Thursday 6 August 2015

Enter Aadhar Number in Service Book of Employees: DoPT's reminder

Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees’ system- Reminder by DoPT for entry of Aadhar Number in Service Book of Employees:-

No. Z-20025/9/2014-Estt.(Allowance)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

Block IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi, August 5, 2015.

Office Memorandum
Subject: Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees’ system.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Office Memorandum of even number dated May 20, 2015 on the subject mentioned above wherein all Ministries/Departments were requested to ensure that theservice books of all employees have an entry of the employees’ Aadhaar number and sought compliance report. The information from most of the Ministries/Departments has not yet been received by this Department so far.

2. All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are once again requested to intimate the action taken in this regard and also furnish consolidated information in respect of the Ministry/Department as a whole, including attached and subordinate offices, to this Department latest by 14th August, 2015.

(Mukul Ratra)
Tel.No. 2616 4314


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Recruitment of Minorities

As per the Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M dated 8th January, 2007, the Central Ministries/Departments are required to furnish the annual data on recruitment of candidates belonging to minority communities for the year ending 31st March by 30th April of the following year. During the year 2013-14, as per reports received from 74 Ministries/Departments, a total number of 128964 or about 7.89% of the total recruitments made were from the minority community. For the year 2014-15, so far 45 Ministries/Departments have furnished the data. As per the available information, in the year 2014-15, a total number of 9328 or about 8.51% of candidates recruited by these Ministries/Departments were from minority community.

The Ministry of Minority Affairs implements Seekho aur Kamao, a scheme for placement linked skill development of minorities. Further, a new organization Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills (MANAS) has been established on 11/11/2014 as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for addressing all skill development needs of minority comminutes, to ensure provision of sustainable livelihoods to them, with emphasis on self-employment.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri B. Vinod Kumar in the Lok Sabha today.


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Tips for choosing security question and answer

Lack of security can possibly end up in Identity fraudulent, defamatory and derogatory statements. Security questions are one of the questions asked by many websites before delivering or serving any important or confidential information. First of all choose tough and uncommon security questions. Secondly, try to keep your security question’s answer as illogical as possible which is hard to figure out. Like if you have chosen your security question say for example – “What’s your birth  of place?”, your answer shouldn’t be your actual place of birth (moreover, it should not be any place name) else it should be as illogical to think and not at all connected with the question.
Here are few examples of security questions and their illogical answer * :
Q : What was your childhood nickname?
A : Helicopter
Q : What’s your place of birth?
A : NASA Lab
Q : Who is your favorite actor?
A : Road-Side Beggars
Questions asked by many website are public facts about a person like place of birth, favorite food etc. They are simple to guess for hackers or other identity thieves. Sometimes user creates illogical  answers to the questions, and then forgets the answer. So, keep in mind, if you are changing your real answer to illogical ones, try to keep remember also.
Note : Please do not chose above mentioned answer as answer of your security question, because this is a public article.

Over-sharing on FB or Twitter can lead to Job or Money loss

Ever regretted on your habit of over-sharing on Facebook and twitter.  Over-sharing on Facebook has become a common phenomenon these days, call it  obsessiveness or excessiveness at times it can certainly land you in awkward and serious repercussions. Apart from your password and  credit card details there are few recommended things which you shouldn’t share on social networking  websites which are  mentioned below :
  • Financial matters or crisis : These days HR, spy, insurance companies are keeping close track with your social networking account to get as much information about you so eventually if not done with emotional maturity over-sharing can  end up in messy and unwanted repercussions.
  • Confessionals : Keep your confessions limited to the church only as online confessionals can land you in some major problems and repetitive interrogations like disclosing your annual CTC, tax returns, family disputes and affairs.
  • Mother’s maiden name : You should not reveal your mother’s maiden name specially if you are a debit or credit card holder as it is one of  the answer’s to the security question when trying to leak or hack your banking and similar accounting details.
  • Phone Number : Revealing your phone number might lead to uncalled moments from your exes, stalkers and other disturbing elements as when you intentionally add your personal phone number to the profile information it become public and visible equivalent to inviting disastrous  possibilities.
  • Never talk about your vacation plans : You should not disclose your vacation plans unless  you want to see your house interior change due to theftry as thieves and burglars keep tracking about your holiday plans and short trips to execute the robbery in a high-tech way.
  • Company integrity : Never talk about the confidential matter related to your job and other staff members unless you don’t want your boss to terminate you on revealing official matters online and posting derogatory statements about your company, boss and other staff members can definitely cost on your job. Recently a juror in the UK was dismissed after she disclosed a sensitive case information on her Facebook profile and many alike. cases are mention on net where Facebook has got people fired because of their lacking psychological maturity
  • Home Address : Never post your Home Address and its layout,posting  pictures and videos of your home and  surroundings can lead to robbery and other criminal cases.
  • Your Full Date of Birth :  On your birthday you want your wall full with birthday greeting, wishes and messages simultaneously it also doubles the chances to get your account hacked easily as your DOB is one of the most common default security question. Therefore it is advisable not to share your full date of birth on social networking websites.
As there is a saying excess of anything is bad. So stay connected without over-sharing it.
Source: Cybercrime complaints

Simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits : Exercise of option regarding

Simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits : Exercise of option regarding.

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.25014/1/2014-AIS-II, dated 28.7.2015

Subject : Clarification on simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to AIS officers retiring from Govt of India/State Govt : exercise of option regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments Order No.25014/2/2002- AIS-II dated 11th April, 2007 wherein measures for simplification of payment of pension and other retirement benefits to All India Services officers retiring/retired from Government of India/State Government have been revised and the Government of India had taken over the entire pension liability of all the All India Service officers. Besides, all retiring All India
Service officers either from the Central Government or State Government uniformly have the option of drawl of their pension through Government of India or through the State Government. However, in the aforesaid order dated 11th April, 2007, the issue of revocation of their earlier option for drawl of pension exercised by the All India Service pensioners was silent.

(2) Accordingly, keeping in view the aging factor and to ease and comfort in a retired life, the issue of exercising option for drawing pension either from Government of India or State Government was revisited in this Department in consultation with the Central Pension Accounting Office, Department of Expenditure and Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare and has decided that the option exercised by the pensioner for drawl of pension/family pension either from the Government of India or State Government in reference to this Departments Order dated 11th April , 2007 would continue as “Zero option’ (option exercised at the time of retirement would constitute as zero option).

(3) Thereafter, the retired officer can further make two options for which the first option would be permitted without obtaining the permission of Central Government and the second option would require permission of the Central Government. No further option shall be considered after the Second option is permitted by the Central Government. The first option shall be applied by the pensioner to the Drawing Disbursing Authority Of her/his pension in the prescribed format (Annexure-I).

(4) The proposal for revocation of earlier options which required permission of Central Government shall be applied to the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority of All India Services in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) and such proposal shall be processed in consultation with the Chief Controller (Pension), Central Pension Accounting Office (Department of Expenditure), New Delhi for according approval of the Secretary of the
concerned Cadre Controlling Authority .

5. It is to state that every time a change in option is made, it shall be notified to the Central Pension Accounts Office (Department of Expenditure) for carrying out necessary updation in its data base.

(6) The revised format for exercising zero option for drawl of pension in respect of retiring/retired members of All India Services is annexed as Annexure-III.


OROP protests likely to intensify

OROP protests likely to intensify

“UFESM is not ready to believe the assurances given by all the forces that constitute the power at the Centre that the scheme would be implemented.”

This is because such assurances have been given for a number of years by a number of parties and nothing had happened. Therefore, this time, the UFESM is not ready to bow down.

Either the plan has to be announced, or the Prime Minister has to announce the date on which the plan will be implemented. Else, as per the current scenario, the protests are going to intensify.

In more than 60 cities across the country, protests are being held demanding the implementation of the OROP scheme. Ex-servicemen from all over the country are arriving in New Delhi to participate in the relay fast protest that is being conducted at Jantar Mantar.

The UFESM has announced that ex-servicemen shall henceforth boycott all the government-organized functions. They have also decided to go to the court after hearing the Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech to find out the Government’s stand on the issue.

Armymen are being granted pensions and retirement benefits based on the current pay commission’s recommendations at the time of their retirement. Since the pension calculations are revised once every ten years, the OROP scheme seeks to remove the resultant anomalies.

Corrigendum: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment

Corrigendum: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment.

F. No. 11013/2/2014-Estt.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi - 110001
Dated July 30th, 2015
Subject: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment.

The undersigned is directed to say that a step guide for conduct of inquiry in complaint cases of sexual harassment was prepared by this Department and the same was circulated vide OM. of even no. dated 16.07.2015 [Click here to view].

2. In the step guide the definition of‘workplace’ is based on section 2(o) of the Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. However, in para 4 ‘a dwelling place or a house was inadvertantly omitted. Therefore, in the step guide under the heading ‘workplace' the following may be added in para 4 after (iv):
(v) a dwelling place or a house’.

(M. P. Rama Rao)
Under Secretary to the Government oflndia


Grant of funds for Modernisation of Departmental Canteens

Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices: DoPT Order

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 31st July, 2015

Subject : Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices.

The undersigned is directed to state that Department of Personnel and Training has initiated a scheme whereby financial assistance would be provided to individual Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices for the modernisation of Departmental Canteens under their administrative charge.

2. Approved scheme for provision of funds to Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices is enclosed for ready reference. The funds will be provided on first-cum-first serve basis.

3. All Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices are requested to assess the need for modernisation of Departmental Canteens under their administrative charge and forward their preposal for grant of funds to this Department after obtaining the approval of respective IFDs.

(Pratima Tyagi)

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सातवें वेतन आयोग में बढ़ेगी 40 फीसदी सैलरी: News

सातवें वेतन आयोग कीं रिपोर्ट जल्द सरकार को पेश कर दी जाएगी,  आयोग की सिफारिशें अगले साल  से लागू की जा सकती है।

सरकारी कर्मचारियों को मोदी सरकार का तोहफा, बढेगी 40 फीसदी सैलेरी।

नई दिल्ली:- केंद्रीय सरकारी कर्मचारी सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे हैं। उम्मीद की जा रही है कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट 3 1 अक्टूबर तक पेश हो जाएगी । माना जा रहा है कि इस बार की सिफारिशों के बाद सरकारी कर्मचारियों के वेतन में 3 0 - 40 फीसदी तक बढोत्तरी हो सकती है। आयोग की सिफारिशें अगले साल से लागू की जा सकती हैं । भारतीय मिडिल क्लास का एक तिहाई हिस्सा सरकारी कर्मचारी है और सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट से भारतीय बाजार पर भी बहुत फर्क पड़ता है।

सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशें लागु होने के बाद जहाँ केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के वेतन में बढोत्तरी होगी, वहीं जल्द ही राज्य सरकार के कर्मचारियों के वेतन में भी बढोत्तरी होने के उम्मीद है । गुजरात और मध्य प्रदेश की सरकार ने इस और इशारा कर दिया है कि वो जनवरी 2016 से ही अपने कर्मचारियो के वेतन में बढोत्तरी कर सकती हैं। 

सूत्रों की मानें तो अगले साल तक सरकारी कर्मचारियों की सैलरी बढने की उम्मीद के चलते कई इनवेस्टर्स कार बाजार जैसे उद्योग में पैसा लगाने का मन बना रहे हैं । ऐसा देखा गया है कि पिछली बार वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशें लागू होने के बाद कार बाजार में 18 फीसदी तक की बढोत्तरी हो गई थी । एक जनवरी 20 16 से लागू होने वाले सातवें वेतन आयोग का लाभ 50 लाख केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों और लगभग 30 लाख पेंशनर्स को मिलने वाला है। 

पांचवे व छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को देखते हुए सातवां वेतन आयोग लागू होने पर कर्मचारियों के मूल वेतन में 40 से 50 प्रतिशत तक की बढोतरी हो सकती है। पांचवें वेतन आयोग के बाद कर्मचारियों के मूल वेतन में करीब 50 प्रतिशत के बढोतरी हुई थी। जबकि छठे वेतन आयोग में ये वृद्ध‍ि न्यूनतम 40 प्रतिशत थी । सातवां वेतन आयोग लागू करने के लिए राज्य सरकारें केंद्र से आर्थिक मदद की मांग भी कर रही है । क्योंकि इतना तो निश्चित है कि सातवाँ वेतन आयोग केद्र और राज्य सरकारों पर वित्तीय बोझ डालने वाला है । सातवाँ वेतन आयोग भी पिछले आयोगों के तरह मिलती जुलती बढ़त ही देने वाला है।  

केद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के लिए नए वेतन आयोग में बेसिक वेतन 26000 रूपए मासिक करने का आग्रह किया गया है लेकिन खबर है कि जस्टिस अशोक कुमार माथुर के अध्यक्षता वाला सातवां वेतन आयोग इतना मासिक वेतन देने के लिए केंद्र सरकार को नहीं कहने वाला है। अभी सबसे छोटे कर्मचारी का बेसिक वेतन 7000 रुपए है. महंगाई के मद्देनजर वेतन में यह छलांग साढे तीन गुना से ज्यादा मांगी गई है।  कर्मचारियों के लिए खुशखबरी यह है कि सातवां वेतन आयोग यह जरूर ध्यान रखेगा कि छोटे-बड़े कर्मचारियों के वेतन वृद्धि एक समान प्रतिशत में की जाए. पिछला वेतन आयोग कई मामलों में बहुत अच्छा रहा था लेकिन उसमे यह विसंगति रह गई थी कि किसी पद को 5% की वेतन वृद्धि मिल गई थी और किसी को उससे कम।

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Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT as on 31st July 2015

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from 1st January, 2011 to 31st July 2015
A. Approved by Cabinet
S.No.Name of the ServiceCRC* MeetingCabinet Approval
1.CPWD Central Engineering-Service, Central Electrical Mechanical Engineering Service and Central Architecture Service27/06/201103/01/2012
2.Military Engineering Services (Indian Defence Service of Engineers, Architect Cadre and Surveyor Cadre)22/09/2011 and 23/01/201218/04/2013
3.Indian Radio Regulatory Service19/02/201303/07/2013
4.Indian Revenue Service19/02/2013 and GoM** on 29/04/201323/05/2013

Indian Customs & Central Excise27/08/201305/12/2013
6.Indian Cost Accounts Service29/10/201302/01/2014
7.Central Labour Service19/02/201317/07/2013
8.Central Power Engineering Service11/12/201313/05/2014
9.Indian Ordnance Factory Service19/03/201429/10/2014
10.Indian Civil Accounts Service17/07/201316/01/2015
11.Border Road Engineering Service26/02/201507/04/2015
12.Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service08/01/201506/05/2015
13.Indian Trade Service06/05/201401/07/2015
14.Indian Statistical Service24/06/201429/07/2015***
 *CRC - Cadre Review Committee ** GoM - Group of Ministers *** Minutes awaited

B. Pending Proposals
Sl. No.Name of the ServiceStatus
(i) With Cadre Controlling Authority/Ministry Concerned - CRC meeting held but Cabinet approval pending (4)
1.Railway Protection Force CRC meeting held on 29/07/2013. Decision with the approval of Mos (PP) and FM has been communicated to the Ministry of Railways on 09/10/2013 for taking Cabinet approval.
2,Indian Naval MaterialThe CRC meeting held on 24/10/2013. Comments of DoPT on Cabinet Note have been provided on 21st January, 2015.
3. Indian Information ServiceCRC meeting held on 30/07/2014. Approval of MoS (PP) and FM has been conveyed to Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for taking Cabinet approval on 15/12/2014.
4.DGET & Women Training DirectorateCRC Meeting held on 10/04/2015. Approval of MoS (PP) and FM Directorate has been conveyed to Ministry of Labour & Employment for taking Cabinet approval on 26/05/2015.
(ii) With Cabinet Secretariat (3)
5.Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises MSMEApproval of Secretary (P) & Secretary (Exp) has been obtained and the Note for Cadre Review Committee has been sent to Cabinet Secretariat
6.Indian Postal ServiceThe first CRC Meeting was held on 20/07/2015. It was decided that the Cadre review proposals may be taken after the report of 7th Pay Commission is received.
7.Indian P&T Acctt. and Fin. ServiceApproval of Secretary (Expenditure) on the revised cadre strength has been obtained and Note for Cadre Review Committee has been sent to cabinet Sectt. on 27/07/2015.
(iii) With Department of Personnel & Training (10)
8.Central Reserve Police ForceThe-cadre structure is under submission in view of discussion held in meeting with MHA on 08/07/2015 and 17/07/2015
9.Central Engineering Service (Roads)The Proposal was received on 24/04/2014.Clarifications were sought from MoRTH, and based on reply received on 16/10/2014 a revised structure was proposed and sent to MoRTH for their comments. The proposal has been referred by the DoE with their comments on 26/06/2015. A meeting is scheduled to be held on 14/08/2015.
10.Indian Railways Personnel ServiceComments of DoE on Work Charge posts have been received and the same is under submission.
11.Indian Railways Accounts ServiceComments of DoE on Work Charge posts have been received and
the same is under examination.
12.Indian Railways Stores Service
13. Indian Railways Service of Signal Engineers
14.Indian Railways Service of Electrical Engineers
15. Indian Railways Traffic Service
16.Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineers
17.Indian Railways Service of Engineers
(iv) With Ministry concerned for clarifications (3)
18.Indian P&T Building WorksClarifications are awaited from DoT.
19.Indian Telecom ServiceProposal-received on 13/05/2015. A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 05/06/2015 and the DoT was asked to clarify certain issues. Reply from DoT is awaited.
20.Indian Defence Accounts ServiceProposal received on 22/05/2015. Clarification has been sought vide letter dated 23/06/2015. Reply from M/o Defence is awaited.

Note: 1. In all the remaining cadres. letters have been written to the Cadre Controlling Authorities to send the cadre review proposals for the services/cadres pertaining to their departments.

2. By letter dated 20/04/2015 suggestions have been invited from the cadre Controlling Authorities on Cadre Review on email id

3. A presentation dated 19/12/2014 on “Reforming Personnel management in Gujarat “has been uploaded on the site for information as it contains many new initiatives of the Government of Gujarat. Slide number 16-47 has the details of restructuring and the recruitment calendar. The link is

No Plan of Privatisation of Railways

There is no plan to privatise Railways. However, private participation for building/ strengthening rail infrastructure is permissible. As per the sectoral guidelines for Domestic/ Foreign Direct Investment issued in November, 2014, private participation is permissible in suburban corridor projects through Public Private Participation, high speed train projects, dedicated freight lines, rolling stock manufacturing and maintenance facilities, railway electrification, signaling system, freight terminals/ logistics parks, passenger terminals, railway technical training institutes, testing facilities, concessioning of standalone passenger corridors, non- conventional sources of energy, mechanized laundry, bio toilets, technological solutions for level crossings and to improve safety.

Apart from private participation for building/ strengthening rail infrastructure, no plan has been chalked out for mobilisation of private funds for Railways. For development of Railway projects, Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with Life Insurance Corporation of India for 1.5 lakh crore to be made available over a period of five years.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.


Govt admits to shortage of doctors in CGHS dispensaries

The government today admitted that there is "some" shortage of doctors in the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) dispensaries across the country.

"There is some shortage of doctors in the CGHS dispensaries across the country. Main reason of shortage of doctors in CGHS is low rate of joining medical officers," Health Minister J P Nadda told Lok Sabha.

Elaborating about steps taken to rectify the situation, Nadda said requisitions have been sent to UPSC to fill up vacant post while promotion of senior administrative grade has been made time bound without linkage to vacancies.

He said that the age of superannuation of non teaching and public health specialists has been increased from 60 to 62 years while the period of study leave for CHS doctors has been increased to 36 months as against 24 months for other central government employees.

As per the data, out of the total of 1,383 sanctioned doctors, 381 are vacant in the country. The maximum 699 posts are sanctioned in Delhi in which 190 are lying vacant.

Replying to another question, Nadda said that in 2015, 224 posts are vacant in three central government hospitals in Delhi - Safdarjung, RML hospital and Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals.

In AIIMS, in the same year period, 213 posts are vacant.

He said that the reasons behind vacancy in CHS cadre are low rate of joining, recruitment of teaching, non teaching and public health sub cadres could not be done during 2011-13 and non availability of eligible candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC communities against seats reserved for them.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Anna Hazare rallies in for OROP: Things to know about the scheme

The 78-year-old social activist Anna Hazare is back with holding rallies across the country and this time the cause is not corruption. He is supporting the demand for One Rank One Pension.

The Gandhian Anna, is holding a rally in Ludhiana on Sunday and will visit Rohtak, Maharashtra and Ramlila Maidan on August 9, 23 and October 2 respectively. He plans to combine the OROP issue with Land Acquisition Bill.

OROP has been in news for a long time now, here are few things to know about why it has become a controversial issue:

What is OROP?

One Rank One Pension is a scheme for ex-servicemen which provides the same pension to armed forces with the same rank . According to the scheme, the two servicemen who retired in different years will get the same amount of pension if they have served for equal number of years. OROP was functional till 1973.  

When did the conflict start?

It was in 1973 that the Indian National Congress (INC) government aborted OROP post the Third Central Pay Commission. The termination led to protests on various occasions. It was the Indira Gandhi government who aborted the scheme.

OROP as a political instrument

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his election manifesto promised to implement this policy. While campaigning in Haryana during 2014 he declared that if elected he will implement OROP. Post coming to power his Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar repeatedly gave public affirmations about the implementation of the scheme but it still stands unattended.

It was actually in the Manmohan Singh led UPA government tenure that this issue gained momentum again after the UPA post Sixth Pay Commission disregarded the OROP. But towards the end of the tenure, former Defense Minister AK Antony announced that UPA will implement the policy by 1 April 2014 though only Rs. 500 crore were allocated for it.

Congress too used OROP to address the rallies and promised its implementation.

Koshyari Committee

A ten member Parliamentary Panel known as the Koshyari Comittee headed by Bhagat Singh Koshiyari examined the OROP policy. The committee found merit in OROP and recommended early implementation.

When the matter went to the Supreme Court, it ordered for its implementation in 2009. A reminder of sorts was sent to the government this year to implement the policy.

Question of affordability 

According to the expenditure estimates by Ministry of Defense, OROP estimates vary between Rs 8000 to 9000. Experts say that it is affordable but the defence pension budget for 2015-16 is Rs 54,500  which includes about 400,000 defense civilians.

What is the present scenario?

Presently, the pension is based on the Pay Commission recommendations at the time when they retired. A serviceman who retired in 2000 with a lower rank receives more pension than the serviceman who retired with a higher rank in 1996

The implementation will benefit 25 lakh ex-servicemen, the Finance Ministry has to finally take the call.



Next to 7th Pay Commission, the words that circulates more among the central government employees is “DA expected for July 2015″. To that extent, Dearness Allowance sways the minds of the central government employees.

The AICPIN needed for the calculation of DA for the month of July 2015 has been released. As already said, an increase of 6% is confirmed. The hiked DA for July 2015 will be 113% + 6% = 119%.

When compared to the other DA announcements made at different times, this announcement holds importance. The reason for this is: Central Government employees think that the next DA announcement (DA January 2016) may be released when the 7th Pay Commission is in force.

The DA calculation method that is presently followed has to be definitely changed. It does not reflect the true inflation levels. When 10% increase is got through DA, there is a 15% increase in reality. Federations and Labour Unions have requested the government to address this issue several times.

The DA which is calculated and given once in 6 months has to be calculated and given once in three months. Changes have to be made to ensure that the increased DA is given to the employees in the months of January, April, July and October.

In today’s situation, technology has grown tremendously, so a gap of six months appears too long. A change can be easily carried out if the Government and the 7th Pay Commission have a good mind to do this. The employees will receive the increased DA in time without delay.

Monday 3 August 2015

Special Cover on Golden Jubilee celebrations of Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore - 27th July 2015.

In order to honour Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya, the great visionary, celebrated engineer and statesman of our country, the All India Manufactures’ Organization, Mysore State Board, decided to set up a Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum (VITM) at Bangalore. Foundation stone of museum was laid by Shri B.D. Jatti, Chief Minister of erstwhile Mysore State on 15th September 1958. A modest building with a built up area of 4000 sq. mtrs., was constructed in the serene surrounding of the Cubbon Park, housing various industrial products and engines, which was opened by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 14th July 1962. The first gallery set up at VITM on the theme ‘Electricity” was opened to the public on 27th July 1965 by the then Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting & Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi.
VITM has a Dinosaur Corner with mobile app facility, replica of the Wright Brothers’ Flyer “Kitty Hawk”, ‘Science on a Sphere’ - the only one in Asia, 7 permanent exhibition galleries titled Engine Hall, Fun Science, Electrotechnic, Space – Emerging Technology in the Service of Mankind, Biotechnological Revolution, BEL Hall of Electronics and Children Science. It also has Mobile Science Exhibition with 24 participatory exhibits mounted on a bus. VITM also organises several education extension activities to supplement science education in the schools. The first HAM Radio station was also set up in VITM that became a passion for the children and adult alike.
Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore celebrated Golden Jubilee during the year 2014-15 and a Golden Jubilee Celebration was held on 27th July 2015. On the occasion ‘My Stamp’ and Special Cover were released by Prof. R. C. Sobti, Chairman, Governing Body, NCSM and Mrs. Veena R. Srinivas, Postmaster General (BD), Karnataka Postal Circle. (Special Cover approval no. KTK/48/2015)
Special Cover on golden jubilee celebrations of Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore
Special Cover on golden jubilee celebrations of Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore
Special Cover on golden jubilee celebrations of Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore
Cover Courtesy: Sushil Mehra, Bengaluru | Suresh Rao, Bengaluru