Thursday 17 September 2015

UPSC Advt No 12/2015 for Various Vacancies:

UPSC Advt No 12/2015 for Various Vacancies: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued notification for Various Vacancies.

Name of the Posts:

  • Regional Director
  • Technical Officer
  • Instrumentation Engineer
  • Senior Economic Investigator
  • Director of Flying
  • Senior Scientific Officer Grade II
  • Assistant Director (Official Language)
  • Regional Controller of Mines
  • Assistant Director Grade-II (Technical)
  • Superintendent (Accounts)
  • Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Technical) (Specialization in the broad area/stream of Signal Processing)
  • Professor in Mechanical and Automation Engineering (Technical) (Specialization in the broad area/stream of Production/Industrial Engineering)
  • Professor in Mechanical and Automation Engineering (Technical) (Specialization in the broad area/stream of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Engineering)
  • Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Technical) (Specialization in the broad area/stream of RF, Microwave and Communication Engineering)
  • Professor in Computer Science and Engineering (Technical) (Specialization in the broad area/stream of Software and Systems)
  • Professor (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Important Dates:
Closing Date for Submission of Online Application: 01-10-2015 up to 23:59 hrs
Last Date for Printing of Completely Submitted Online Application: 02-10-2015 up to 23:59 hrs

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Apply Online : Click Here

Why new Pay Commission report is important?

Why new Pay Commission report is important?

The Seventh Pay Commission report is awaited; it is that time of the decade when Government offices are buzz with expectation and excitement. Revision of salaries of the government employees in the country is a decennial affair. Governments, several of them, have continued with this practice despite the recommendations to the contrary, that is, to reduce the period and have a more frequent pay revision of the government employees. The 7th Pay Commission was appointed in 2014; normally the Commissions have been asked give their reports after due study of pay and allowances of government employees in 18 months. Last month, that is August, the Commission ought to have submitted it’s report.  Revision of pay scales is with effect from 1st. Jan 2016. If there is delay in implementation, which generally is the norm, it will be with retrospective effect without change in the due date.

Starting from the fourth pay commission, award of every commission has bought a virtual bonanza to the employees of the Government. Goa has one of the highest proportion of government employees to population. The all India average relatively is lower. There are 48 lakh Central Government employees and over one crore state and local government staff. Out of a total workforce of 47 Plus crore, almost 44 crore are in the unorganized sector. They are not covered by any Pay Commission; from time to time governments do fix the minimum wage rate which is neither uniform across the country nor is it followed strictly in letter and spirit. Viewed from this perspective, the pay panel’s exercise is not significant.

Yet, the Pay Commission recommendations are important from different perspectives. It has the potential to kick start the economy that has not seen growth revival for quite some time. Latest release of data regarding inflation in the economy indicates the decline of retail inflation for the second successive month. Actually, the WPI is in the red, which is a rare phenomenon.  By putting more money in the hands of the employees, government might succeed in creating more demand for goods and services. With federal states following in the footsteps of the centre, it is likely to sustain the enhanced demand for a longer time. At least with a time lag it is likely to have a rub off effect on pay and allowances in the organized private sector.

Pay and pension of central government employees amount to a full 1% of nation’s GDP. More pay will only further add to the burden of the exchequer. When the last pay commission’s recommendations were implemented, the fiscal deficit doubled to more than 6% in 2008-09.   According to the estimates submitted to the Parliament, government employees are likely to get a pay hike of around 16%. According to an estimate, this would be around 0.2 to 0.3% of GDP. Going by the recommendations of the previous commissions, the average gross increase would be much higher, may even top 40%. The fear of higher fiscal deficit may force the government to effect cuts in spending, with education and healthcare more likely to be the ‘soft’ targets.  This will hurt the poor and lower middle class sections of our society. The government is also likely to go slow on investment in infrastructure; even in normal times government’s expenditure on capital goods is not high. This will impact the recovery process in the economy and adversely impact the GDP growth rate.

Since the appointment of 7th Pay Commission was done well in advance, there is enough lead time for submission of report. Further, if the Government takes an early decision to implement the recommendations of pay revision, it will not have to shoulder the burden of arrears of pay. In all the previous pay commissions, payment of arrears was a huge financial burden; in the last pay commission revision, arrears of salary hikes for up to two years had to be paid by governments.

Apart from pay hike, there are other expectations from this pay panel. Keeping in view the rise in life expectancy and dearth of competent staff, the age of retirement may be tweaked in favour of the employees. Performance-linked pay is another area the commission may take a serious look at. Flexible working hours to facilitate women and persons with certain disabilities deserve consideration by the pay panel.  The recommendations, therefore, are significant and have far-reaching impact.

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Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to receive Seventh Pay Commission report in December

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to receive Seventh Pay Commission report in December

New Delhi,: The Seventh Pay Commission headed by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur is likely to submit its report to Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in December, presumably recommending a 40 per cent hike in salary for the central government employees.

Justice Mathur already told PTI on August 25, “The Commission may submit its report by the end of September.”

“We are likely to recommend something for the good of central government employees, after observation of inflation, the government’s financial position and salary structure of government employees in other countries. The Finance Minister will give the latest highlights,” a top official of the pay panel said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

He also said it has been mandated to recommend incentive schemes to reward excellence in productivity, performance and integrity, which it will do.

“Though previous Pay Commissions have talked about linking pay with productivity, the earlier governments have not accepted such recommendations. Since this government has shown strong political will, we hope they will accept our recommendations,” he added.

Over 5 million central government employees are expecting a bounty from the report which is likely to recommend major changes in salaries and terms of employment, including performance-linked pay and incentives.

“A joint secretary gets now Rs 128,000 as monthly salary with dearness allowance. I do not expect it to go up to more than Rs 160,000,” a joint secretary-level official of the Central Government said.

In his pre-budget speech in February, Jaitley said,“the Seventh Pay Commission impact may have to be absorbed in financial year 2016-17.”

The salary outgo of central government employees will increase in financial year 2016-17 at 15.79 per cent to Rs 1.16 lakh crore with the likely implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission award, said the statement tabled by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Parliament on August 12.

The Seventh Pay Commission, which was set up by the UPA government, was required to submit its report by August-end. The government constitutes the Pay Commission almost every 10 years to revise the pay scale of its employees and often these are adopted by states after some modifications.

The Commission has already completed discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, groups representing civil employees as well as Defence services and is in the process of finalising its recommendations.

The recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission are scheduled to come into effect from January 1, 2016.

The Sixth Pay Commission was implemented with effect from January 1, 2006, the fifth from January 1, 1996 and the fourth from January 1, 1986.

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Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk

North Block, New Delhi
Dated 11th September, 2015
Subject: Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 560) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 25013/1/2013-Estt(A) dated 21/03/2014 on the periodical review under Fundamental Rule 56 or Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules.

2. Various instructions issued on the subject deal with compulsory retirement under the above mentioned provisions. The Supreme Court has observed in State of Gujarat Vs. Umedbhai M. Patel. 2001 (3) SCC 3l4 as follows:
    (i) Whenever the services of a public servant are no longer useful to the general administration, the officer can be compulsorily retired for the sake of public interest.
    (ii) Ordinarily, the order of compulsory retirement is not to be treated as a punishment coming under Article 31 l of the Constitution.
    (iii) “For better administration, it is necessary to chop off dead wood, but the order of compulsory retirement can be passed after having due regard to the entire service record of the officer.”

    (iv) Any adverse entries made in the confidential record shall be taken note of and be given due weightage in passing such order.

    (v) Even un-communicated entries in the confidential record can also be taken into consideration.

    (vi) The order of compulsory retirement shall not be passed as a short cut to avoid Departmental enquiry when such course is more desirable.

    (vii) if the officer was given a promotion despite adverse entries made in the confidential record, that is a fact in favour of the officer.

    (viii) Compulsory retirement shall not be imposed as a punitive measure.

3. , In every review, the entire service records should be considered. The expression ‘service record’ will take in all relevant records and hence the review should not be confined to the consideration of the ACR / APAR dossier. The personal file of the officer may contain valuable material. Similarly, the work and performance of the officer could also be assessed by looking into files dealt with by him or in any papers or reports prepared and submitted by him. it would be useful if the Ministry/Department puts together all the data available about the officers and prepares a comprehensive brief for consideration by the Review Committee. Even uncommunicated remarks in the ACRs/APARS may be taken into consideration.

4. in the case of those officers who have been promoted during the last five years, the previous entries in the ACRs may be taken into account if the officer was promoted on the basis of seniority cum fitness, and not on the basis of merit.

5, As far as integrity is considered, the following observations of the Hon’ble Supreme Court may, while upholding compulsory retirement in a case, may be kept in view:

    The officer would live by reputation built around him. in an appropriate case, there may not be sufficient evidence to take punitive disciplinary action of removal from service. But his conduct and reputation is such that his continuance in service would be a menace to public service and'injurious to public interest.
S. Ramachandra Raju vs. State of Orissa
[(l 994) 3 SCC 424]

Thus while considering integrity of an employee, actions or decisions taken by the employee which do not appear to be above board, complaints received against him, or suspicious property transactions, for which there may not be sufficient evidence to initiate departmental proceedings, may be taken into account. Judgement of the Apex Court in the case of Shri K. Kandaswamy, I.P.S. (TN:1966) in K. Kandaswamy vs Union Of India & Anr, l996 AIR 277, I995 SCC (6) l62 is relevant here. There were persistent reports of Shri Kandaswamy acquiring large assets and of his getting money from his subordinates. He also indulged in property transactions which gave rise to suspicion about his bonafides. The Hon’ble Supreme Court upheld his compulsory retirement under provisions of the relevant Rules.

6. Similarly, reports of conduct unbecoming of a Government servant may also form basis for compulsory retirement. As per the Hon’ble Supreme Court in State of UP. And Others vs Vijay Kumar ‘Jain, Appeal (civil) 2083 of 2002:
    If conduct of a government employee becomes unbecoming to the public interest or obstructs the efficiency in public services, the government has an absolute right to compulsorily retire such an employee in public interest.

7. Many changes in the nomenclature and in the areas of responsibility of various departments/Ministries have taken place. In order to simplify and speed up the procedure of review, a need is felt to reconstitute the Review Committees. in partial modification of the OM 25013/15/86-Estt (A) dated 27/06/1986, it has been decided that the Secretaries of the Cadre Controlling Authorities will constitute Review Committees consisting of two Members at appropriate level. The Review Committees in the case of various levels of employees will be as under:
    (A) in case of officers holding Group A posts: 

      (a) In r/o ACC appointees:
        Review Committee may be headed by the Secretary of the concerned Ministry/Department as Cadre Controlling Authority.

      (b) In r/o Non-ACC appointees:

        (i) Where there are Boards viz CBDT, CBBC, Railway Board, Postal Board, Telecom Commission, etc. the Review Committee may be headed by the Chairman of such Board.

        (ii) Where no such Boards/Commissions exist, the Review Committee may be headed ’by Secretary of the. Ministry/Department.

    (B) in case of Group B (Gazetted) officers:

      Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary level officer will head the Review Committee.

    (C) In the case of Non-Gazetted employees:

      (i) An officer of the level of Joint Secretary will head the Committee. However in case the Appointing Authority is lower in rank than a Joint Secretary, then an officer of the level of Director/Deputy Secretary will be the head.

      (ii) in the case of Non-Gazetted employees in other than centralised cadres, Head of Department/Head of the Organisation shall decide the composition of the Review Committee.

8. CVO in the case of gazetted officers, or his representative in the case of non-gazetted officers, will be associated in case of record reflecting adversely on the integrity of any employee.

9. in addition to the above, the Secretary of the Ministry/Department is also empowered to constitute internal committees to assist the Review Committees in reviewing the cases. These Committees will ensure that the service record of the employees being reviewed, alongwith a summary bringing out all relevant information, is submitted to the Cadre Authorities at least three months before the due date of review.

10. The procedure as prescribed from time to time has been consolidated and enclosed as Appendix to the OM issued by this Department on 21/03/2014. As per these instructions the cases of Government servant covered by FR 56(j), FR 56(l), or Rule 48(1) (b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 should be reviewed six months before he/she attains the age of 50/55 years, in cases covered by FR 56(j) and on completion of 30 years of qualifying service under FR 56(l)/Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 as per the following calendar: 

Sl NoQuarter in which review is to be madeCases of employees who will be attaining the age of 50/55 years or will be completing 30 years of service or 30 years of service qualifying for pension, as the case may be, in the quarter.
1.January to  MarchJuly to September of the same year
2.April to JuneOctober to December of the same year
3.July to SeptemberJanuary to March of the next year
4.October to DecemberApril to June of the next year

l1 All Ministries/Departments are requested to follow the above instructions and periodically review the cases of Government servants as required under FR 56(j)/FR56(l)/Rule 48(1)(b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.

12. instructions on composition of the Representation Committees will be communicated separately.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Director (Establishment)


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Selection Process for engagement to all approved categories of GDC Posts - Review thereof

Selection Process for engagement to all approved categories of GDC Posts - Review thereof

No. l7-39/2012-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Establishment Division
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 16 Sep 2015
All Heads of Postal Circles

Subject: Selection Process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS Posts Review thereof
Attention of all concerned is invited to this Directorate’s letter No. 17-39/7/2012-GDS dated 14th Jan 2015 vide which detailed selection process to the GDS Posts was introduced based on Aptitude Test to be conducted at Circle level through outsourced agency and selection to the GDS Posts was prescribed to be made based on marks secured in the Aptitude Test in respect of vacancies notified on or after 01.04.2015. Subsequent thereto, it was also laid down vide this Directorate’s letter No. 17-39/7/2012-GDS dated 28th May 2015 that in case vacancies notified on or before 31.03.2015 do not get filled up by 30.06.2015, the notification will be cancelled and vacancies be filled up under the new engagement process (Aptitude Test Method) effective from 01.04.2015.

2. In View of the pronouncement of the Hon’ble Prime Minister in his address to the Nation delivered on 15th Aug 2015 to make selection to the junior level posts based on marks appearing in the marks sheet without an element of interview through transparent online process, the selection process introduced vide this Directorate’s letter ibid has been reviewed by the authority competent to align the selection process/criteria with the pronouncement made by the Hon’ble Prime Minister taking note of the fact that GDS posts are lower level civil posts outside the regular civil service not falling under Group A, B & C posts by replacing the process introduced vide this Directorate’s letter No. 17-39/7/2012-GDS dated 14th Jan 2015, pending introduction of online process in due course, in the manner indicated below:-

(a) There will be no change in the eligibility criteria laid down in this Directorate’s letter No. 17-39/6/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015 & strict observance of the same will be ensured by all recruiting authorities concerned while issuing notification.

(b) The recruiting authorities will be guided by the below mentioned method of engagement to all approved categories of GDS Posts:-

(i) In case a vacancy does not get filled up through other regular modes of engagement viz.; by combination of duties or by absorption of surplus GDS or by compassionate engagement or by transfer under limited transfer facility, vacancy will be notified first to casual labourers within the jurisdiction of the recruiting authority as per existing instructions contained in this Directorate’s letter No. 17-3 9/4/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015 read with clarification issued under No. 17-15/2015-GDS dated 07.05.2015.

(ii) In case vacancy does not get filled up through process outlined at (i) above, the recruiting authority before taking decision to fill up the post by way of open notification is to examine the representation of the reserved communities and then decide to which community the vacancy is to be earmarked or the vacancy would go to other community based on order of shortfall subject to overall restriction of 50% in a calendar year strictly as per this Directorate letter no. 19-11/97-ED& TRG dated 27.11.1997. As regards, differently abled persons are concerned, instructions contained in this Directorate letter no. 21-8/92-ED&TRG dated 22.04.1994 shall have the application.

(iii) The vacancy will then be notified to Employment Exchange requesting nomination of suitable candidates [not less than 3] for the post within a period of 30 days from the date of sending requisition to the concerned authority having the prescribed qualification. Simultaneously [on the same day of notification of vacancy to Employment. Exchange], the vacancy will be given wide publicity by displaying a notice giving particulars of the engagement to be made, remuneration and other conditions attached to it at the concerned post office, the police station, the Panchayat office and any other public place considered suitable allowing the same time of 30 days for receipt of applications. A copy of the notification will also be circulated to all Post Offices within the Division duly entered in Account Bag for display on Notice Board. In case the last date falls on Sunday/Holidays, the cut of date will be reckoned as close of subsequent working day.

(iv) The candidates nominated by employment exchange (if any) will then be addressed by service registered post enclosing a copy of the application for the post with a covering letter containing instructions to fill-up the same and self attested documents to be enclosed for further submission to the recruiting authority concerned within 30 days mentioning the cutoff date up to which the application duly completed is to be received by recruiting authority by Registered / Speed Post. Here also, In case the last date falls on Sunday/Holidays, the cut of date will be reckoned as close of subsequent working day.

(v) The candidates nominated by the Employment Exchange as also those responding to the open advertisement will be considered. 

(vi) The recruiting authorities concerned will arrange /maintain a register for keeping a proper record of the application received from the candidates applying against open notification as also in response to communication sent by them following their nomination from Employment Exchange on a day to day basis. However, the closed covers will not be opened till the day earmarked for selection.

(vii) The authority higher to recruiting authority will nominate a committee consisting of three members including the recruiting authority with two others not below the rank of Inspector Posts. Besides the said authority will decide the date on which such committee will meet for finalizing selection.

(viii) Selection will be made by the committee strictly based on marks secured only in Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 1oth standard conducted by any recognized Board of School Education in India and will be guided by the clarification issued under this Directorate’s letter No. 17-39/2012-GDS dated 08.01.2014. The committee will also prepare a select panel of 5 candidates for a post in accordance with directions contained in this Directorate’s letter No. 19-14/2010-GDS dated 25.06.2010 followed by letter dated 18.10.2013.

(ix) Result will be communicated to the candidate standing first in the list on the same day of selection through Registered post. Besides, a copy of the result will be displayed on the notice board of the recruiting authority on the day of finalization itself. 

(x) Pre-engagement formalities will be got completed by the recruiting authority concerned in respect of the candidate standing at the top besides only verification of the documents in respect of other four remaining candidates finding place in the select panel. 

3. Wherever notification has been issued adopting the new method of selection made effective from 01.04.2015, the same will be cancelled and the concerned recruiting authorities will be directed to initiate action to fill up the post taking recourse to the process outlined above. Besides this, where vacancies have been notified on or before 31.03.2015, action will be taken by the respective recruiting authorities by completing the process already undertaken. 

4. The contents of this letter may be disseminated to all concerned for strict adherence.

(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)


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Cadre Restructuring of Ministerial and Secretarial Cadre of DPD & SDRD in NSSO

Implementation of cadre restructuring of Ministerial and Secretarial Cadre of Data Processing Division (DPD) and Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) in National Sample Survey Office (NSSO):-

Government of India
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
National Sample Survey Office
Data Processing Division Headquarters
Mahalanobis Bhawan 
164, G.L.T. Road
Kolkata - 700108
Dated: 07.09.2015
Competent Authority has approved the following cadre restructuring of Ministerial and Secretarial Cadre of Data Processing Division (DPD) and Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) vide Order No. A-11011/4/2009-Ad.III(Pt.) dated 29.06.2015 with the approval of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure's ID No. 2(27)/E.III Desk/2011 dated 12.05.2015) and concurrence of Integrated Finance Division's Dy. No. 1135/SS&FA dated 12.11.2014.

(a) Ministerial Cadre.
S. No.Existing StructureProposed Structure
Name of Posts, PB and Grade PayNo. of PostsName of Posts, PB and Grade PayNo. of Posts
(i)Deputy Director (Administration),
PB-3, GP-6600
2Deputy Director (Administration),
PB-3, GP-6600
(ii)Administrative Officer,
PB-3, GP-5400
1Sr. Administrative Officer,
PB-3, GP-5400
(iii)Accounts-cum-Administrative Officer,
PB-2, GP-4600
3Accounts-cum-Administrative Officer,
PB-2, GP-4600
(iv)Office Superintendent,
PB-2, GP-4200
PB-2, GP-4200
PB-2, GP-4200
PB-2, GP-4200
(vii)Upper Division Clerk,
PB-1, GP-2400
38Upper Division Clerk,
PB-1, GP-2400
(viii)Lower Division Clerk*
PB-1, GP-1900
39Lower Division Clerk*
PB-1, GP-1900
* Include two posts of Hindi Typist

(b) Secretarial Cadre
S. No.Existing StructureProposed Structure
Name of Posts, PB and Garde PayNo. of PostsName of Posts, PB and Grade PayNo. of Posts
(i)--Senior PS,
PB-2, GP-4800
PB-2, GP-4600
PB-2, GP-4600
(iii)Stenographer Grade-I,
PB-2, GP-4200
3Stenographer Grade-I,
PB-2, GP-4200
(iv)Stenographer Grade-II,
PB-2, GP-4200
(v)Stenographer Grade-III,
PB-2, GP-2400
6Stenographer Grade-II,
PB-2, GP-2400

2.  The number of posts of Ministerial and Secretarial Cadre of DPD/SDRD and district between DPD and SDRD as indicated below.

(a) Ministerial Cadre. 
S. No.Name of PostsNo. of posts
(i)Deputy Director (Administration)112
(ii)Sr. Administrative Officer213
(v)Upper Division Clerk261036
(vi)Lower Division Clerk27#7#34
# Includes one post of Hindi typist

(b) Secretarial Cadre 
S. No.Name of PostsNo. of posts
(i)Sr. PS112
(iii)Stenographer Grade-I325
(iv)Stenographer Grade-II426

(Satyajit Paul)
Director (CSW)



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Non compliance of instructions for payment of Defence Pension: PCDA(P) Circular No. 180

Non compliance of instructions for payment of Defence Pension: PCDA(P) Circular No. 180 for Banks
O/o the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions)
Draupadi Ghat Allahabad-211014
Circular No.180
No. AT/Tech/256-V
Dt. 14.08.2015
All Public Sector Bank
(Including three Private Sector Banks viz
Axis Bank, ICICI Bank & HDF C Bank)

Sub: Non compliance of instructions for payment of Defence Pension.

Guidelines/instructions for payment of Defence Pension are provided in “Scheme for payment of pension of Defence Pensioners by Public Sector Banks”. This scheme helps the banks in discharging their duties of payment to defence pensioner especially with respect to obtaining necessary certificates from pensioners/ family pensioners before continuing payment after due date as well as maintenance of pension account and submission of paid scrolls alongwith necessary enclosures/certificates to this office. Besides this, circulars on pensionary matter are also issued by this office from time to time.

2. However, it is observed that Banks are not adhering to above said guidelines/instructions resulting in increase in complaints from pensioners due to incorrect / under payment and also loss to exchequer due to overpayment. In this regard, two major irregularities noticed where banks failed to comply with the guidelines/instructions stated in para 1 above are elaborated below:-

(i) In a particular case, after the death of pensioner on 10.12.2001 which was intimated to the pension paying bank by the son of pensioner. However, the bank continuously credited the pension in pensioner’s account till 2007.The account of pensioner was having a balance of Rs 6,17,628 as on 15.04.2015. 

3. Thus, in this case the bank failed to adhere to the following guidelines:-

(a) Bank failed to comply with the provisions of para 8.4 of “Scheme for Payment of Pension of Defence Pensioners by Public Sector Banks” which states that where pensioner ceases to draw pension due to death, disqualification, expiry of award, transfer to another Pension Disbursing Agency, the details of such pensioner will be extracted monthly by the bank and forwarded to this office on the format prescribed in Annexure D-I & D-II by 10th of the following month under the Registered Cover Superscribed as “Annexure D-I, & D-II”.

(b) Bank has failed to take action, as per Para 29 of Annexure-H of “Scheme for payment of pension of Defence Pensioners by Public Sector Banks” for stoppage/discontinuance of the payment immediately after receipt of intimation of demise of pensioner.

(c) Bank has further failed to take action for stoppage/discontinuance of pension after 31.10.2002 i.e. in the month of November, as after death of pensioner, life certificate/identification could not be obtained/carried out. Clear instruction for obtaining life certificate and identification is laid down in Para 12 of “Scheme for Payment of Pension of Defence Pensioners by Public Sector Banks” and Para 4 of Annexure-H of “Scheme for Payment of Pension of Defence Pensioners by Public Sector Banks”.

(d) Bank has failed even to follow their own guidelines to close the account if no transaction took place for six months.

(ii) In another case, a pensioner was granted basic pension amounting Rs 8000/- pm. However, bank credited his account @ Rs 80,000/- of basic pension plus dearness relief. Here bank has overlooked the upper ceiling of pension of Rs 45,000/- as stated vide Para 9 of this office circular No. 397 dt-18.l 1.2008.

4. Such incorrect payments have been viewed seriously by Ministry of Defence and directed to establish the mechanism to stop the payment of such nature. 

In view of the above, it is requested that all paying branches/CPPC under your jurisdictions dealing with defence pension may be instructed to adhere strictly to the guidelines/instructions specifically with respect to showing the causalities affecting the entitlement or admissibility of pension/family pension in change statement and enclosing the various certificates with Bank Scrolls. A copy of Annexure D-I, & D-II is enclosed for providing the details concerned in digital mode with the e-scrolls, as this office is moving ahead with e-auditing.

In addition, the banks are required to introduce the “Range Check” in all the categories of Pension so as to ensure that the amount of pension does not fall below the minimum range and does not go beyond the maximum range introduced in the system.

(Vivek Umap)

Source: Click here for Annexure D-I&D-II

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Centre is planning to act tough against officials of doubtful integrity and those poor at work

Taint, job shirking may force babus to retire prematurely

 The Centre is planning to act tough against officials of doubtful integrity and those poor at work. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has asked all departments to identify such public servants and move proposals for their premature retirement.

The decision comes following a meeting held by Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha recently on the mechanism to be adopted to ensure probity among the Government servants. The DoPT has asked all the departments to invoke provisions of Fundamental Rule (56-J) to compulsorily retire such officials. Under Fundamental Rule 56-J, the Government has the “absolute right” to retire, if necessary in public interest, any Group A and B employee, who has joined service before the age of 35 and has crossed the age of 50.

View: DoPT Order to ensure Probity among Govt. Staff: Rotation and Screening of officers under FR(J)

The decision, third such in a row, came after the DoPT last week said that IAS, IPS and India Forest Service officers may lose their job if they overstay on foreign assignments for more than a month without permission. Tightening the noose further, the DoPT early this month said that the Government servants will face disciplinary action if they raise service matters related grievances directly to the PMO.

In the latest directives for forced retirement, a Group C Government servant, who has crossed the age of 55 can be retired prematurely if found corrupt or ineffective. Group A comprise officers of All India Services like IAS, IPS, Indian Forest Service, IRS, while Group B consists of non-gazetted officers and Group C clerical and ministerial staff.

The action can be taken only against such officers whose annual increments have been frozen and they have not got promotion in the past five years. The meeting emphasised rotation of officers on sensitive and non-sensitive posts and their review and screening under Fundamental Rule 56-J. The DoPT has been asked to monitor implementation and obtain compliance from all Ministries in this regard.

“As this activity is to be completed in a time-bound manner, it is requested that priority attention may be paid to it and inputs sent to the internal vigilance section at the very earliest,” said the circular issued to all departments of Central Government.

The Cabinet Secretariat has been issuing such orders from time to time. In February 2012, the UPA Government notified a rule making it compulsory for IAS, IPS and officers from other all-India services to retire in “public interest” if they fail to clear a review after 15 years of service.

Last week speaking at induction training programme for newly bureaucrats, DoPT MoS Jitendra Singh had indicated that the bureaucrats will be expected to have a high level of accountability with constant media and public scrutiny.

Read at: Daily Pioneer

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