No. of Vacancies -61
    Last Date: – 21-12-2015

Source :
Courtesy SAPost blog

Daily Allowance

Daily allowance is meant to cover living expenses when employees travel out of their headquarters for work. Presently it is in the form of reimbursement of staying accommodation expenses, travelling charges (for travel within the city) and food bills, payable at the following rates:

For journeys on foot, undertaken in organizations like FSI, Survey of India, GSI, etc. for data collection purposes, an additional allowance of ₹7.5 per km travelled on foot shall be payable.

The existing dispensation is different for Railway employees who are paid a flat sum because they are currently not entitled to stay in any accommodation other than Railway rest houses. The lump-sum rates for Railway personnel are as follows:

Representations received regarding this allowance primarily deal with the reimbursement procedure, as it is claimed that getting hotel bills (in small towns) and food bills is not always practical. 

Analysis and Recommendations by 7th CPC
The Commission considered the present model of this allowance, followed both in Railways and in other ministries. It is proposed to adopt the best from both of them so that the administration of the allowance can be simplified. Accordingly the following is recommended: 

a) Reimbursement of staying accommodation charges

For levels 8 and below, the amount of claim (up to the ceiling) may be paid without production of vouchers against self-certified claim only. The self-certified claim should clearly indicate the period of stay, name of dwelling, etc. The ceiling for reimbursement will further rise by 25 percent whenever DA increases by 50 percent. Additionally, it is also provided that for stay in Class ‘X’ cities, the ceiling for all employees up to Level 8 would be ₹1,000 per day, but it will only be in the form of reimbursement upon production of relevant vouchers.

b) Reimbursement of travelling charges

Similar to Reimbursement of staying accommodation charges, for levels 8 and below, the claim (up to the ceiling) should be paid without production of vouchers against selfcertified claim only. The self-certified claim should clearly indicate the period of travel, vehicle number, etc. The ceiling for levels 11 and below will further rise by 25 percent whenever DA increases by 50 percent. The rate of allowance for foot journeys shall be enhanced from the current rate of ₹7.5 per km to ₹12 per km travelled on foot. This rate also shall further rise by 25 percent whenever DA increases by 50 percent.

 c) There will be no separate reimbursement of food bills. Instead, the lump sum amount payable will be as per Table 1 below and, depending on the length of absence from headquarters, would be regulated as per Table 2 below. Since the concept of reimbursement has been done away with, no vouchers will be required. This methodology is in line with that followed by Indian Railways at present (with suitable enhancement of rates)

  i. Lump sum amount payable

All the above provisions will apply to Railway personnel also

Source SAPost blog


Source SAPost blog

Sale Of 10 Years NSC-IX Issue Will Be Stopped From 20.12.2015

Sale Of 10 Years NSC-IX Issue Will Be Stopped From 20.12.2015

Discontinuation of National Savings Certificate (IX th Issue)

Implementation of e-service book in all Ministries/Departments.

Source :

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from 1st January, 2011 to 31st October 2015

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from
1st January, 2011 to 31st October 2015
A. Approved by Cabinet

S.No.Name of the ServiceCRC* MeetingCabinet Approval
1.CPWD Central Engineering Service, Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service and Central Architecture Service27/06/201103/01/2012
2.Military Engineering Services (Indian Defence Service of Engineers, Architect Cadre and Surveyor Cadre)22/09/2011 and 23/01/201218/04/2013

Indian Revenue Service19/02/2013 and GoM** on
4.Indian Radio Regulatory Service19/02/201303/07/2013
5.Central Labour Service19/02/201317/07/2013
6.Indian Customs & Central Excise27/08/201305/12/2013
7.Indian Cost Accounts Service29/10/201302/01/2014
8.Central Power Engineering Service11/12/201313/05/2014
9.Indian Ordnance Factory Service19/03/201429/10/2014
10.Indian Civil Accounts Service17/07/201316/01/2015
11.Border Road Engineering Service26/02/201507/04/2015
12.Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service08/01/2015 06/05/2015
13.Indian Trade Service06/05/201401/07/2015
14.Indian Statistical Service24/06/201429/07/2015
15.DGET & Women Training Directorate10/04/201507/10/2015
 CRC - Cadre Review Committee ** GoM - Group of Ministers

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.10.2015

B. Pending Proposals
S. No.Name of the ServiceStatus
1. With Concerned Ministry – CRC meeting held and Cabinet approval pending (3)
1.Railway Protection ForceCRC meeting held on 29/07/2013. Decision with the approval of MoS (PP) and FM has been communicated to the Ministry of Railways on 09/10/2013 for taking Cabinet approval.
2.Indian Naval Material Management ServiceThe CRC meeting held on 24/10/2013. Comments of DoPT on Cabinet Note have been provided to Ministry of Defence on 21 /1/2015 .
3.Indian P& T Acctt. and Fin. ServiceCRC meeting was held on 17/09/2015 . Approval of MoS (PP) and FM has been conveyed to Department of Telecom on 17/11/2015 for taking Cabinet approval.
2. With Cabinet Secretariat (3)
4.Ministry of Micro. Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)Approval of Secretary (P) & Secretary (Exp) has been obtained and the Note for Cadre Review Committee has been sent to Cabinet Secretariat.
5.Central Reserve Police ForceApproval of Secretary (P) & Secretary (Exp) has been obtained and the Note for Cadre Review Committee has been sent to Cabinet Secretariat.
6.Indian Postal ServiceThe CRC Meeting was held on 20107/2015 and it was decided in the meeting that the Cadre review proposal may be taken after the report of 7th Pay Commission is received
3. With Department of Personnel & Training (3)
7.Indian Telecom ServiceCRC meeting held on 17109/2015 and it has been directed that the matter has to be re-examined in consultation with DoT and DoE. Two meetings chaired by Secretary (Telecom) have been held on
09/10/2015 & 27/10/2015 and certain clarifications have been called for by letter dated 26/10/2015 . Reply of DoT has been received on 30/11 /2015 .
8.Central Engineering Service (Roads)A meeting under the chairmanship of Secretary (P) is scheduled to be held on 14/12/2015 .
9.Indian Information ServiceCRC meeting held on 30107/2014. Approval of MoS (PP) and FM has been conveyed to Ministry of Information & Broadcasting on 15/12/2014 for taking Cabinet approval. Ministry of I&B has sent a revised proposal recently.
4. With Ministry concerned for clarifications (10)
10.Indian P& T Building WorksClarifications are awaited from DoT on the cadre strength.
11.Indian Defence Accounts ServiceClarifications have been sought vide letter dated 23/11/2015. Reply awaited.
12.Indian Railways Personnel ServiceA letter dated 14/10/2015 asking for details of work charge posts has been sent to Ministry of Railways. Reply is awaited.
13.Indian Railways Accounts Service-do-
14.Indian Railways Stores Service-do-
15.Indian Railways Service of Signal Engineers-do-
16.Indian Railways Service of Electrical Engineers-do-
17.Indian Railways Traffic Service-do-
18.Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineers-do-
19.Indian Railways Service of Engineers-do-

Note: 1. In all the remaining cadres. letters have been written to the Cadre Controlling Authorities to send the cadre review proposals for the serviceslcadres pertaining to their departments.

2. By letter dated 20104/2015 suggestions have been invited from the cadre Controlling Authorities on Cadre Review on email id

3. A presentation dated 19/12/2014 on “Reforming Personnel management in Gujarat “has been uploaded on the site for information as it contains many new initiatives of the Government of Gujarat. Slide number 16-47 has the details of restructuring and the recruitment calendar. The link is


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AII  India Price Index for Industrial Workers on Base 2001 = 100


Railways Amends Ticket Reservation / Cancellation Rules for the Benefit of Bona Fide Passengers

a). With effect from 12.11.2015, certain provisions of Railway Passengers (Cancellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules have been amended and comprehensive Railway Passengers (Cancellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules 2015 have been notified through Gazette Notification G.S.R. 836(E). dated 04.11.2015.

Important changes made in Railway Passengers (Cancellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules are as under:-

(A). Doubling of Clerkage and Cancellation charges.

(B). Refund on cancellation of unused confirmed tickets:

(i). If confirmed ticket is presented for cancellation between 48 hours and upto 12 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, 25% cancellation charges is levied subject to minimum flat cancellation charge.

(ii) If confirmed ticket is presented for cancellation between 12 hours and upto 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train irrespective of distance, 50% cancellation charge is levied subject to minimum flat cancellation charge.

(iii). Refund on confirmed ticket will be granted only upto 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train.

(C). Refund on cancellation of unused RAC/Wait-listed tickets/Partially confirmed tickets:-

(i). When RAC/Waitlisted ticket/Partially confirmed tickets is presented for cancellation, the refund of fare net of clerkage charge is made upto 30 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train.

(D). In case of cancellation of trains, automatic cancellation of booking and refund of the amount on e-ticket is granted to the customer’s account (i.e. one from which booking transactions were made). Filing of TDR would no longer be required in such cases.

(b) & (c). Representations are received at various Administrative levels of Indian Railways from time to time on which action as found feasible and justified is taken.

There shall be no inconvenience to passengers if tickets are cancelled within the prescribed time limits.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.


Ministry of Railways revises Child Fare Rule

New provision will come into effect from April, 2016

Ministry of Railways has decided to revise the child fare rule. Under the revised provision, full adult fare will be charged for children of age 5 years and under 12 years of age if for whom berth/seat (in reserved class) is sought at the time of reservation. However, in case berth/seat is not sought for the children of age 5 years and under 12 years of age at the time of reservation,  then half of the adult fare shall continue to be charged subject to the minimum distance for charging.    

            Necessary changes shall be carried in the reservation form so that the passenger can indicate their option for requirement of full berth/seat for child or not.

There shall be no change in the rule for child fare of unreserved tickets i.e. fare for children of 5-12 years for unreserved tickets shall continue to be half of the adult fare subject to the minimum distance for charging.

Children under five years of age will continue to be carried free (without berth).

             The revised child fare rule shall be applicable for travel from April, 2016 onwards. Exact date of commencement of this provision will be notified separately at a later date.


Transfer policy relaxed for employees with disabled children: Dr Jitendra Singh

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh today disclosed that the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) had relaxed the transfer policy in case of government employees who happened to be the parents or care-givers of a disabled child. As a result of this, parents of such children would be exempted from routine exercise of transfer in government service, subject to administrative constraints.

Dr Jitendra Singh was speaking after inaugurating T-20 series cricket match between India and Pakistan teams comprising of specially abled or physically challenged players from both sides. The series is being held in connection with the “World Disability Day”.

Elaborating further, Dr Jitendra Singh said, initially, the Narendra Modi government provided this relaxation in case of employees who were care-givers of a child with certain disabilities like blindness or low vision, hearing impairment, locomotors disability, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, multiple disabilities and autism, but a recent proposal put up few days back, seeks to include two more conditions namely, thalassaemia and hemophilia in this category.

Dr Jitendra Singh said, another major decision taken by the Government with regard to Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) is to provide hi-tech latest technology devices including low-vision aids, hearing aids, special furniture, wheelchairs, software scanners and other necessary hardware to those of the employees who are already in the government service. For those of the disabled youth who are not in government service, a special recruitment drive has been launched from 22nd May this year to fill up vacancies by February 2016, he added.

Dr Jitendra Singh also informed that there is an age relaxation of ten years in upper age limit for the persons with disabilities to apply for jobs to all the posts under Central Government. In addition, 3% reservation of vacancies for direct recruitment is applicable to Group A, B, C & D and similarly 3% reservation of vacancies is also available for promotion applicable to Group C & D, he added.


The Shocking fact of Pay hike recommended by 7th Pay Commission

The Pay hike recommended by 7th Pay Commssion has been discribed as Bonanza by Media

Pay commission said 14.29 % Hike in Pay is recommended, Media said central government employees will get 23.55%  hike in salary including allowances.

we will find out the real fact about the so called Bonanza..!

whether the Media claims are true or not through a simple calculation…!

The strength of Group C employees in Central Government is 85%. So we must know what the Pay Hike is recommended for them actually.

But Media give more attention to this 15 % because they have been paid more

It doesnt make sense that the Pay hike recommended for remaining 15 % taken into account. Because they are creamy layer of the Government. The Pay Hike for them also will be decided by them. So the take extra  care for not giving more to this 85%.

7th CPC recommendation on Pay Hike is mocking rather than encouraging the Central government employees. See the following example

Assume a govt servant has been appointed in GP 1800 on 1st August of 2015 and he has been provided accomadation in Govt Quarters

His Net Pay for the month of January 2016 in Sixth CPC is given below..

 Basic Pay Pay = PB Rs.5200 + GP Rs.1800  =  Rs.7000/-

             Assuming DA 125% as on 31-1-2016  =  Rs.8750/

              ( Since he hs availed Quarter) HRA  =  Nil

                                                  TA = 600 + DA  =  Rs.1350

                                        Total Gross Pay    =  Rs. 17100


 NPS 10% of basic Pay  =  70

                CGEGIS   =   30

      Total deductions   (700+30) = 730
            Net Pay = 17100-730   =  16370

His Revised 7th CPC Pay as on 31-1-2016

                          Minimum Basic Pay  =  Rs. 18000/-

DA   =    Nil
HRA =    Nil
TA  =  Rs. 1350

                           Total gross pay  =   Rs.19350


NPS = 1800

CGEGIS = 1500

Total deductions = 3300

Net Pay -= 19350-3300 = 16050

Before 7th Pay Commission his Net pay = Rs. 16370
After 7th Pay commission his Net Pay  = Rs.  16050

He will be drawing Rs.320 lesser in 7th Pay Commission revised Pay than from his Sixth CPC pay

Anybody can  calculate from the above example that how much percentage of increase this Goup ‘C’ Government servants get from this 7th CPC bonanza ?

Friday, 4 December 2015