Wednesday 16 September 2015

Restructuring the department of post for financial inclusion and efficiency

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently gave a licence to India Post to function as a payments bank. Does it change anything for the people? Post offices in India have already been working as payments banks. Individuals open accounts, deposit and withdraw money by cash or cheques and receive payments through them. All these transactions are meticulously recorded manually in their passbook. Post offices do not provide any loans or carry out any credit transaction. This has been in operation for more than a century and much before the RBI came into existence. So, what would change after the RBI’s licence?

The Department of Post (DoP) had earlier applied to RBI for a banking licence for its fully-owned subsidiary, India Post. The DoP’s assets and liability position, as revealed by its balance sheet, was far from satisfactory for RBI’s comfort to allow the grant of a banking licence to the parent organization. Its annual deficit kept increasing from Rs.5,339 crore in 2013-14 to Rs.6,378 crore in 2014-15 to Rs.6,665 crore in the budget of 2015-16. As a result, the banking licence had to be granted to a separate entity, India Post, with distinct assets and liabilities of its own. The RBI’s licence for payments bank to India Post should, therefore, separate the banking business from various other services provided by DoP, which may or may not run on a commercial basis. A commercial focus on the banking business is desirable for viability and efficiency.

However, with RBI’s licence comes the condition that India Post cannot accept deposits of more than Rs.1 lakh per account. Earlier, DoP had a self-imposed constraint of not allowing group or institutional accounts, official capacity accounts, or security deposit accounts. The payments bank licence has formalized this constraint. If DoP decides to transfer its entire banking business to India Post, it may face issues in cases where accounts have deposits in excess of Rs.1 lakh. There are several such accounts. As a result, there will be a parallel business being conducted by DoP for large accounts and by India Post for other accounts, creating inefficiency and confusion. Therefore, restricting deposits to Rs.1 lakh per account will hamper the efficiency and viability of the business.
Concerns expressed by public sector banks (PSBs) about increasing competition for their low-cost current and savings deposits on account of payments banks are entirely misplaced because DoP was already in this business before, nor would other payments banks make things worse for PSBs. Payments banks cannot pay high interest on their deposits because they have to maintain 75% of their deposits in government securities, where the interest would be about 7-8%. Since their cash requirements would be higher—given the nature of their accounts—the remaining 25% cannot fetch higher returns. On the contrary, RBI’s insistence on charging ATM withdrawals and imposing absolute limits on deposits per account may discourage people from doing business with payments banks. The insistence on charging an ATM fee may even be socially undesirable because ATM withdrawals from payments bank accounts would be typically for petty sums. Any charge to recover the cost of operating ATMs would be highly regressive.

If the payments bank of India Post enters into a business relationship with any established commercial bank, RBI’s approval will be required. There is no gain for either DoP or India Post when commercial banks directly use the services of post offices as business correspondents. The current measure of granting payments bank status only to India Post is not likely to make any difference to any stakeholder.

What could have made a substantial difference? A bold and aggressive approach on the part of RBI would have gone a long way to create an impact on financial inclusion. Opening a bank account is only a necessary condition to achieve financial inclusion. The sufficient condition is to ensure that all needy households get adequate institutional credit and appropriate insurance cover at affordable costs. In remote rural areas, the only extensive network with enough experience in financial matters is the network of post offices and postmen. As against a total of less than 40,000 branches of all scheduled commercial banks, DoP has a network of 140,000 post offices in rural areas. On an average, a post office serves 8,100 persons six days a week. Such an extensive and intensive network gives it a unique advantage in reaching the last mile to deliver any financial service. The report submitted by the Taskforce on Leveraging Post Office Network provided concrete measures for taking advantage of this network.

It would have been desirable if India Post was allowed to provide limited loans to its rural clients for meeting their productive needs. If there were concerns about risk of default, the amount of the loan could be restricted to Rs.50,000 or Rs.1 lakh as per case. There could be an appropriate conditionality for subsequent loans to the same person. The experience of such commercial banking for a couple of years would have enabled India Post to improve its operations and become a major player in rural areas. It would then prove to be an effective instrument for financial inclusion. In short, an organization like India Post with access to the vast network of post offices should have been considered not only as a payments bank, but also as a bank with limited credit operations to address the national goal of financial inclusion.

Moreover, DoP already provides postal life insurance, which was introduced way back in 1884, and rural postal life insurance, introduced in 1995. If another separate corporate entity can be hived off from DoP to offer all insurance products on commercial terms, it has the potential to expand its product portfolio, including crop insurance and health insurance. Again, the network of post offices can be tapped effectively to extend such crucial financial services to the neediest but underserved segments of rural India.

Similarly, other commercial activities of DoP such as e-commerce, distribution of third-party products, e-services and provision of various government services should also be hived off into separate subsidiaries with independent boards of directors. The traditional mail operations and remittances constituting the basic communication services that the state is expected to provide to the people should continue to be with DoP as a departmental undertaking of the central government. A corporate structure for DoP may allow different wholly-owned subsidiaries to carry out specific commercial activities, utilizing the network of post offices on a rental basis. This would enhance the quality of services provided with cost-efficiency and commercial viability.
All this would require the Postal Act to be amended or ideally, rewritten. In any case, the RBI’s licence for a payments bank to India Post will need the Act to be amended. It is still not too late to consider a total revamp of the Act for restructuring DoP along the lines suggested in the taskforce report. If RBI is too defensive and too slow to act, the government can push these reforms in the postal department by amending the Postal Act.

Article by : Ravindra Dholakia (Teaches economic environment and policy at IIMA. He was a member of the Government of India’s Taskforce on Leveraging Post Office Network. He was also a member of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.)

Source: livemint

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 I have prepared a basic GDS salary chart but special allowance are not included here

Prepared by : Shri. Pijush karmakar

Source:  Sa Post Blog

7th Central Pay Commission – Regularisation of Retirement Age?

As the recommendation and implementation of the 7th Central Pay Commission is eagerly awaited by the central government employees, some points in the recommendations are slightly leaking in..It may not be authentically correct.

According to information from various sources, the Pay Commission may fix the minimum basic pay at Rs. 15000/- and it is assumed that a huge increase in the salaries of the employees cannot be expected. The term of the commission was extended for four months and they are in full swing giving final touches to the report to be submitted to the central government by the end of December 2015.
One more recommendation which is said to be an important one, is the regularisation of retirement age for the Central Government Employees. The Commission may recommend that an employee should retire after completing 33 years of service or at the age of 60 whichever comes first. For instance, if an employee joins a central government establishment at the age of 23, his retirement age will be 56. If this recommendation is true, it will definitely create panic among the employees and it will not be a wise decision by the pay commission. All Federations and Associations will strongly oppose these type of recommendations…

The 6th CPC had brought various changes in the Pay Structures and introduced Grade Pay. There was a moderate increase in the Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance and re-imbursement of tuition fees was also introduced. The minimum basic pay was Rs.5200+Grade Pay 1800=Rs. 7000/- while it was Rs. 2650/- in the 5th CPC.

Further, it is also said that, the 7th CPC may abolish the 6th CPC’s Pay Scales and may bring back the old pay scales. The overall increase in the Pay Scale will be around 15% to 20%…

Let us wait and see for the ultimate results…!

Seventh Pay Commission to propose higher HRA: TST

Seventh Pay Commission to propose higher HRA
Imagery representation of News Seventh Pay Commission to propose higher HRA 

New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission is likely to propose to increase House Rent Allowance (HRA) of central government employees, besides their basic salaries.

By giving House Rent Allowance hikes, the Pay Commission is likely to seek to encourage property owners to rent out their properties, reduce the shortage of dwellings and to provide ‘housing for all central government employees’.

Besides the basic salary, a large portion of central government employees’ salary is the House Rent Allowance; some changes will be made in that category this time.

Instead of the existing three areas for house rent, four are likely to be created. ‘X’ class cities Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune, where employees will get 40 percent of their basic salary as House Rent Allowance (HRA), increasing from the existing 30 percent.

Employees posted at ‘Y’ class cities covers near about 90 stations, will receive 30 percent of basic salary, instead of the existing 20 percent.

A new area will be opened for the district towns; the central government employees will get 20 percent of their basic salary as House Rent Allowance (HRA) there.

In other areas, the house rent allowance will be 10 percent of basic, which is the existing rate of House Rent Allowance (HRA) of ‘Z’ class cities.

The existing qualifying threshold of population for HRA classification is 50 lakh and above for X, 5-50 lakh for Y and below 5 lakh for Z class cities.

However, the central government’s salary bill will rise by 9.56% to Rs 1,00,619 crore with the implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission, according to a statement tabled in Parliament by Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on August 12.

Read at: TST

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DoPT Order to ensure Probity among Govt. Staff: Rotation and Screening of officers under FR(J)

DoPT Order to ensure Probity among Govt. Staff: Carry Out Rotation i.r.o. sensitive/non-sensitive posts and screening of officers for Compulsory Retirement under FR(J)

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 14th September, 2015

Subject:- Review of Mechanisms to ensure probity among Government Servants.

In a meeting taken by the Cabinet Secretary on 10.08.2015 with senior officers of different Ministries on mechanisms to adopt to ensure probity among Government Servants, it has been emphasized that rotation needs to be carried out in respect of sensitive posts and non-sensitive posts and review and screening of officers under FR 56(J) within the Ministries and DOPT shall monitor implementation and obtain compliance from all Ministries in this regard.

3. All Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to kindly look into the matter and carry out rotation in respect of sensitive and non-sensitive posts and FR 56(J). As this activity is to be completed in a time bound manner, it is requested that priority attention may be paid to it and inputs sent to the internal Vigilance Section at the very earliest. These details are also to be made part of the monthly D.O. letter to be sent by concerned Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary.

(D.K. Sengupta)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Provision under FR 56(j):-

Subject : Periodical review under FR 56 (j)
The appropriate authority has the absolute right to retire, if it is necessary to do so in public interest, a Government servant under FR 56(j), FR 56(l) or Rule 48 (1) (b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 as the case may be. The guidelines in this regard have been issued from time to time under the marginally noted office Memoranda which are available in this Ministry's The procedure has been summarized below:-

FR 56Pension Rule 48(1)(b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
CategoryFR 56 (j) 
Group 'A & B' officers:
who entered service before 35 years of age and have attained 50 years of age 
Other cases: 
Attained 55 years of age 

A Govt. Servant in Group "C" post who is not governed by any Pension Rules, can also be retired after he has completed 30 years service.
All Government servants covered by CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 who have completed 30 years of qualifying service.
Notice Period3 months or 3 months pay allowances in lieu thereofThree months or Three months pay and allowances in lieu thereof


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Provision of concession to APS candidates for appearing/passing the inspector Posts Examination

Provision of concession to Army Postal Service (APS)  candidates for appearing/passing the inspector Posts Examination
F. No. 7-14/2009-SPB-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated 09th September, 2015

All Chief Postmasters General
Subject: Provision of concession to APS candidates for appearing/passing the inspector Posts Examination.
Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to refer to the above cited subject and (to say that certain concessions were granted to Army Postal Service (APS) officials in respect of taking Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the inspector (Posts). These concessions were later withdrawn vide this Directorate letter of even number dated 5.9.2013 except for the concession of two additional chances for appearing in inspector (Posts) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. As the withdrawal of the concessions was adversely affecting the morale of the personnel serving in the APS and also causing manpower crunch in APS, the matter has since been reviewed and it has been decided that the following concessions will be allowed to the APS candidates for appearing/ passing the inspector (Posts) Examination:-

(i) APS candidates may be granted ‘Qualified Status’ in case they qualify the inspector Posts examination provided they secure aggregate marks not less than 90% of the total marks secured by the last candidate. ‘selected on merit’ in their parent Circle (in civil side). if such qualified APS candidates have completed three year service as Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) on the date of examination, they will be brought on the approved lists of inspector Posts below all candidates (including those belonging to SC/ST). Their position in the approved list inter-se will be determined by the order of merit in the departmental examination.

(ii) ‘Qualified Status’ APS candidates, who have not completed three years as Junior Commissioned Officer on the date of examination, will be brought on the approved lists of inspector Posts below all candidates (including those belonging to SC/ST) who have been declared successful in the last examination-held before the date on which they complete three year service as JCO. Their position in the approved list inter-se will be determined by the dates on which they complete three year service as JCO.

(iii) A qualified APS candidate, who leaves the APS before completing three years service as JCO will not be eligible to be placed on the approved list.

(iv), Age relaxation of 05 years may be given to APS candidates for appearing in Inspector (Posts) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. 

This issues with the approval Director General (Posts).

Yours faithfully,

(Abhay Kumar)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


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Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013- File the return without waiting the last date: DoPT

Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013- Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by public servants belonging to CSSS & CSCS -regarding

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan

Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated 11th September, 2015


Subject:- Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013- Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by public servants belonging to CSSS & CSCS -regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 15.04.2015 regarding declaration of assets and liabilities by CSSS & CSCS officials under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 and to say that, vide Notification No. 407/12/2014-AVD-IV(B) dated 27.04.2015 and also OM No.407/12/2014-AVD-IV(B) dated 25.04.2015 of this Department,the last date for filling of returns by public servants, as on 01.08.2014 and as on 31.03.2015, has been extended to 15th October, 2015.

2. All CSSS/CSCS officials are requested to file the returns as on 01.08.2014 and for the year 2015 (as on 31.03.2015) online at at the earliest without waiting for the last date to approach to avoid rush and slowing down of the system at the last moment. All officers of PPS and above levels of CSSS should also take a print out of the return filed online and submit the same to this Department duly signed.

3. Ministries/Departments are requested that the contents of this OM be widely circulated among all CSSS/CSCS officials working under their control. They should also monitor and ensure that the returns are submitted by all officials within the stipulated period without fail through Web Based Cadre Management System.

4. In case of any difficulty, nodal officers may contact CMC officials who have developed Web Based Cadre Management System at Telephone No. 011-24629890.


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Pre-retirement counselling workshop on 23rd September, 2015

Pre-retirement counselling workshop on 23rd September, 2015


Important message for employees retiring within the next six months

The Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare is organizing a Pre-retirement counselling workshop on 23rd September, 2015 from 9.30 AM to 1.00 PM in the Lecture Room-I, India International Centre (Annex) 40, Max Muller Marg, New Delhi-110003. 

The employees of Government of India working in Delhi/ New Delhi retiring within the next three to six months and who have not attended the workshop yet are hereby informed that they may attend the workshop. Confirmation with Name, Ministry & Phone No. may be sent at the email address The persons desirous of attending the workshop are also requested to bring their PAN and Aadhar No. A write-up on the Commendable works done by the retiring employee during his entire service is also required to upload the same on `ANUBHAV’ on website

US (Sankalp)
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare


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Centre is planning to act tough against officials of doubtful integrity and those poor at work

Taint, job shirking may force babus to retire prematurely

 The Centre is planning to act tough against officials of doubtful integrity and those poor at work. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has asked all departments to identify such public servants and move proposals for their premature retirement.

The decision comes following a meeting held by Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha recently on the mechanism to be adopted to ensure probity among the Government servants. The DoPT has asked all the departments to invoke provisions of Fundamental Rule (56-J) to compulsorily retire such officials. Under Fundamental Rule 56-J, the Government has the “absolute right” to retire, if necessary in public interest, any Group A and B employee, who has joined service before the age of 35 and has crossed the age of 50.

View: DoPT Order to ensure Probity among Govt. Staff: Rotation and Screening of officers under FR(J)

The decision, third such in a row, came after the DoPT last week said that IAS, IPS and India Forest Service officers may lose their job if they overstay on foreign assignments for more than a month without permission. Tightening the noose further, the DoPT early this month said that the Government servants will face disciplinary action if they raise service matters related grievances directly to the PMO.

In the latest directives for forced retirement, a Group C Government servant, who has crossed the age of 55 can be retired prematurely if found corrupt or ineffective. Group A comprise officers of All India Services like IAS, IPS, Indian Forest Service, IRS, while Group B consists of non-gazetted officers and Group C clerical and ministerial staff.

The action can be taken only against such officers whose annual increments have been frozen and they have not got promotion in the past five years. The meeting emphasised rotation of officers on sensitive and non-sensitive posts and their review and screening under Fundamental Rule 56-J. The DoPT has been asked to monitor implementation and obtain compliance from all Ministries in this regard.

“As this activity is to be completed in a time-bound manner, it is requested that priority attention may be paid to it and inputs sent to the internal vigilance section at the very earliest,” said the circular issued to all departments of Central Government.

The Cabinet Secretariat has been issuing such orders from time to time. In February 2012, the UPA Government notified a rule making it compulsory for IAS, IPS and officers from other all-India services to retire in “public interest” if they fail to clear a review after 15 years of service.

Last week speaking at induction training programme for newly bureaucrats, DoPT MoS Jitendra Singh had indicated that the bureaucrats will be expected to have a high level of accountability with constant media and public scrutiny.

Read at: Daily Pioneer

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Payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) at revised rates to the eligible civilian employees working in the Establishments under the Ministry of Defence


Office  of the  Principal    Controller   of Accounts   (FYs) 
10-A,  S..K..Bose   Road.   Kolkata   –  70000


Dated : 09/09/2015


All Cs  F A (Fys)

Subject:   Payment   of Night   Duty Allowance   (NDA)  at revised   rates to the  eligible   civilian employees   working  in the Establishments   under the Ministry   of Defence


Kindly  refer to this  office  earlier   circular  no.   Pay/Tech-Il/I   206/07  dated  28/05/2015 and No.   Pay/Tech-II/  1206/2015/08  dated 29/05/2015  under which the orders for payment  of NDA at   revised   rate  have  been  issued.  In  this  regard   it  is  to  mention   that  the  ceiling   of  pay  for entitlement  of NDA  was  Rs. 2200/-  pm vide   DOPT  order  dated  04/10/1989.   Keeping  in view  of pay structure  under  6th   CPC it has been decided  that the ceiling  limit for entitlement  of NDA  may be fixed at Rs.  12380/-.   While   making   payment  of NDA, an  employee’s    pay  in  the  pay  band will be compared  with  that  figure  and  if pay in the  Pay Band   is less  than  above  limit  then  he will be eligible  for NDA at current   rates  otherwise  he is not.

If any  of the  employees  have  been  paid  NDA already   in terms   of this  office  earlier circulars  dated   28/05/2015  and  29/05/2015  whose   pay  in  the  pay  band   is  beyond   this ceiling  limit,  recovery action  may please  be initiated.

The  same  may  please  be communicated   to all the  Br. AOs  under  your jurisdiction,   for necessary  action  at their end.

This issues with the approval  of Competent  Authority.

Joint Controller of Accounts (Fys)

Gazette released on extension of date for submission of 7th CPC as 31.12.2015


PART I—Section 1




(Department of Expenditure)


New Delhi, the 8th September, 2015

No. 1/1/2013-E. III(A).—The Government of India have decided that the Para 5 of this Ministry’s Resolution

No. 1/1/2013-E.III(A) dated 28.2.2014 shall be modified as under :—

“The Commission will make its recommendations by 31st December, 2015. It may consider, if necessary, sending reports on any of the matters as and when the recommendations are finalized.”

RATAN P. naWATAL, Fince Secy

Can We Expect 7th CPC Recommendations soon?

7th CPC may not delay its submission

Though Central Government decided to extend 4 months life of Pay Commission, it appears that it was in the background of negotiations with Armed Forces Veterans for referring OROP issue to CPC. Now in the background of across the table settlement of OROP, Govt too not issued any orders for time extn. CPC Chairman was averse to delaying his report. Comrade R.Elangovan DREU Working President analyses the situation nicely about possibilities of submission before 39.09.2015. I do agree with this assessment. More over the postponement of SCOVA meeting scheduled in September also indicates the probability of submission by end of September. I am reproducing Elangovan's note for all to study! - KR GS AIPRPA


1.Sri A.K. MATHUR,chairman ,7th cpc told the press on 24th August that he will submit his report before 30th September.

2.Cabinet decided on 26th September to extend the tenure of 7th cpc up to 31-12-2015 which raised the suspicion that the submission of the report may be delayed.

3.But so far,until today, the finance ministry has not issued the extension order by notification.

4.The cabinet decision for extension was taken in the context of one rank one pension issue. The government wanted to refer the issue to 7th cpc.But the veterans did not agree to the suggestion. Now the issue has been settled outside the 7th cpc.Hence the need for the extension becomes unwarranted. It is why i think the finance ministry has not issued the extension order and the term as of now has ended on 27th August.7th cpc website also has not posted any extension of their tenure as no order exists for that.

5.Now cabinet has taken early decision on 1st july 2015 da so that the 7th cpc can include this da to evolve the formula for revision on 1-1-2016.You are aware that there will be no da on 1-1-2016 either of 6th cpc or of 7th cpc.

6.Government also has indicated the amount what is feasible and desirable to them through Arun jaitely’s medium term expenditure framework statement by suggesting an increase of about Rs 15000 crores which will be 25% of the basic pay. Even for 40% Rs 24000 cr is needed.Our demand is for 152% more over the existing 219%.Any increase can be possible out of the united struggle.Seriously prepare for the united struggle.

7.Under these circumstances i presume the 7th cpc may submit its report before or on 30th September 2015.


Monday 14 September 2015


Prepared by :
Shri. Pijush karmakar
email :
Source: SA post blog

5 Tips to keep your accounts safe from hackers
The internet is an integral part of our daily lives. We use it for communication, searching for information, making payments.

However, a bunch of people on the internet are out to get your money by preying on your unsuspecting instincts.

A Mumbai-based businessman was cheated of Rs 23 lakh after criminals hacked into his email account earlier this month. To avoid a similar fate, read on for the most common methods used by hackers along with tips on how to avoid being duped:

All netizens use email for work or personal use. This also makes it one of the easiest methods to contact someone and entice him her with schemes.

The most common fraud emails include those about winning lotteries or a wealthy prince looking to invest money through you or regarding inheritance from unknown persons.

Emails like these from people you don't know should be red flags. Then there are mails with attachments that can install spyware or viruses when you open the attachment.

The simple way to be safe against email fraud is to neither download attachments nor send details to unknown senders.

You could be scammed by visiting fake websites or installing fake smartphone/tablet apps.

Many times, it's the bank websites that get duplicated -- they may even look exactly like the original and will ask you to input your login ID and password to proceed. If you place these details, the creator will use them to access your account.

The easiest way to detect a fake bank website is to see the browser address bar. Check that the website address has 'https:' before the name. This means that the site uses a secure certificate (all bank websites use this).

In terms of apps, check for the developer name (usually written below the app name in the app store) and read reviews on any banking app in detail before installing these apps. Only download banking apps from the official app stores.

If you see a product available at a price which is way below the regular asking price, it is bound to be some sort of scam. You can get discounts online, but when something is listed as 80 or 90% off the retail price, it's a red flag.

People putting up these deals usually ask for money upfront which is another red flag. Keep in mind that these products could also be stolen or imported products being sold, so if you actually find a genuine product make sure to take a copy of the ID proof of the seller.

4. Key loggers

A key logger is software installed on a computer that records each and every keystroke you do on the keyboard.

A fraudster can find your login details for various sites, just by accessing the entire log of your key presses. Public internet cafes are an easy target to install these key loggers to get crucial information from unsuspecting users.

There is essentially no way to detect if a keylogger is running in the background so if you must use a public computer, avoid typing usernames and passwords on the keyboard.

Use virtual keyboards instead. Most bank websites have these. You can also pull up the onscreen keyboard in Windows and use that to input the username and password.

Windows 8 users can search for an on-screen keyboard in the start menu while older Windows users can go to Start menu > All programs > accessories > ease of access > on-screen keyboard.

5. Credit card details on phone

There are many advertisements sent by banks to avoid this issue. No one from your bank will ever call and ask for your credit card details over a phone call.

Any call claiming to be from the bank and asking for bank details is a red flag.

You should not share information regarding credit cards or netbanking with anyone over the phone, even if the caller knows a fair bit about you.

Source :