Saturday 5 September 2015

Guidelines for Grant of Reward to Informants leading to Recovery of Irrecoverable Taxes, 2015: CBDT Instruction No.07

Guidelines for Grant of Reward to Informants leading to Recovery of Irrecoverable Taxes, 2015
Instruction No.07/2015
F .No.385/21/2015-IT(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North Block, New Delhi
26th August, 2015
All the Pr. CCsIT/ CCsIT/Pr. DGsIT/DGsIT

Subject: Guidelines for Grant of Reward to Informants leading to Recovery of Irrecoverable Taxes, 2015.


In supercession of the guidelines for Grant of Reward to Informants, 2007, I am directed to say that the following guidelines will regulate the grant of reward to informants leading to recovery of taxes of tax defaulters whose names have been published in the public domain under section 287 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

1. Short title
These guidelines may be called the 'Guidelines for Grant of Rewards to Informants leading to Recovery of Irrecoverable Taxes 2015'.

2. Application of Guidelines
(i) These guidelines will regulate the grant and payment of reward to informants who provide specific and credible information of the whereabouts/assets of persons, on or after 31.03.2015, which results in the collection of taxes, penalties, interest or other amounts (hereinafter “tax") already levied under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the Wealth Tax Act, 1957. Grant and payment of reward for information provided before 31.03.2015 will continue to be regulated by 'Guidelines for Grant of Rewards to Informants 2007'.

(ii) These guidelines will be applicable if the jurisdictional Pr. Chief Commissioner/Chief Commissioner is satisfied that the tax could not be recovered despite all possible efforts having been made by the Department to trace the defaulter assessee or his assets and the information provided by the informant has resulted in recovery of tax.

3. Reward Amount
i. Individuals will be eligible for rewards based on the tax collected as a result of any administrative or judicial action resulting from the information provided. The quantum of tax collected will be determined only after all assessments have become final and no appeal/revision/other litigation is pending.

ii. The reward would not exceed 10% of the tax, recovery of which is directly attributable to the information/documents supplied by the informant, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 15 lakh. The full Board may relax the ceiling of Rs. 15 lacs on the basis of recommendation of the Committee mentioned in paragraph 4 below.

iii. Reward should be processed and granted in respect of recoveries directly attributable to the information furnished by the informant which was not in the knowledge of the department. Any proposal to this effect must be mooted after recoveries have been made of irrecoverable taxes and there is no further litigation. Reward will be only with reference to taxes recovered in the case of a taxpayer about whom information is given.

iv. Reward in accordance with these guidelines is discretionary and will be in the nature of ex-gratia payment which, subject to these guidelines, will be granted in the absolute discretion of the authority competent to grant rewards. No representation or petition against any decision regarding grant of rewards will be entertained from either the informant or any person on his behalf and the outcome of the claim cannot be disputed in Court.

v. The reward under these guidelines is in the nature of ex-gratia payments and accordingly, no assignment thereof made by the informants will be recognized. The authority competent to grant rewards may however; grant reward to heirs or nominees of an informant of an amount not exceeding the amount that would have been payable to the informant, had he not died.

4. Authorities Competent to Grant Reward
The authority competent to grant reward will be the Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax/ Chief Commissioner of Income Tax in whose charge the arrears, from which recovery is made, are recorded .However, where the amount of reward in any given case exceeds Rs. 1,00,000/-, the same should be approved by a Committee of three officers comprising the Pr.Chief Commissioner (Pr.CCIT) of the region as Chief Commissioner concerned and one other Chief Commissioner of Income Tax nominated by the Pr. CCIT. In case Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax is also the Chief Commissioner of Income tax concerned, he/she shall nominate one more Chief Commissioner as member of the committee.

5. Informants for the purpose of the guidelines:
i. A person will be considered to be an informant eligible for reward in accordance with these guidelines if he furnishes specific information in relation to assets/untraceable assessees concerning irrecoverable taxes. However, the claim of reward shall be confined to cases where action is actually taken in pursuance of the information. The information provided must be supported by facts/documents and should not be speculative, vague, of general nature or an "educated guess".

ii. In the cases where the documents or supporting evidence are known to the informant but are not in his possession, the informant should describe these documents and identify their location to the best of his ability.

iii. The information can be submitted to the j urisdicational Pr.CCIT/CCIT/Pr.CIT of the assessee as mentioned vide publication of his name in public domain or in the office of any other Pr.CCIT/CCIT to the officers designated as nodal officers( not below the rank of Addl/JtCIT) for receiving the information. Information received by any other Pr.CCIT/CCIT will be forwarded within 15 days to the jurisdictional Pr.CCIT/CCIT.

iv. The jurisdictional Pr.CIT will be act as the Nodal Authority to examine and decide the nature of actionable information as provided in Annexure-A.

6. Statement of informant
Where any information or evidence is furnished by any person in the expectation of a reward, he will be required to furnish a written statement as per Annexure - B to these guidelines. Such a statement should be signed by the informant in the presence of the Nodal Officer, to whom the information is furnished. Where any information is received by post intimating that the information is given with a view to claim reward, the informant should appear before and sign the written statement in the presence of such authority. The original statement in all cases should be kept in the custody of the jurisdictional Pr. CIT No reward shall be admissible if the informant refuses to give the written statement as referred to above.

7. Written undertaking of the informant
At the time an informant furnishes, in the expectation of a reward, any information or documents, an undertaking should be taken from him to the effect:

a) That he is aware that the information or documents furnished by him do not ipso facto confer on him the right to any reward and that he would be bound by the decision of the competent authority in this regard.

b) That he is aware that the extent of reward depends on the precision of the information and usefulness of the documents furnished by him;

c) That the reward would pertain only to as much of the taxes recovered/realized as are directly attributable to the information supplied by him;

d) That the provisions of section 182 of the Indian Penal Code have been read by him or explained to him and he is aware that if the information furnished by him is found to be false he would be liable to prosecution;

e) That he accepts that the Government is under no obligation to enter into any correspondence regarding the details of any taxes realized as a result of his information and;

f) That he accepts that payment of reward is ex-gratia in the absolute discretion of the authority competent to grant rewards and he has no right to dispute the correctness of the decision in any court of law.

8. Circumstances to be kept in view in determining the amount of reward In determining the reward amount, the authority competent to grant the reward will keep the following in view:

a) The accuracy of the information given by the informant.

b) The extent and nature of the help rendered by the informant.

c) The risk and trouble undertaken and the expense and odium incurred by the informant in securing and furnishing the information and documents.

d) The quantum of work involved in utilizing the information furnished and the facility with which such tax could be recovered as a result of the information.

6) The quantum of tax recovered which is directly attributable to the information and documents supplied by the informant.

f) The quantum of reward already given in terms of Guidelines for Grant of Rewards to Informants, 2007 where the proceeding or action for levy of tax was originally initiated on the basis of information provided by the same informant.

9. Secrecy of the identity of the informant 
The identity of the informant shall be kept secret if so desired by him by giving him a number. No information relating to informants or the rewards paid to them shall be disclosed to any authority except in accordance with any law for the time being in force.

10. Certificate from the Internal Audit Par
When the amount of reward is Rs] lakh or more, the Pr.CCIT or CCIT concerned shall, before the grant of reward, get the case checked and obtain a certificate from the concerned Pr.CIT regarding the correctness of the taxes recovered. 

11. Prohibition of rewarding in certain cases
No reward shall be granted if-

i. The informant is a Government servant who furnishes information or evidence obtained by him in the course of his normal duties as a Government Servant.

Explanation: A person employed as an employee by the Central or any State or any Union Territory Government or a nationalized bank or any local authority or any public sector undertaking, corporation, body, corporate or establishment, set up or owned by the Central Government or any State Government or any Union Territory Administration shall be deemed to be a Government Servant for the purposes of this paragraph; or 

ii. The informant is required by law to disclose the information to the Department; or

iii. The informant has access to the information on the basis of a contract with the Government

iv. The Scheme should be confined to only cases where;

(a) assessee is not traceable,

(b) there are no/inadequate assets for recovery,

(c) self assessment tax is outstanding for more than 6 months,

(d) TDS has been deducted but not deposited for more than 6 months.

and their names have been published in public domain under section 287 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

12. Maintenance of record of each informant and not taking cognizance of Information furnished by certain informant.

The Authority competent to obtain information, evidence or documents from informant will maintain record of each informant, giving in brief his antecedents, the details of cases in which he has furnished information and the extent to which information has been found reliable. In case it is found that the antecedents of the informant, the nature of the information furnished by him in the past and his conduct justify ignoring the information, evidence and documents furnished by him, the case should be referred by such authority to the Pr. CCIT/CCIT concerned, and if approved by him, it would be open for such authority not to take cognizance of the information furnished by such an informant.

13. Drawing of the bill
The orders of the authority competent to grant reward in cases where such authority is himself competent to grant reward and in case in which the decision vests with the Committee referred to in paragraph 4 are applicable, sanction of the Committee referred to therein, will constitute sufficient authority for drawing the bill on the treasury against the sanctioned allocation.

14. Control and audit expenditure relating to rewards
The control and audit of the expenditure for reward will be governed by the instructions specifically issued for the purpose from time to time.

15. Hindi version shall follow.

(Sandeep Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


1. The information should be first hand information.

2. Information should be in written form clearly indicating:-

I. Movable assets from which recovery can be made.

i. Bank Name/ Branch.
ii. Account Number
iii. Amount shown as balance.
iv. Proof of share/debentures & any other negotiable instrument.

II. Immovable Assets.
a. Undisclosed property, shops investment in real estate.
b. Probable inheritance by court decree or any other incident.
c. Proof of purchase or sale or ownership of property.

III. Investment in foreign Bank Accounts, Assets.

3. Necessary conditions for treating the information as actionable:

a) The information must be backed by proof.

b) It should be in writing.

c) The information must be authentic and not mere suspicion, conjectures or imaginary concept

d) The evidence must be visible and direct, actionable and not directed at realisation after liquidation, partition of firm/company etc.

e) information must not be known to the department. If at a later stage it is found that information was not unknown, reward will be denied.

Annexure-B Page1
Annexure B Page-2


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Seventh Pay Commission Likely To See Pay Hikes By 40%

New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission’s report is likely be submitted to the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley shortly.

Sources said that there will be no internal relief. The average increase in basic fair pay for all government employees will be in the region of 40-45%.

This is a very rough average because for senior level officers, like the Cabinet Secretary or officials at the secretary level, the payback could increase by more than 50%.

The Pay Panel may recommend a new pay scale from January 1, 2016. The existing HRA would be retained for A1 cities; while there would be a 15-20% hike for other cities.

But interestingly when we spoke to government employees they were not really happy, essentially perhaps because effectively if you take the DA out, it is not really a hefty bonanza as many thought it would be.

Also, given the price rise and inflation issues, most people are saying it is really not that sufficient. Most of these recommendations will be implemented.

But the point is, if the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has a problem with any of the observations or with the impact of the Pay Commission recommendations, he might even send this back to the Pay Commission for another round of iteration.

In that case, some amendments will be made that come back to the Finance Ministry and then it may go back to the Cabinet for approval. If that happens, it could delay the process by about 1-2 more months.

A central government employee will earn up to 40% more if the government accepts the Seventh Pay commission’s proposals, which will be submitted shortly.

This pay hike would affect the lives of over 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners and could trigger off similar pay hike across state governments as well.

An official of the Pay Commission, says recommendations will be made to improve productivity.

The Commission will be talked of market driven compensation at the top level, where there are expert persons required by the government. There should be open competition with the public. If they have a better candidate from outside, he should be appointed instead of simply promoting people by seniority, said the official.


Announcement on One Rank One Pension implementation likely in the next two days

After days of tussle between ex-servicemen and the Narendra Modi government, an announcement on the implementation of the One Rank One Pension scheme is now likely to happen in the next two days.

According to sources, the government is likely to brief President Pranab Mukherjee before taking the final call. Notably, the ex-servicemen had recently written to the President, seeking his intervention in the issue. However, the implementation of OROP continues to face some last minute hurdles with defence veterans refusing the offer from the government.

The implementation of OROP continues to face some last minute hurdles with defence veterans refusing the offer from the government.

Major General Satbir Singh (retired), who is spearheading the protest by the ex-servicemen at Jantar Mantar in the national capital, held a meeting in this regard with Army Chief General Dalbir Singh on Thursday. The ex-servicemen reportedly conveyed to the government that they were willing to relent on a two-year review and not five years, as proposed by the government

Even as protest by the defence veterans over the delay in implementation for One Rank One Pension continued, the rift seems to have widened within the United Front of Ex-Servicemen over the stand taken by Major General (retired) Satbir Singh, who is leading the protest.

Some retired Generals are disagreeing with the stand of Major General Singh and say why this issue is being decided only by two or three. They want a general body meeting to discuss all issues and the government proposal.

The government may announce the implementation of the One Rank One Pension soon but the time period for revision of the pension remains a major roadblock. While the government has proposed to revise pension in every five years, veterans have proposed the revision of pension every years or at maximum 2 years.

Major General Singh, chairman of Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM), said no proposal has come from the government which is acceptable to the veterans. "I doubt government's intention. The government wants revision of pension ever 5 years but nothing beyond 2 years is acceptable," he added.

One Rank One Pension scheme has been a long-standing demand of nearly 3 million ex-servicemen in the country. It seeks to ensure that a uniform pension is paid to defence personnel who retire at the same rank with the same length of service, irrespective of their date of retirement.
Several retired defence personnel have been protesting at Delhi's Jantar Mantar for One Rank One Pension. Some of them are also on fast-unto-death.


PM interacts with school children on the eve of Teachers' Day

PM releases commemorative coin on Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, and launches Kala Utsav website

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today interacted with school children from across the country, on the eve of Teachers' Day. In a unique event anchored entirely by school children themselves, the Prime Minister released commemorative coins of denomination Rs. 125, and Rs. 10, to mark the birth anniversary of India's second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The Prime Minister also launched the website for Kala Utsav, an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to promote arts in education by nurturing and showcasing the artistic talent of school students at the secondary stage in the country.

In his opening remarks on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that there is a special significance of interacting with school children on the eve of Teachers' Day. He said a teacher is known by the accomplishments of his students. He said that while a mother gives birth, it is the teacher who actually provides life.

The Prime Minister explained that the teacher and the student, both have a unique importance for each other. He said that teachers should also write about their experiences with various children. He said teachers consider all students as important, and should remember them all – not just the ones who excelled academically.

The Prime Minister recalled former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, and said Dr. Kalam wanted to be remembered as a teacher. He said that Dr. Kalam had a passion for teaching, and he was interacting with students even upto the final moments of his life.

The Prime Minister said India had great teachers even today, who were helping to create engineers, doctors and scientists that were making a mark globally. He said the aim of teachers should be to avoid creating robots, but to nurture an entire generation.

Union Minister for Human Resource Development Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, and Union Ministers of State Shri Upendra Kushwaha, Shri Ram Shankar Katheria, and Shri Jayant Sinha were present on the occasion.


Thursday 3 September 2015

Commemorative Stamps on “Women Empowerment” – 2nd September 2015.

The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world including India since last few decades. Inequalities between men and women and discrimination against women have also been age-old issues all over the world. Thus, women’s quest for equality with man is a universal phenomenon.
The National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) was launched by the Government of India on International Women’s Day in 2010 with the aim to strengthen the processes which promote holistic development and empowerment of women, gender equality and gender justice through inter-sectoral convergence of programmes that impact women, forge synergy among various stakeholders and create an enabling environment conducive to social change.
The Department of Posts organized a nation-wide competition inviting entries for the designs of commemorative stamps on the theme “Women Empowerment”. Based on the selected entries, a set of four stamps and a miniature sheet on the theme was released by Hon’ble Minister of Communication & Information Technology Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad at a function held at Banquet Hall, 3rd Floor, Ashoka Hotel, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi on 2nd September, 2015 in presence of Shri A. B. Joshi, Member Technology, Shri S. K. Sinha, Member HRD, Shri Vasumitra, Chief Postmastrer General, Delhi from India Post and BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi.
Commemorative Stamps on “Women Empowerment”
Commemorative Stamps on “Women Empowerment”
Photo Courtesy: PIB

Parcel COD Instruction for Booking Office

Parcel COD Booking instruction for Post Office 

Booked Articles Options is added in Parcel Net website. 
The details of the COD articles booked properly will be available in the report in Parcel Net MIS. Report can be viewed in Parcelnet MIS general login at 
COD Reports -> Booked Articles
If the COD articles are not booked properly, then the COD payment message will not be send to the Destination offices. This may affect the proper delivery and payment for the COD articles.

So kindly instruct the POs/BPCs booking BPCOD articles to check daily whether all the articles booked are shown in the report. If the articles are not available in the report then the booking information should be re transmitted in Parcel Software to the server.

List of Authorities empowered to issue caste/community certificates - Information on the complete list - regarding.

Department of Personnel & Training (Establishment (Reservation-I) Section) Letter No.36028/1/2014-Estt.(Res.) dated 03-09-2015 

Source :

Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) Junior Officers Interview Results out 2015

Lakshmi Vilas Bank Junior Officers Interview Results out 2015 :

Posts : Junior Officers

Interview Result : Click Here

Clarification Regrading Form 60 & Income Tax Rule 114B

Download Income Tax Rule 114B and Form 60

To View Income Tax Rule 114 B Click Here

To Download Form 60 Click Here

Representation from Government servant on service matters - reiteration of instructions - regarding.

To view DoPT OM No. 11013/08/2013-Estt (A.III) dated 31/8/2015, please CLICK HERE. 

New Rs 1,000 notes with more security features coming soon

The Reserve Bank of India would soon start issuing Rs 1,000 notes with enhanced security features. 

These notes would come with the rupee symbol and inset letter 'L' with numerals in ascending size in number panels. Officials from RBI said the objective is to increase security features for such legal tender. 

"We have already issued Rs 500 notes with such security features in limited quantities from our currency chests," a senior RBI official said. 

"The idea of incorporating numerals in ascending size in numeral panels is to prevent forgery or counterfeit and public should not get confused if they see numerals in ascending size in the number panel," the official said. The practice of incorporating numerals in ascending size in currency note is an important security feature that is adopted in countries like Singapore. "Such features will also help detect the genuine notes from fake ones," the official said. 

As per the RBI annual report for 2014-15, notes of denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 together accounted for approximately 85% of the total value of banknotes in circulation at the end of March 2015. In volume terms, notes of 10 and 100 together accounted for 54% during the period ending March 2015. 

During 2013-14, notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 together accounted for 84% of the total value of banknotes in circulation while in volume terms, legal tender of 10 and 100 together accounted for 53.6% of total currency in circulation. 

The new 1,000 notes that will be issued are in the Mahatma Gandhi Series- 2005. Such currency with numerals in ascending size in numbering panels have already been put in circulation for 100 notes earlier.

Source:-The Economic Times

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) (Tier-I) Answer key Declared 2015

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) (Tier-I) Answer key Declared 2015 :

Answer key : Click Here

Question Paper : Click Here

Exam was held on 09-08-2015 & 16-08-2015

Gail (India) Ltd. Recruitment for 106 Various Posts 2015

GAIL (India) Ltd, New Delhi has published a Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2015. Check below for more details.

Posts :

  • enior Engineer: 60 Posts 
    • Chemical: 14 Posts 
    • Mechanical: 05 Posts 
    • Electrical: 06 Posts 
    • Instrumentation: 12 Posts 
    • Mechanical: 05 Posts 
    • Electrical: 03 Posts 
    • Instrumentation: 02 Posts 
    • Purchase & Contract: 13 Posts
  • Foremen: 31 Posts 
    • Chemical: 03 Posts 
    • Mechanical: 02 Posts 
    • Electrical: 13 Posts 
    • Instrumentation: 03 Posts 
    • Telecom & Telemetry: 10 Posts
  • Jr. Superintendent (Human Resources): 02 Posts
  • Assistant Inspector (Security): 08 Posts
  • Assistant (Store & Purchase): 03 Posts
  • Accounts Assistant: 02 Posts
Educational Qualification : Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

How to Apply : Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website

Advertisement : Click Here

Apply Online and Other Information : Click Here (Starts from 02-09-2015)

Last Date : 22-09-2015

Click below Image to view Larger

Vijaya Bank Recruitment for 36 Probationary Managers Posts 2015

Vijaya Bank has published a Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2015. Check below for more details.

Posts :
I. Manager-Security: 24 Posts
1. SC: 04 Posts
2. ST: 02 Posts
3. OBC: 06 Posts
4. UR: 12 Posts
II. Manager-Rajbhasha: 12 Posts
1. SC: 02 Posts
2. ST: 01 Post
3. OBC: 03 Posts
4. UR: 06 Posts

Educational Qualification :

  • Manager : Pass in any Degree from a recognised University
  • Manager - Rajbhasha: Post Graduate Degree in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree(graduation) level OR Post Graduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at the degree (graduation) level.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on their performance in group discussion/ test & interview.

Application Fee & Intimation Charges: Candidates should have to pay Non-refundable 300/- & intimation charges Rs. 50/- for General & OBC category candidates. SC/ ST/ PWD candidates have to pay for intimation charges (Rs.50/-) only through online.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply online through the website from 02-09-2015 to 19-09-2015 & after applying online candidates should obtain a computer generated online registered application print out the computer generated online registered application print out complete in all respects in an application should be superscribed as “Application for the post of PROB Manager-Security/ PROB Manager-Rajbhasha 2015-2016 in vijaya Bank” to the Vijaya Bank, P.O Box No.5136, G.P.O Bangalore-560001 by ordinary post on or before 24-09-2015 & for remote areas on or before 28-09-2015.

Address to send Application : Vijaya Bank P.O. Box No. 5136, G.P.O. Banglore - 560 001.

Advertisement : Click Here

Apply Online : Click Here

Important Date:
Starting Date : 02-09-2015
Last date of online application: 19-09-2015
Last date for receipt of application: 24-09-2015

Indian Navy Jamnagar Recruitment for Sailor Entry & SSR Posts 2015

Indian Navy Jamnagar has published a Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2015. Check below for more details.

Posts :

  1. Sailor Entry
  2. Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR)

Educational Qualification : 10+2 or equivalent exam with Maths & physics as compulsory subject; optional subjects Chemistry / Biology / Computers.

Age Limit : Candidates should have been born between 01 February, 1995 to 31 January 1999.

Selection Criteria: Selection of recruits in based on the order or merit depending on their performance in Written Test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) & fitness in the Medical Examinations.

Written Test: The Question paper will be objective type & will comprise of four sections i.e. English, Science, Mathematics & General Knowledge.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT): PFT will consist of 1.6 KM run to be completed in 7 minutes, 20 squat (uthak Baithek) & 10 Push-ups.

Venue :  Indian Naval Ship, Valsura, Jamangar - 361 150

Advertisement : Click Here

For More Information : Click Here

Important Dates:

  • Batch No: 01/2016
  • Reporting Date & Time: 11/09/2015 at 06:30 AM