Monday 21 September 2015

New Pension Scheme(NPS) VS Old Pension Scheme

NPS is far beneficial than Government Pension – Comparison of New Pension Scheme (National Pension Scheme) and Central Government Pension 

The Central Government employees who have joined after 1/1/2004 and are put under National Pension Scheme (NPS) have been demanding abolition of NPS and have been persuading the Central Government to make the government pension scheme applicable to them. 

This only exhibits their ignorance of the fact that the New Pension Scheme is highly lucrative and make the government employees who joined after 1/1/2004 far richer than the government employees who enjoy government pension scheme. By doing so they are in the process of ruining the great fortunes that lies in store under New Pension Scheme. Let me compare both the scheme: 

Comparison of New Pension Scheme (National Pension Scheme) and Central Government Pension 
Benefits under NPS 

Let me take a case of Upper Division Clerk(UDC) who joins government service in 2014 at the age of 25 and renders 35 years of service till attaining 60 years of age. He / She gets 3% annual increment every year and gets one promotion every 10 year under M.A.C.P. Although he / she is likely to get 14 to 20% increase in D.A every year as per Consumer Price Index I just take 12%(assuming 6 + 6%) 2 times D.A in a year 

* MACP / Promotion Years 

(A) Therefore, the total pension wealth of a government servant who joined in 2014 and retiring under New Pension Scheme shall at the time of his retirement be Rs. 2,87,26,201/- 

(B) 60% of the lump-sum pension wealth which he / she will be getting on retirement: 

(C) 40% invested in an annuity scheme which he / she can receive before 70 years: 

(D) Earned Leave Encashment: Rs. 215625 x 10 months : Rs. 21,56,250 
TOTAL of (A) (B) (C) and (D) will be Rs. 3,08,82,451 
Death Gratuity: 

Although not entitled for retirement gratuity, but eligible for Death Gratuity If died during the service 
Monthly Pension: 

At the assumed Interest at the rate of 8.7% per annum on the other 40% of pension wealth of Rs.1,14,90,481 invested in annuity shall fetch 
monthly pension of at least : Rs.83,306/ – 

Not only this, before he / she attains the age of 70 he / she can withdraw the remaining 40% of his pension wealth of Rs. 1,14,90,481/- which if invested in Fixed Deposit of a nationalised bank can fetch interest and take care of not only of his wife and children but his descendants also for generations to come. 

This is just a tip of the iceberg. If we consider the other 4 pay commission benefits that materialize on1/1/2016, 1/1/2026, 1/1/2036 and 1/1/2046 which a NPS pensioner who joins as UDC shall be getting before his retirement in 2049,his total pension wealth will be undoubtedly double the above amount which comes to more than Rs.5 crores. While a person who joins as U.D.C. gets this much, one will be rocked out of stupor to know what a Group A officer who renders 35 years of service may get – undoubtedly his total pension wealth will be more than Rs.10 crores. 
Benefits under Central Government Pension Scheme 

Now let us see what will be the retirement benefits of the above person if he / she is put in government pension scheme: 
1.Gratuity for 16.5 months : 

Rs.2,15,625 x 16.5 months = Rs.35,57,812/- Restricted to Rs.10,00,000 
2. Earned Leave Encashment: 

Rs. 215625 x 10 months : Rs.21,56,250 
3. Pension Commutation: 

Rs.17195 x 40% = Rs.6878 x 12 x 8.194 years Rs 6,76,300 
Total Benefits under Central Government Pension Scheme: Rs.38,32,550 
4. GPF Balance: 

As it is a general tendency of the government servants to withdraw from GPF frequently, there will be very little left at the time of retirement 
5. Monthly pension 

i) Rs.34390 / 2 = Rs.17195 (basic pension being 50% of pay and grade pay Less 40% of basic pension towards commutation (Rs 6878) which will be restored after 15 years 
Balance basic pension is Rs. 10317 

ii) DA @ 527% of basic pension of Rs.17195 = Rs. 90617 (subject to increase in DA every 6 months based on consumer price index) 
Total pension is Rs.1,00,934 per month. 

After the death of government servant say after 67 years, spouse can take only 60% of the basic pension i.e.Rs.17195 x 60% = Rs.10317 plus the prevailing rates. After spouse’s death children are unlikely to draw the pension as they would have already crossed the age limit. Thus, unlike the dependents of NPS pensioners, there will be nothing left for financial security of the dependents of the government pensioners . 

Thus it is unwise on the part of government servants who have joined after 1/1/2004 to demand for abolition of NPS scheme and grant of government pension.
Deputy Director
ESIC Model Hospital,
Bangalore (Ministry of Labour, Government of India) is the author of this Article.
Source:  PO Tools blog 


Calculation Of Salary Of Newly Recruited MTS 

Basic Pay = Rs 7000 DA = Rs 8330
HRA = Rs 2100 for X class city
= Rs 1400 for Y class city
= Rs 700 for Z class city
= Rs 1314 for X class city
= Rs 876 for Y and Z class city

Gross salary
= Rs 18744 for X class city
= Rs 17606 for Y class city
= Rs 16906 for Z class city

Now let’s calculate deductions from your gross salary to find out Salary in hand
CPF = Rs 1533
CGHS = Rs 150
CGEGIS = Rs 10
Total = Rs 1693
So the salary in hand will be

In X Class cities = Rs 17051

In Y Class cities = Rs 15913

In Z Class cities = Rs 15213
Source:  SA Post Blog

Government pulls up ministries on pension delay issue, sets October 15 deadline for report

NEW DELHI: The government has raised objections to delay in starting pensions to retiring officials because their respective departments fail to issue a certificate validating the service five years before they actually retire. All ministries have now been asked to study the case of each soon-to be retiring employee to avoid such an occurrence. 

The PM-led ministry of personnel has written to all ministries on September 16 that they need to submit a report by October 15 in this regard and non-compliance with the statutory requirement of issuing the said certificate "may be viewed seriously". 

As per the existing rules, a certificate regarding 'qualifying service' is required to be issued by the Heads of Offices after completion of 18 years of service of an employee and again 5 years before the date of the person's retirement. "It has been noticed that the certificates regarding qualifying service are not invariably issued to the government servant as required under the rules," the letter stated.

NEW DELHI: The government has raised objections to delay in starting pensions to retiring officials because their respective departments fail to issue a certificate validating the service five years before they actually retire. All ministries have now been asked to study the case of each soon-to be retiring employee to avoid such an occurrence. 

The PM-led ministry of personnel has written to all ministries on September 16 that they need to submit a report by October 15 in this regard and non-compliance with the statutory requirement of issuing the said certificate "may be viewed seriously". 

As per the existing rules, a certificate regarding 'qualifying service' is required to be issued by the Heads of Offices after completion of 18 years of service of an employee and again 5 years before the date of the person's retirement. "It has been noticed that the certificates regarding qualifying service are not invariably issued to the government servant as required under the rules," the letter stated.

"It has been observed by this department that processing of pension cases of the employees retiring quite often get delayed on account of the issues relating to verification of service. Although detailed instructions regarding verification of service have been issued by DoPT and by this department, these instructions are not meticulously adhered to resulting in delay in sanctioning of retirement benefit of the employees," said the September 16 letter. 

The letter specifies a format under which all ministries have to furnish a statement now by October 15 regarding the status of issue of service verification certificates. Each ministry has to specify the number of employees to whom the certificate has been issued after 18 years of their service and 5 years before their retirement, to whom the certificate is due and number of eligible employees in respect of whom the issue of certificates is in due process. The government is streamlining the system of pension issue, including introducing an Aadhaar-based online 'annual life certificate' submission system. 

"It has been observed by this department that processing of pension cases of the employees retiring quite often get delayed on account of the issues relating to verification of service. Although detailed instructions regarding verification of service have been issued by DoPT and by this department, these instructions are not meticulously adhered to resulting in delay in sanctioning of retirement benefit of the employees," said the September 16 letter. 

The letter specifies a format under which all ministries have to furnish a statement now by October 15 regarding the status of issue of service verification certificates. Each ministry has to specify the number of employees to whom the certificate has been issued after 18 years of their service and 5 years before their retirement, to whom the certificate is due and number of eligible employees in respect of whom the issue of certificates is in due process. The government is streamlining the system of pension issue, including introducing an Aadhaar-based online 'annual life certificate' submission system. 

Grant of Night Duty Allowance on the basis of Actual Salary without ceiling limit of Rs. 12380/-: BPMS writes to OFB

Grant of Night Duty Allowance on the basis of Actual Salary without ceiling limit of Rs. 12380/-: BPMS writes to OFB


REF: BPMS / OFB / NDA / 200 (8/2/L)
Dated: 14.09.2015
The BBC (IR),
Ordnance Factory Board,
10 A, S K Bose Road,
Kolkata - 700001
Subject: Grant of Night Duty Allowance on the basis of Actual Salary.
Reference: PC of A (Fys) Kolkata letter No. Pay/Tech-ll/I206/2015/13, dated 09.09.2015 

Respected Sir,

With due regards, it is submitted that the issue of payment of Night Duty Allowance based on actual salary, instead of notional pay of Rs.2200/- was resolved vide MOD ID No. 17(4)/2012/D(Civ-II), Dated 08.05.2015 in compliance of Contempt Petition (CP No. 200/2014 Shri Arvind Girija Singh & Ors versus UOI & Ors.) based on the CAT Jodhpur directions in CA No 34/2008 dated 5.11.2009 and subsequent ratifications by Hon’ble High Court and Supreme Court of India.

We are surprised to see the PC of A (Fys) letter cited under reference whereby ceiling for entitlement of Night Duty Allowance has been revised to Rs. 12380/- pay in Pay Band. We have strong objection on the issuance of this letter because PC of A (Fys) is not the competent authority to revise the ceiling of entitlement for NDA unilaterally as the original order has been issued by Ministry of Defence in consultation with Min of Finance, DoP&T, Def (Finance) and if there was any doubt regarding eligibility, PC of A (Fys) should have asked for clarification from the competent authorities through prescribed channels.

Further, all the court cases regarding revision of night duty allowance was related to the notional ceiling of Rs. 2200/- per month and this issue was resolved by ordering the NDA on the actual salary and nowhere court further fixed any real or notional ceiling. Even it has been already clarified in the earlier order which states that entitlement ceiling of Rs. 2200/- is not applicable to existing categories who are getting NDA. Prior to implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC, lEs / NlEs / NGOs upto Assistant Foreman (Technical) was entitled for Night Duty Allowance being a non-gazetted supervisory staff but now the post of Assistant Foreman is merged with JWM which is a gazetted supervisory post in OFB. Hence, all the Industrial / Non-Industrial & Non - Gazetted Supervisory staff are entitled for NDA on the basis of actual salary.

Therefore, you are requested to intervene into the matter so that all lEs/NlEs/NGOs may get the NDA as per actual salary in compliance with the court pronouncements in letter and spirit.

Thanking you.

Sincerely yours
General Secretary


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NPS returns are market linked

An investor within the scheme has an option to choose funds based on her level of safety and risk in addition to choosing her own fund manager

The National Pension System (NPS) has been advertising a lot about the new tax deduction of Rs.50,000 for tax payers. I wanted to know more about the new deduction under section 80CCD(1)(b). Is this available only for people whose employers are investing in NPS on their behalf, or is this available for general public as well? How does the deduction work with respect to other tax benefits?

—Praveen Aggarwal

NPS is a voluntary pension scheme regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA). It was introduced as an investment option to provide for the country’s growing working community to ensure that they have an option to save for their retirement needs. The purpose was to replace the existing system of defined benefit pension to a defined contribution-based pension system.

An investor within the scheme has an option to choose funds based on her level of safety and risk in addition to choosing her own fund manager. The returns are market-linked and, hence, do not give any form of guarantee.

NPS follows an EET (exempt-exempt-tax) model—exempt at the time of contribution or investment, exempt at the time of earnings and taxable at the time of withdrawals.

Section 80CCD under the Income-tax Act, 1961, provides the tax incentive at the first stage of investment—for getting the benefit of deduction for contributions made towards NPS.

This deduction is available to all individuals—salaried as well as non-salaried. This deduction was earlier restricted to Rs.1 lakh for each financial year under section 80CCD(1) and was subsequently increased to Rs.1.50 lakh.

To further boost savings, in Budget 2015, a new section, 80CCD 1B, was introduced, under which an additional deduction of up to Rs.50,000 was allowed for contribution made towards NPS. This made the total deduction under section 80CCD to Rs.2 lakh.

If we go through the provisions of section 80CCD, there is a lack of clarity whether the additional deduction of Rs.50,000 is after exhausting the limit of 10% of salary. Is the cap on deduction of up to 10% of salary (basic + dearness allowance) under section 80CCD (1) and within the overall ceiling of Rs.1.50 lakh or is it over and above the ceiling of Rs.1.50 lakh?

While this ambiguity remains, the intent was clarified in an example quoted by the finance minister in his budget speech this year, in which it was clarified that the assessee can claim additional deduction and the deduction of Rs.50,000 was over and above the ceiling of Rs.1.50 lakh.

Let’s take an example. If you have exhausted your Rs.1.50 lakh limit of deduction under section 80C by savings in Public Provident Fund (PPF), insurance premiums, repayment of housing loan, among other things, you can further increase your tax savings by contributing up to Rs.50,000 towards NPS.

You could open an NPS Tier I account, which is the first level, to claim the tax benefits.


Seventh Pay Commission: Employees’ Delight, Govt’s Despair

New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission report is awaited, the new pay scales will be applicable to Central government employees with effect from January 2016.

50 lakh central government employees and 56 lakh pensioners including dependents hope to get this gift from April next year. The revised pay scales are likely to be implemented retrospectively starting 1 January 2016.

Many commentators say that the average increase in basic fair pay for all government employees will be in the region of 40-45%.

This is a very rough average because for senior level officers, like the Cabinet Secretary or officials at the secretary level, the payback could increase by more than 50%.

As the Pay Commission numbers come through there could be a 30-40 per cent increase for each central government employee.

An increase of salary and allowances would boost middle class central government employees to spend more time with their families for marketing.

The economy would get a major boost from a pickup in consumption, resulting from an increase in salaries but the flip side to the hike will be a spike in inflation.

The reports of Seventh Pay Commission will be implicated from April next year as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in the Parliament on February 27, “The Seventh Pay Commission impact may have to be absorbed in 2016-17.”

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said above statement in his pre-budget speech. His statement indicates that the government may implement Seventh Pay Commission report from April 2016.

The strongest criticism of Pay Commission awards is that they play havoc with government finances. The pervious pay commissions’ rollout has been negative for fiscal balances.

The recommendations of the second pay commission were accompanied with a financial impact of about Rs 39 crore. The financial burden of the implementation of the third, fourth, fifth pay and sixth pay commission recommendations has been estimated at around Rs 144 crore, Rs 1,282 crore, Rs 17,000 crore and Rs 20,000 crore respectively.

Initial estimates suggest the seventh pay commission could add Rs 1,00,619 crore to the central government’s wage bill.

The central government pay and allowances amount to 1 per cent of GDP today. State wages amount to another 4 per cent, making for a total of 5 per cent of GDP.

The medium-term expenditure framework recently presented to Parliament by Finance Minister Jaitley, which looks at an increase in pay of 16 per cent for 2016-17 consequent to the Seventh Pay Commission award. That would amount to an increase of 0.8 per cent of GDP. This is a one-off impact.

One Rank One Pension is also a rider to enforcement of the seventh pay commission’s recommendation. The government is committed to OROP for the armed forces. This would impose an as yet undefined burden on Central government finances.



Saturday 19 September 2015

Employment News : 19th Sep to 25 Sep 2015

    Name of Post – trainee-mechanical, executive trainee civil etc. 
    No. of Vacancies – 19
    Last Date –7.10.2015
    No. of Vacancies - 125
    Last Date – within 21 days of advertisement
  3. JAWAHARLAL INSTITUTE OF POST GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (JIPMER) Name of Posts – assistant professor of surgery assistant professor of anaesthesiology etc.
    No. of Vacancies – 68
    Date- 28.10.15
Source :

Symbol for ‘None of the Above’ (NOTA) option.

Symbol for ‘None of the Above’ (NOTA) option.
            It may be recalled that the Election Commission of India had introduced ‘NOTA’ – ‘None of the Above’ option on ballot papers displayed on EVMs and all other ballot papers with effect from 11th October, 2013, pursuant to Supreme Court’s Order dated 27th September, 2013.    

            The Election Commission of India has now introduced a specific symbol, like other election symbols, shown below, for ‘None of the Above (NOTA)’ option, to facilitate the voters in exercising their NOTA option.  This symbol will now appear in the last panel on all EVMs and the others ballot papers against the ‘None of the Above (NOTA)’ option at all elections to be held from now onwards.  The necessary instructions have been issued to all the Chief Electoral Officers in this regard.
            The main objective of the ‘NOTA’ option is to enable electors who do not wish to vote for any of the candidates to exercise their right not to vote for any candidate without violation of the secrecy of their decision.
            The symbol for ‘None of the Above (NOTA)’ option has been designed by National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmedabad.

(Release ID :127022)
Source :

सातवें वेतन आयोग में 2004 से बंद फैमिली पेंशन फिर शुरू कर सकती है सरकार Family Pension for NPS Employees

भोपाल. केंद्र और राज्यों के 33 लाख कर्मचारियों के लिए यह अच्छी खबर है। सरकार उन्हें अगले साल से फैमिली पेंशन देने पर विचार कर रही है। सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों में इसका प्रावधान किया गया है। प्रदेश सरकार को दिसंबर माह तक केंद्र सरकार को अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंपनी है, जिसे मंजूरी मिलने के बाद कर्मचारियों को इसका लाभ 1 जनवरी 2016 से मिल सकता है।


अभी अप्रैल, 2004 के बाद सरकारी नौकरियों में भर्ती हुए अफसर से लेकर कर्मचारियों को अंशदायी पेंशन मिलती है, जबकि इससे पहले के कर्मचारियों को फैमिली पेंशन मिल रही है।

इसमें न्यू पेंशन स्कीम (एनपीएस) के तहत भर्ती हुए कर्मचारियों की परेशानी यह है कि उन्हें रिटायरमेंट के बाद पेंशन मिलेगी या नहीं, यह तय ही नहीं है।

इसके तहत उनके वेतन से 10 प्रतिशत और इतनी ही राशि सरकार के अंश की होती है। रिटायरमेंट तक यह राशि काटी जाएगी जिसमें से 70 प्रतिशत राशि कर्मचारी को नकद दी जाएगी और बाकी 30 प्रतिशत पेंशन फंड के लिए जमा किए जाने का प्रावधान है जिसमें से उन्हें जीवित रहने तक आंशिक पेंशन दिया जाना है।

अभी यह है प्रावधान : अभी अप्रैल, 2004 से पहले नौकरी में भर्ती हुए कर्मचारियों को फैमिली पेंशन मिल रही है। इसमें पेंशन के नाम पर उनके वेतन से कोई राशि नहीं काटी जाती है। रिटायरमेंट के वक्त अंतिम माह को जो वेतन देय होता है, उसकी 50 फीसदी राशि पेंशन के रूप में तय हो जाती है। यह राशि उन्हें जीवित रहने तक मिलती है और उसके बाद आश्रित को ट्रांसफर हो जाती है।
13 लाख से ज्यादा भर्तियां
केंद्र में अप्रैल 2004 से अब तक 13 लाख 46 हजार 862 भर्तियां हुईं, वहीं राज्यों में यह संख्या 19 लाख 58 हजार 378 है। इनमें मप्र में हुई भर्तियां 62 हजार हैं। इन कर्मचारियों के लिए अंशदायी पेंशन का प्रावधान है। इनके वेतन से हर महीने काटी जा रही 10 प्रतिशत राशि के अलावा इतनी ही राशि सरकार मिला रही है। इस फंड में एनएसडीएल के पास अब तक तक 42 हजार करोड़ रुपए जमा हो चुके हैं।

सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट में यह माना जा रहा है कि न्यू पेंशन स्कीम को रिवाइज किया जाएगा, जिसे फैमिली पेंशन में परिवर्तित किए जाने की पूरी उम्मीद है। ऐसी हमारी लगातार मांग भी रही है। यदि केंद्र इस सिफारिश को मानता है तो इससे बड़ी संख्या में कर्मचारियों का फायदा होगा। -केकेएन कुट्टी, अध्यक्ष, केंद्रीय कर्मचारी परिसंघ, नईदिल्ली

- सरकारी सेवाओं में 1 अप्रैल 2004 से फैमिली पेंशन खत्म कर दी गई थी। सरकार का यह कदम ठीक नहीं था। पेंशन ही एक ऐसा आकर्षण है, जो लोगों को सरकारी सेवाओं में आने के लिए आकर्षित करता है। सातवें वेतन आयोग में इसकी अनुशंसा करता है और केंद्र इसे मानता है तो कर्मचारियों के हित में फायदेमंद होगा। केएस शर्मा, पूर्व मुख्य सचिव, मध्यप्रदेश

इसलिए पड़ी जरूरत
पिछले 11 साल से सरकार में भर्ती होने वाले कर्मचारियों को रिटायरमेंट पर सोशल सिक्युरिटी के रूप में मिलने वाली पेंशन का कोई प्रावधान नहीं है। इससे सरकारी सेवाओं में आने वाले युवाओं का रुझान भी घटा। यह इससे साफ होता है कि 1 अप्रैल 1994 से 1 अप्रैल 2004 के बीच जहां 50 लाख से ज्यादा लोग नौकरी में आए। वहीं, पेंशन खत्म होने के बाद सिर्फ 33 लाख लोग ही नौकरी में आए।

यदि केंद्र फैमिली पेंशन की अनुशंसा को स्वीकार करता है तो हम इसे राज्य में लागू करने पर विचार करेंगे। -जयंत मलैया, वित्त मंत्री

Family Pension for NPS Employees 

The 33 lakh Central and State Government employees who have joined after 2004, may soon have a reason to rejoice. The Government is seriously considering to offer Family Pension for NPS Employees who have joined after 2004. Reliable sources have said that the 7th Pay Commission has recommended the same. The State Governments’ have been asked to submit their reports by the end of December, and after due approval it is expected that the Pension Scheme will come into effect by 1, January 2016.

We already know that the Employees who joined in Government Services after 2004 come under contributory pension scheme. Under which an employee will be deducted 10 per cent of his basic salary, and the same per cent would be contributed by the Government through out his/her service. After retirement, 70 per cent of the pension would be given in lump sum and the rest of the 30 per cent would be used for component to be paid every month till his/her life time.

However the employees who joined in service before 2004, are eligible for family pension, and they are not deducted any amount from the salary in the name of pension. Such employees after retirement, become eligible for 50 per cent of the last drawn salary as their pension.

Sources confirm, the 7th Pay Commission may include recommendations for NPS revisions, and it is expected to be converted to family pension. Mr.KKN Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of CGEs and workers expressed his happiness and said, if the Central Government accepts the proposal, a large number of Government employees would be benefited.

Mr.K.S.Sharma, former Chief Secretary, Madhya Pradesh said, “The family pension scheme was abolished from April 2004. It was a bad move by the Government. It is pension, that attracts the youths to join the Government Services, because their future is secured. If the Government accepts the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, the youths would be motivated to join the Government Services”.

A report states that between April 1994 and April 2004, more than 50 lakh youths joined Government Services. However, the same dropped to around 33 Lakhs after April 2004. Experts blame the Governments’ decision to abolish pension for this, which forced the youths to move towards the corporate sector.

Mr.Jayanth Malaiya, Finance Minister, Madhya Pradesh assured, “If the recommendations were accepted by the central government, he will definitely consider implementing the same in MP”.
Read at: Dainik Bhaskar

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अफसरों की होगी मॉनीटरिंग, देर से आए तो सैलरी कटेगी

अफसरों की होगी मॉनीटरिंग, देर से आए तो सैलरी कटेगी

भास्कर न्यूज नेटवर्क|नई दिल्ली - केंद्र सरकार एक ऐसी योजना पर काम कर रही है, जो कई अफसरों पर भारी पड़ सकती है। इसके तहत अगर कोई अफसर बिना पूर्व सूचना के आधे घंटे देरी से दफ्तर आया तो उसे आधे दिन की ही सैलरी मिलेगी। सप्ताह में लगातार तीन दिन आधे घंटे या इससे अधिक की देरी पर एक दिन की सैलरी कटेगी। उसकी परफॉरमेंस के आधार पर ही उसे छुट्टी या प्रमोशन मिलेगा। 

नौकरशाहों को अधि क जवाबदेह बनाने के लिए हाल ही में कैबिनेट सचिव पीके सिन्हा की अध्यक्षता में बैठक हुई थी। इसके बाद कार्मिक और प्रशिक्षण विभाग (डीओपीटी) ने सरकार के सभी मंत्रालयों को निर्देश दिया है। इसमें भ्रष्टाचार के संदिग्ध अफसरों को कंपल्सरी रिटायरमेंट के लिए मूल नियम (56-जे) के प्रावधानों को लागू करने को कहा गया है।  डीओपीटी मंत्री जीतेंद्र सिंह ने कहा, ‘नई व्यवस्था से प्रति स्पर्धा बढ़ेगी। बेहतर नतीजे आएंगे।’ सूत्रों के मुताबिक, बिहार चुनाव के बाद अधिकारियों को इधर-उधर किया जाएगा। अगर परफॉरमेंस अच्छा नहीं हुआ तो मूल कैडर में वापस भेज दिया जाएगा।  तीन महीने का नोटिस और कंपल्सरी रिटायरमेंट
नए मसौदे के मुताबि क अफसरों को सप्ताह के हर मंगलवार को ई-मॉनीटरिंग के जरिए अपनी प्रगति रिपोर्ट अपडेट करनी पड़ेगी। महीने के अंति म सप्ताह में इस रिपोर्ट पर सीनियर अधिकारी की सहमति जरूरी है। रिपोर्ट अपडेट न होने पर ऑनलाइन अपडेट में लाल नि शान दिखेगा। उससे वजह पूछी जाएगी। सालाना अप्रेजल अपडेट में फेल होने पर तीन महीने का नोटि स देकर किसी को भी कंपल्सरी रिटायरमेंट दिया जा
सकता है। कैबि नेट सचिव के अलावा प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय के छह अधिकारियों की टीम आकलन करेगी।

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Verification of qualifying service after 18 years service and 5 years before retirement.-DOPT

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare

Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110003,
Dated the 16.9.2015


Sub : Verification of qualifying service after 18 years service and 5 years before retirement.

It has been observed by this Department that processing of pension cases of the employees retiring from the government service quite often get delayed on account of the issues relating to verification of service from time to time by the concerned authorities during the service of the concerned employee. Although detailed instructions regarding verification of service have been issued by Department of Personnel & Training and by this Department, these instructions are not meticulously adhered to resulting in delay in sanctioning of retirement benefit of the employees.

2. Rule 32 of the CCS (Pension) rules, which existed prior to December, 2012 provided for issuing of a certificate in Form 24 by the Head of Office in consultation with by the Account Officer regarding completion of qualifying service of 25 years. These rules have been amended subsequently and as per the existing provisions, a certificate regarding qualifying service is required to be issued by the HOO after completion of 18 years of service and again S years before the date of retirement of an employee. Rule further provide that verification done under that rule shall be treated as final and shall not be reopened except when necessitated by a subsequent· change in the rules and orders governing the conditions under which the service qualifies for pension.

3. It has been noticed that the certificates regarding qualifying service are not invariably issued to the government servant as required under the rules. All Ministries/ Departments etc. are therefore requested to bring these provisions to the notice of Heads of Offices and PA Os for strict compliance. Non-compliance of this statutory requirements may be viewed seriously.

4. In order to review status regarding compliance of these rules, all Ministries/ Departments are requested that the information may be collected from all establishments /office under them and the same may be compiled and sent to this Department by 15th October, 201 S in the enclosed proforma.

( Sujasha Choudhury)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India